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更新时间:2018-07-04 浏览次数:260 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 按要求写词           
    1. (1) big(比较级)
    2. (2) fall(过去式)
    3. (3) five(序数词)
    4. (4) write(名词)
    5. (5) story(复数)
  • 2. It is cold. I will put     my scarf.
    A . on B . off C . in D . out
  • 3. Halloween is on 31st     
    A . November B . December C . October D . September
  • 4. He didn't like his nose because his friends laughed     him.
    A . at B . to C . for D . with
  • 5. Today is Children's Day. Let's go     a trip.
    A . to B . for C .   \ D . with
  • 6. She is going to read a magazine     swam.
    A . about B . of C . to D . for
  • 7. Everyone in my family      in the morning.
    A . feel excited B . felt exciting C . feels excited D . felt excited
  • 8.       adults     children like this stories.
    A . Both;and B . All;and C . Both; or D . All; or
  • 9. 给下列句子排序

    I want to make jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween.

    Cut out a circle.

    Take a big orange. Cut out a face.

    Take out the inside.

    Light a candle and put it inside your orange.

  • 10. 将下列童话故事与相对应的书籍连线。

  • 11. 阅读理解

        Christmas is on December 25th. It's time for the family to get together and celebrate. On Christmas, people usually decorate a Christmas tree in their houses. They also sing carols and give presents.

        On Christmas Eve, children put stockings out for Santa Claus. On Christmas Day, children open the stockings and presents. Later, families eat Christmas dinner together.

        Many families also go to church on Christmas to remember Jesus' birthday. Jesus was born on December 25th. Wise men visited Jesus and gave him presents.

    1. (1) Christmas is a time       .
      A . to celebrate your birthday B . to visit Jesus C . to eat dinner D . for families to get together and celebrate
    2. (2) What do families decorate on Christmas?
      A . Stockings. B . A Christmas tree. C . Presents. D . Carols.
    3. (3) What do children put out on Christmas Eve?
      A . Presents. B . Christmas dinner. C . A Christmas tree. D . Stockings.
    4. (4) On Christmas Eve, children put out stockings for     
      A . three wise men B . their parents C . Santa Claus D . Jesus
    5. (5) Why do many families go to church on Christmas?
      A . To eat Christmas dinner. B . To give Jesus presents. C . To decorate a Christmas tree. D . To remember Jesus' birthday.

