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(新版)人教新目标版(Go for it)八年级下册Unit...

更新时间:2017-02-06 浏览次数:1038 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 根据句意和首字母提示填写单词。

    1. (1) Grace has been d for two years. But after the operation she can hear clearly.

    2. (2) The box is heavy. I can't c it.

    3. (3) —Jack used to be short and have short straight hair. Now he is tall and has long curly hair.

      —What a big c he has!

    4. (4) The windows are closed now. Can I o them and let the fresh air in?

    5. (5) As a soccer player, David has to t in the playground every day.

  • 12. 根据汉语意思,用适当的短语补全句子,每空一词。

    1. (1) 莉莉很像她的妈妈吗?

      Does Lily   her mother?

    2. (2) 去年的歌咏比赛对他产生了很大影响。

      Last year's singing competition     to him.

    3. (3) 你们的篮球队是什么时候组建的?

      When was your basketball team  ?

    4. (4) 他们决定把这些钱捐赠给儿童之家。

      They decided to   the money to a children's home

    5. (5) 格林先生对拥有一辆家庭小轿车的想法感到很激动。

      Mr. Green    the idea of having a family car.

  • 23. 根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

        One day, a farmer took a bag of wheat to town. He didn't know what 1 when the bag fell off his horse. The bag was 2 heavy for him to lift. He hoped that 3 would come and help him.

        Before long a man came over. But the farmer was 4 when he saw the man, because he was the famous judge(法官) in "town. The farmer was afraid to ask him for 5.

        As soon as he came up to the farmer, the judge 6 his horse and said," You need my help, don't you? Let me help you." Then he took one end of the bag, and the farmer took 7. They 8 the bag of wheat onto the horse.

        "Sir," asked the farmer, "how can I 9 you?"

        "Well," the judge replied, " 10 you see anyone in need of help, do the same for him."

    A . to do       B . do    C . doing       D . did
    A . so       B . too     C . such      D . very
    A . anybody   B . everybody  C . nobody     D . somebody
    A . happy    B . hungry   C . sad       D . angry
    A . advice    B . help       C . money     D . wheat
    A . got off   B . got out       C . fell off     D . got on
    A . other     B . another     C . others     D . the other
    A . dropped   B . pushed    C . lifted      D . drew
    A . call     B . pay         C . stand      D . afford
    A . if        B . before        C . until     D . though

