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初中英语牛津版(深圳·广州)七年级下册Module 3 Na...

更新时间:2017-03-21 浏览次数:728 类型:同步测试
一、 英英释义。
二、 单项选择。
三、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
四、 完形填空。
  • 26. 根据短文理解, 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

        Mrs. Black has have 1 of trouble with her skin, 2 she goes to see her doctor about it. The doctor can't find 3 wrong with her. But he gives her some tests.

        Mrs. Black calls the doctor the next day and asks about the tests·

        The doctor says: "No problem, but l will 4 you a list of things you can't eat·"

        Mrs. Black writes all the things down on 5. She puts the paper 6 the telephone. Then she goes 7. Two hours 8, she comes back. Her husband is waiting for her. "Look! Everything 9 for you, my dear." He says.

        "But you don't know 10 I need," Mrs. Black says.

        "Don't you remember your list beside the telephone, my dear?" Mrs·Black says·

    A . many   B . a lot   C . a few
    A . or    B . yet  C . so
    A . anything    B . nothing    C . something
    A . ask  B . take  C . give
    A . a lot of paper   B . a piece of paper C . a lot of papers
    A . for    B . beside  C . with
    A . in    B . to  C . out
    A . late    B . later    C . latest  
    A . is ready    B . get ready    C . are ready
    A . which    B . who   C . what
五、 阅读理解。
  • 27. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。

         Shenzhen's fast development has made it become China's most crowded city!  Here are about 15 million people living on its 1,991 square kilometers. On each square kilometer averagely(平均地) live 7, 500 people. It is 1, 080 more than that in Hong Kong, and nearly 800 more than that in Guangzhou.

        Besides, Shenzhen owns 2 million local vehicles, and about 300, 000 vehicles from other places also run on the local roads every day. The total length of the city's roads is 6, 041 kilometers. It means each resident only owns 0. 58 meters of road!

        As a result, the city is facing serious environment and resource(能源) problem. One of the problems is water shortage. The amount of fresh water for each person of the city is only 25% of the country's average. What's more, most of the water drunk by Shenzhen people comes from other areas.

    1. (1) According to the passage. Which of the following makes Shenzhen so crowded?

      A . Shenzhen has not enough water. B . There are too many people· C . Shenzhen is developing very fast. D . Shenzhen is too small·
    2. (2) There are          people living in Shenzhen now.

      A . about 1, 991 B . about 15, 000, 000 C . about 150, 000 D . about 300, 000
    3. (3) In Hong Kong, there are           people on every square kilometer·

      A . about 7,500 B . about 1,080 C . about 800 D . about 6, 420
    4. (4) Which problem in Shenzhen is not mentioned in the passage?

      A . Traffic accidents B . Water shortage C . Environment problems D . Population problem
    5. (5) Which is the best title for this passage?

      A . Largest Population in China B . Biggest Problems in Shenzhen C . Busiest Roads in Shenzhen D . Most Crowded City in China
  • 28. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。

        Dick was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning and sold the fish in the market in the afternoon. Then he bought some food for his family. When winter came, they were often hungry. One morning the hungry man fell into the river and wasn't found. Dick's mother left her three-year-old son without saying good-bye. His aunt had to look after him.

        Twenty years passed. Dick became a tall, strong man. He found work on a farm. He worked hard and wanted to get more money. He often went to see his aunt with some nice presents. The woman was very happy but one day she died in a traffic accident. The young man was very sad. After he buried her, he decided to buy a beautiful tombstone (墓碑)for her. He went to town and came in a shop, but all the tombstones were too expensive. He asked, "Do you sell an old tombstone, sir?" "Yes, we do, sir," answered the shopkeeper. "Is it as expensive as the new one?''

        "No, it's much cheaper," said the man. "But another name was engraved(刻) on it." "It doesn't matter," said Dick. "My aunt couldn't read."

    1. (1) If         , the family members were hungry.

      A . Dick's father could catch no fish in winter B . Dick's father had a boat in winter C . Dick's father had to 1ook after him in winter D . no food was sold in winter
    2. (2) The woman had to look after Dick because         .

      A . she was rich B . his father asked her C . she was kind—hearted D . the boy loved her
    3. (3) Dick wanted to get more money to         .

      A . marry a wife B . give his aunt nice presents C . buy a farm D . build a house
    4. (4) Dick often went to see his aunt because          .

      A . she felt lonely B . she was often ill C . she had no children D . with her help he grew up
    5. (5) Dick wanted to buy an old tombstone because       .

      A . he had enough money to buy a new one B . his aunt couldn't read whose name was engraved C . his aunt wasn't going to mind it D . nobody knew what his aunt's name was
六、 书面表达。
  • 29. 假如你是班长, 老师让你设计一份班规。

    要点包括:1. 不乱扔垃圾, 不乱涂乱画, 保持教室整洁干净。2. 不在教室内吃喝。3. 不追逐打闹。4. 爱护公物, 损坏赔偿。可适当补充其他规定, 字数在60一80。


    班规:class rule垃圾:rubbish追逐打闹:horseplay   嬉闹:public property公物:pay for赔偿

