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新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语...

更新时间:2018-09-14 浏览次数:593 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 完形填空

        Good afternoon, everyone! I'm Tom Smith.1is my first name. Smith is my2name. I am 3 student. My favorite(最喜欢的)4 is green. My telephone number is 356-3967.There are 5 numbers in it. This girl is my friend.6 name is Linda.7 is her favorite color. Look! Her schoolbag and jacket are red! What's her telephone number?8 990-4732.Ms.Gao is our(我们的)English teacher. We like(喜欢) her very much. That9my classroom.10 the number, please. F-I-V-E. Yes, I'm in Class(班级)Five.

    A . Tom B . Smith C . Tom Smith D . Smith Tom
    A . English B . first C . last D . middle
    A . B . a C . an D . the
    A . map B . cup C . color D . school
    A . four B . five C . six D . seven
    A . My B . Your C . His D . Her
    A . Blue B . White C . Red D . Yellow
    A . It B . It's C . They D . They're
    A . is B . am C . be D . are
    A . Name B . Spell C . Meet D . Phone
  • 17. 根据对话内容,故答案选择正确答案。

    Lucy:Good morning,Gina!

    Gina:Good morning,Lucy!

    Lucy:How are you?

    Gina:I'm fine,thank you.

    Lucy:Do you know(认识)Rose?

    Gina:Yes. Rose is my friend and her mother(母亲)is my English teacher.

    Lucy:Is her last name White?

    Gina:No. Her last name is Smith.

    Lucy:Is Rose always(总是)in a yellow jacket?

    Gina:No. Rose is always in a red jacket.

    Lucy:What's her telephone number?Is it 389-61497.

    Gina:Oh, no. It's my phone number. Her telephone number is 389-1645.


    1. (1) Rose's(罗丝的)mother is a________.
      A . teacher B . doctor C . worker D . driver
    2. (2) ________ knows Rose.
      A . Lucy B . Gina C . Lucy's English teacher D . Gina's mother
    3. (3) Rose's last name is ________.
      A . White B . Brown C . Green D . Smith
    4. (4) Rose's jacket is ________.
      A . blue B . red C . green D . yellow
    5. (5) Rose's telephone number is ________.
      A . 389-1645 B . 398-6149 C . 389-6149 D . 389-1625
  • 18. 从方框中选择适当的单词完成短文。

    His,   She,   good,   I'm,   and,   Her,   are,   He

        Hello, Alan.Can you see the boy(男孩) the girl(女孩)?The boy is tall.  name is Frank. is from England. The girl is thin. name is Linda. is from the USA(来自美国).Now Frank and Linda  in China. They are my  friends(朋友).

  • 29. 补全对话,每空一词。

    A:Good morning, boys and girls. name's Rose Green. What's  name?

    B: Jim.

    A:Nice to meet you, Jim.

    B:Nice to meet you,.

    A:What's his name, please?

    B: name is Bob. He is my good friend.

    A:And what's  name, please?

    B:Her name is Jenny.

    A: she your good friend?

    B:Yes,  is.

