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更新时间:2018-09-25 浏览次数:246 类型:单元试卷
  • 12. 听录音,把短文补充完整

        Last weekend Daming to the park . In the park , he football with some boys . He also many pictures . It very hot that day . So he an ice cream .

  • 13. 根据汉语提示补充单词。
    1. (1) ce cr m(冰激凌)
    2. (2) lv(喜欢)
    3. (3) m  (遇见)
    4. (4) drp(使掉落)
    5. (5) hrry(赶紧)
  • 14. 根据汉语提示补充单词。
    1. (1) w t(等待)
    2. (2) bck(回来)
    3. (3) wth(和…一起)
    4. (4) thse(那些)
    5. (5) ysterdy(昨天)
  • 15. 按要求写单词     
    1. (1) run(过去式)
    2. (2) finish(第三人称单数)
    3. (3) these(对应词)
    4. (4) hurry(过去式)
    5. (5) meet(现在分词)
    6. (6) email(复数)
    7. (7) drop(过去式)
    8. (8) those(单数)
    9. (9) send(过去式)
    10. (10) run(现在分词)
  • 26. 选择配伍

    ⑴I dropped my ice cream .                       A、Let's buy some .

    ⑵When did you come back ?                    B、Hurry up . Run !

    ⑶Look at these ice creams .                      C、We came back last Sunday .

    ⑷There's our bus .                                     D、Oh no ! My new shoe !

    ⑸Do you live in this house ?                     E、My mother .

    ⑹What did you have for lunch ?               F、To the zoo .

    ⑺Who did you go with ?                           G、Yes , I do .

    ⑻Where are you going ?                           H、Noodles .

    ⑼Did you go to Beijing last year ?             I、I did my homework .

    ⑽What did you do last night ?                   J、Yes , I did .

  • 27. 选词填空

    whose   who   where   what   when

    1. (1) book is this ?
    2. (2) did you buy in America ?
    3. (3) did you go ?
    4. (4) did you meet in the park ?
    5. (5) did you come back ?
  • 33. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Tom had a busy weekend . On Saturday morning , he washed his clothese and went to the park . He did his homework and went fishing on Saturday afternoon . On Sunday morning , he cleaned his room and visited his grandparents . He played football and watched TV on Sunday afternoon . He was tired but happy .

    1. (1) Tom had a busy Tuesday .
    2. (2) Tom went fishing on Saturday afternoon .
    3. (3) Tom visited his grandparents on Sunday morning .
    4. (4) Tom watched TV on Sunday morning .
    5. (5) Tom was very happy .

