当前位置: 初中英语 /人教新目标(Go for it)版 /七年级上册 /Unit 3 Is this your pencil? /Section A
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新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语...

更新时间:2018-10-26 浏览次数:341 类型:同步测试
  • 16. 完形填空

        Hello!My 1 is David. I am in No.12 Middle School. Here 2a photo of a pen. Is it mine?3. It is not my pen. It is my good friend Anna's. She lost 4 pen in the school library this morning. It is black. Now she can 5 it. I can e-mail her about it 6 anna808@tom.com.

        I found a 7 of keys in Classroom 7C this afternoon.8 yours?My phone number is 798-5546. Please 9 me. You can 10 the teacher for them, too. Thank you!

    A . name B . number C . game D . card
    A . be B . is C . are D . am
    A . Hello B . OK C . Yes D . No
    A . your B . his C . her D . my
    A . meet B . find C . spell D . say
    A . to B . at C . in D . for
    A . notebook B . computer C . set D . cup
    A . That is B . Are they C . Is that D . They are
    A . see B . help C . excuse D . call
    A . ask B . have C . thank D . please
  • 37. 根据对话情境, 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。

    A.What about the ruler?

    B.I have her phone number.

    C.Is this your eraser?

    D.You're welcome.

    E.Is she in the classroom now?

    A:Excuse me, Tom.

    B:Yes, it is. Thank you.

    A:The eraser is yours.

    B:It isn't mine. You can ask Mary. Her ruler is green.


    B:No, she isn't. She is in the library. If you can't find her, you can call her. It's 326-4589.

    A:OK. Thank you.


