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更新时间:2018-10-12 浏览次数:196 类型:单元试卷
  • 6. 听录音,给下列句子排序。

    Lily's mother wants to go to Kunming .

    Daming has got an American pen friend .

    Playing football is my hobby .

    I often do my homework in the afternoon .

    I want to visit the Great Wall .

  • 29. 选出正确的应答语。

    ⑴Have you got Chinese dragon kites ?                      A、No , she can't .

    ⑵What's your hobby ?                                                 B、There are 193 .

    ⑶Can you speak English ?                                           C、Yes , he really likes dancing .

    ⑷Tell me more about Thanksgiving Day ?                  D、Yes , we have .

    ⑸How big is New York ?                                              E、Taking photos .

    ⑹How many member states are there in the UN ?     F、Yes , I can .

    ⑺Pleased to meet you .                                               G、It's got more than eight million people .

    ⑻Can Laura speak Chinese ?                                       H、It's a train .

    ⑼Does he like dancing ?                                              I、We have special meals .

    ⑽What is it ?                                                                J、Pleased to meet you , too .

  • 40. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

        Hello , I'm Lily . I'm from America . I live in New York . I know Beijing is very big and very famous . So I'm going to Beijing this winter holiday . I'm going to visit Tian'anmen Square and the Great Wall . I like Chinese food . I want to go to the Chinese restaurants . My parents are going there with me . We want to go by plane . I want you be my friend . Can you be my Chinese pen friend ?

    1. (1) Where's Lily going ?
      A . Xi'an B . Shanghai C . Beijing
    2. (2) Where's Lily from ?
      A . America B . China C . Canada
    3. (3) How many places is Lily going to visit ?
      A . Two B . Three C . One
    4. (4) How do Lily and her family go to Beijing ?
      A . By train . B . By car . C . By plane .
    5. (5) What does Lily like ?
      A . Chinese food . B . Fast food . C . English food .

