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更新时间:2017-03-28 浏览次数:817 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 根据汉语提示完成句子

    1. (1) The boy got angry and he (打)me on the nose.

    2. (2) The picture is (值)at least twenty pounds.

    3. (3) She just smiled and (摇晃)her head as they sat and discussed hockey.

    4. (4) She is cooking in the (厨房).

    5. (5) Modern (技术)is amazing,isn't it?

  • 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空

    1. (1) I'm glad (see)you.

    2. (2) My father has never taken up (smoke).

    3. (3) The doctor keeps a record of all the serious (ill)in the village

    4. (4) She is trying to lose (weigh).

    5. (5) We'd like to do all we can (protect)our earth.

  • 3. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式埴空

      in pain,look up,take an interest in,in the future,die from 

    1. (1) He likes music very much,so he begins to singing songs.

    2. (2) “My son is missing,”she cried .

    3. (3) The old man a car accident last year.

    4. (4) 一What is Lucy doing?

      一She is some new words in the dictionary.

    5. (5) 一What are you going to be ?

        一I'm going to be an artist.

  • 9. 根据汉语意思完成句子

    1. (1) 母亲及时地把小男孩从火旁拖开。

      The mother the boy  the fire just in time.

    2. (2) 他从一边走到另一边。

        He walked     

    3. (3) 大明和李明都是学生。

         Darning Li Ming students.

    4. (4) 这是一块木头。它是硬的。

        This is    .It's hard.

    5. (5) 你可以去看医生并且向他求助。

        You can go to the doctor and him  .

  • 10. 根据短文内容回答问题

          What do you think is the most common illness? Do you get ill sometimes? We are lucky to live now because there are lots of medicines to make people better.

         The most common illness in the world is the cold.It often begins with a sore throat.Then you sneeze and your nose runs.You usually have a headache,too.Often you cough later.It's not a very bad illness but you can feel quite ill.   

         There isn't a cure(治愈)for a cold but you can take medicines to make you feel better.For instance aspirin(阿司匹林)can stop your headache.It is good to rest and to drink a lot of water,too.A doctor once said to me,“With the proper medicine a cold will last for seven,days.With no medicine it will go on for a whole week!”

         Where does our medicine come from? A long time ago people knew that some plants made them feel better.They ate the leaves,the roots,the I fruit or the seeds of those plants.For instance the juice of lemons makes a sore throat feel better.

         In modern times scientists have looked at these plants and found out which chemicals(化学物质)are in them.Many of our medicines today are made from those chemicals.   

         There are some illnesses which we can't cure yet.And nobody has found a cure for old age.But because of modern medicines most people now live longer than their grandparents.   

    1. (1) How does a cold often begin?   

    2. (2) Can aspirin stop a headache?

    3. (3) How long does a cold usually continue?   

    4. (4) What kind of juice makes a sore throat feel better?   

    5. (5) What are many of our medicines today made from?   

