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更新时间:2019-09-19 浏览次数:99 类型:同步测试
一、 短文填空。
  • 1. 短文填空

        Wild animals are important to us. They live t with us on the earth. If there are no animals on the earth, we will not live on, e. So we should take good care of them to help the earth live a h life.

        But some people still don't r the importance of protecting them. They kill wild animals for food and something e. Every day many wild animals are being killed. So far, lots of wild animals have died out. If this goes on, there will be no animals l on the earth.

        L, many people have begun to know the importance of protecting wild animals. They ask others to stop killing wild animals. Now many countries have made some l to protect wild animals and to stop people from killing them.

        Protecting wild animals is the d of each of us. We should do our best to protect them because protecting them is protecting o too.

  • 7. 补全对话

    A: Hello, this is Laura. May I speak to Cindy?

    B: Hi, Cindy speaking.


    B: I am watching a film on the Internet.


    B: A popular film called Zootopia (《疯狂动物城》).


    B: Yes, it's about animals' dreams. I am deeply moved by it.

    A: Sounds good. I'll enjoy it when I'm free.

    B: I'm sure you'll like it.

    A: Oh, I found an interesting place to go for a picnic. Want to join us tomorrow?

    B: Umm, let me have a look first.

    A: Sure. Please do remember to give me a reply.

    B: OK. Thanks for calling.

    A. I hear it's very popular.

    B. Is it about animals?

    C. What are you doing now?

    D. What film is it?

    E. Would you please send its information to me?

    F. When do you usually go to the movies?

    G. Well, but why do you call me?

  • 8. 阅读理解

        Many animals hide to stay alive. They hide in many ways. Some animals hide in leaves; some animals hide in snow. Usually their colors or shapes help protect them. It's hard to see an Arctic bear in snow. Its white fur helps protect it. Chameleons(变色龙) can hide by changing colors. Their skin turns the same color as what is around them. Some chameleons can change colors in five minutes.

        Many animals try to look bigger than they are to stay alive. Some animals can make other animals think they are very big. If they look very big, animals that are looking for food will run away. Bears can walk on two legs. They look very, very scary. Some animals will run away from them.

        Many animals try to stay around other animals. This helps them stay alive. Zebras stay close together so that they can help each other look out of danger. Seeing many stripes at once can also confuse animals that want to eat them. Some birds stay in a circle, each toward a different direction. In this way they can also help each other stay alive by looking around for animals that many want to eat one of them.

    1. (1) Animals have ways to stay alive. How many of them are mentioned in the passage?

      A . One B . Two C . Three D . Five
    2. (2) Why do animals hide?

      A . Because they like to play hide-and-seek. B . Because they are shy. C . Because they want to catch other. D . Because they want to protect themselves.
    3. (3) How do Chameleons hide?

      A . They change colors. B . They change shapes. C . They hide in snow. D . They hide in leaves.
    4. (4) How do zebras hide?

      A . Become good friends. B . Talk to each other. C . Help each other look out for danger. D . Eat and play together.
    5. (5) Why do animals try to look bigger than they are ?

      A . They want other animals to run away from them. B . They want other animals to follow them. C . They want other animals to see them. D . They want other animals to like them.

