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牛津译林版2018-2019学年小学英语六年级下册Unit ...

更新时间:2019-02-26 浏览次数:191 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 汉译英
    1. (1) 每年
    2. (2) 欢迎游客
    3. (3) 下个月
    4. (4) 明年
    5. (5) 例如
    6. (6) 新鲜的空气
    7. (7) 长城
    8. (8) 在中国
    9. (9) 读报纸
    10. (10) 做晚饭
  • 17. 根据首字母提示,补全短文

        Ann is an English g. She and her father w to China five years ago. She s English. She can also speak a l Chinese. At weekends, she u plays games with her Chinese f. Her father works in Shanghai. He t English in Ann's school. Ann and her father both like China and the Chinese p very much. But they are going b to t country next year.

  • 18. 阅读理解

        The story is about two mice(老鼠). They are friends. One mouse lives in the country. The other lives in the city. One day they meet each other. The one in the country says, “Come and have a look at my house.” They come to a house in a field. The country mouse gives the city mouse nice food. But the city mouse says.” This food is not good. You must come and live with me in the city.”

        So they go to the house of the city mouse. It is a very good house. Nice food is ready(准备) for them to eat. But just when they begin to eat, they hear a great noise, 'Run! Run! The cat is coming! ”the two friends run away quickly. After some time, they go out. The country mouse says to the city mouse, “I don't like to live in the city. It's dangerous.

    1. (1) The two mice live_______.
      A . in the same place B . in different places C . in the city D . in the country
    2. (2) The city mouse__________.
      A . wants to live with the country mouse B . lives with the country mouse for a long time C . get nothings go eat from the country mouse D . doesn't like the food of the country mouse's
    3. (3) The city mouse asks the country mouse to his house, doesn't he?
      A . No, he isn't. B . Yes, he does. C . No, he doesn't. D . I think so
    4. (4) Which sentence is true(正确的)?
      A . They are helpful. B . They are not well. C . They are good friends. D . They don't know each other.
    5. (5) When a cat is coming, the two mice __________.
      A . stay there quietly B . run away quickly C . say “hello” to it D . want to make friends with it

