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更新时间:2019-02-13 浏览次数:119 类型:同步测试
一、 翻译
二、 单选题
  • 11. 补全对话

    Lily: Hello, Tony.

    Tony: Fine, thank you. And you?

    Lily: Not bad. Mary and I planned to see the movie KongYiji tonight.

    Tony: KongYiji? I have heard of it.

    Lily: Lu Xun. Do you know him?

    Tony: Can you tell me something about him?

    Lily: Sure! Lu Xun is one of the most famous writers in modern China. He is famous for novels, such as The True Story of AhQ.

    Tony: Oh, I see. Can I go to see the movie with you?

    Lily: Of course.


    Lily: At 7: 30.


    Lily: At 7: 20 at the cinema gate.

    Tony: OK. See you then.

    A. Who is it written by?

    B. Who's your favourite writer?

    C. No, I don't.

    D. How are you these days?

    E. When and where shall we meet?

    F. How long will the movie be on?

    G. When will the movie start?

  • 12. (2018八上·肥东期末) 阅读理解

        Lao she Teahouse

        It is named after the famous Chinese writer, Lao She, and one of his best-known plays, Teahouse. It has three floors. Customers here can enjoy many kinds of traditional Chinese art performances, and taste beijing-style snacks

        Location: Qianmen Xidajie, Xuanwu District


        Wanghaixuan Teahouse

        Though we can't see the sea at this teahouse, it's still a good place to drink tea it's a bit small but the hall is big enough. And you can enjoy the performance of the waiters

        Drink a cup of hot tea and have some fresh desserts

        Location: Deshengmen Dajie, Xicheng District


        Yuansu Teahouse

        It is a quiet place. There are many kinds of popular tea leaves for you to choose. And you can notonly drink tea but also enjoy music by Chinese traditional instruments. Customers here can have a good time

        Location: Xinyuanxili Dongjie, Chaoyang District


    1. (1) Of the three teahouses, ________ is/are at Chaoyang District.
      A . one B . two C . three D . four
    2. (2) I want to get some information about Yuansu Teahouse, I should call ________.
      A . 6303 6830 B . 6525 6141 C . 6401 0791 D . 6467 3079
    3. (3) At Wanghaixuan Teahouse you can enjoy ________.
      A . traditional Beijing-style snacks B . special seats C . some fresh desserts D . music by Chinese traditional instruments
    4. (4) ______ has three floors.
      A . Lao She Teahouse B . Wanghaixuan Teahouse C . Yuansu Teahouse D . The three teahouses
    5. (5) These three teahouses are in ________.
      A . Shanghai B . Tianjin C . Chongqing D . Beijing

