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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册Unit 7...

更新时间:2019-05-09 浏览次数:510 类型:同步测试
  • 16. 完形填空

        Hello! I'm Alice. I'm an American girl. Now I'm in Beijing with1parents. Today is Sunday. I2to Dongfang Clothes Store. Wow! I see lots of 3clothes in it. They have sweaters at very good 4.They have some bags5sports. They have hats in red, black6yellow. The white7are on sale. They8only 15 dollars. I think they are cheap, so I9a small one for myself and a10one for my mother.

    A . your B . his C . my D . their
    A . come B . sell C . see D . help
    A . long B . nice C . small D . short
    A . prices B . colors C . photos D . names
    A . on B . with C . of D . for
    A . but B . and C . with D . at
    A . skirts B . hat C . wallet D . sock
    A . does B . do C . is D . are
    A . bring B . look at C . buy D . sell
    A . red B . large C . well D . black
  • 37. 填写适当的句子补全对话

    A: ?

    B: Yes, please. I need two pairs of trousers.

    A: OK.?

    B: Blue.

    A: How about these two pairs?

    B: Cool! ?

    A: 11 dollars for one pair and 20 dollars for two pairs.

    B: Great! .

    A: Here you are.

    B: .

    A: You're welcome.

