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更新时间:2019-04-25 浏览次数:153 类型:同步测试
  • 6. 选词填空

    look forward to, make friends,walk up,on the beach, go sightseeing

    1. (1) Many tourists come to in our city every year.
    2. (2) You will feel cool and comfortable when you lie .
    3. (3) We getting presents from our parents during the Spring Festival.
    4. (4) the mountain and you can see the whole city。
    5. (5) Mary often helps others,so her classmates like to with her.
  • 7. 阅读理解

        Air is all around us. At the time we are born, air is around us everywhere(任何地方). We live in air.

        All living things need air. Living things cannot live without(没有) air. We can go without food or water for a few days, but we can't live a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working, we need more air. When we are sleeping, we need less air.

        We live in air but we cannot see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can you make air move? Here is one way. Take an open book in your hands in front of your face. Close it quickly. What can you feel? It is air.

    1. (1) Where is air?
      A . It's on the table. B . It's all around us. C . It's near us. D . It's not here.
    2. (2) What do all living thing need?
      A . Wind. B . Clothes. C . Air. D . Food.
    3. (3) Moving air is called           .
      A . wind B . rain C . snow D . cloud
    4. (4) When do we need more air?
      A . Sleeping. B . Sitting. C . Working. D . Standing.
    5. (5) What does the word “less” in the passage mean?
      A . 多于 B . 少量 C . 没有 D . 更多
  • 13. 完形填空

        Dick Smith, 1 18 –year-old boy, thinks that the most important people in his 2 are his friends.3 fact may people like Dick Smith think that their family members(成员) and even their 4 don't know them as well 5 their friends do. In large families, we have already found that brothers and sisters can not get on 6 with each other.

        It is very important for young people 7 one good friend or a group of friends. They are nearly at the same age and 8 up together. They usually spend a lot of time on the phone.9 is very important in children's growing up. Because friends can discuss something difficult to say in their families. However some parents often try to choose their children's friends for them. Some parents even stop their children from 10 their good friends.

    A . a B . an C . nearly D . about
    A . lives B . life C . lifes D . day
    A . On B . At C . In D . Out 
    A . father B . mother C . parent D . parents
    A . so B . as C . than D . of   
    A . well B . bad C . good D . nice
    A . have B . to have C . having D . had
    A . growing B . have grow C . grew D . grow
    A . Phone B . Talking C . Listening D . Writing
    A . meeting B . meet C . to meet D . met

