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更新时间:2019-04-25 浏览次数:210 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What will Cathy do tomorrow morning?
      A . Have a piano class. B . Take exercise. C . Go shopping.
    2. (2) What does Cathy want the boy to take?
      A . Tickets. B . Food. C . Some drinks.
  • 12. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is Henry doing?
      A . Playing games. B . Watching a video. C . Watching a film.
    2. (2) How long has Henry learnt to draw cartoons?
      A . For two years. B . For three years. C . For four years.
    3. (3) What kind of cartoon doesn't Henry like?
      A . The Chinese cartoon. B . The Japanese cartoon. C . The American cartoon.
  • 13. 听短文,回答问题
    1. (1) How many brothers does Disney have?
      A . Four. B . Five. C . Six.
    2. (2) Where did he study arts?
      A . In Missouri. B . In Chicago. C . In Hollywood.
    3. (3) When did he get married?
      A . In 1937. B . In 1925. C . In 1921.
    4. (4) What made Disney famous in the world?
      A . Disneyland Park. B . His books. C . Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
    5. (5) When did the first Disneyland Park open?
      A . In 1955. B . In 1959. C . In 1995.
  • 29. 完形填空

        Teddy bears are one of the most popular toys all over the world. The first teddy bear came from a(n) 1 about America's 26th president, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.

        President Roosevelt was a great hunter (猎手). One day, he traveled in Mississippi. Some people took him to go 2. Things were not going well and President Roosevelt hunted 3. Someone had an idea. He caught a bear and tied it to the tree for President Roosevelt to 4. The bear looked very 5 and tired, so Roosevelt refused to shoot it.

        The next day, a cartoon artist drew a picture about the scene. The Washington Post published the picture 6 November 16, 1902. Most Americans 7 the newspaper and knew the story, including Morris and Rose. Morris and Rose had a toy store and they decided to make a toy bear to 8 the president's actions. They called 9 "Teddy Bear". It 10 sweet and harmless (无恶意的). It became popular soon.

    A . idea B . story C . speech D . movie
    A . swimming B . climbing C . fishing D . hunting
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . catch B . tie C . shoot D . take
    A . careful B . helpless C . useless D . strong
    A . in B . on C . at D . for
    A . read B . wrote C . watched D . sold
    A . forget B . remember C . keep D . finish
    A . him B . her C . it D . us
    A . looked B . tasted C . grew D . smelt
  • 30. 补全对话

    A. But I prefer funny cartoons that can make people laugh.

    B. I like friendly and smart cartoon characters.

    C. How much are they? 

    D. Sounds good.

    E. What characters do you like?

    F. These T-shirts are great!

    G. Are you kidding?

    A:We've been in this shop for three hours. I feel a little tired.

    B:Look, Tina. Look at this one.

    A:What a great T-shirt! I love Mickey Mouse.

    B:Well, it is smart.


    B:I like super heroes like Superman and Batman.

    A:I like them too.

    B:Really? I got a really funny cartoon DVD yesterday. Why not come to my house to see it after shopping?


  • 31. 阅读理解

        There is a new cartoon movie called Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. The story happens in a small American town. People there don't have enough food. They only have fish to eat. Luckily, an inventor comes to help people. Who is he? Read what he says: "Hi!I'm Flint. I'm an inventor. I invented a new machine to make food for our town. It changes water into food. It can make meatballs and hamburgers rain down. It can make whatever people want!"

        Flint has a monkey friend. He is very helpful. Read his self-introduction: "Hi, my name is Steve. I'm a monkey. I can talk with an animal translator. Flint invented it. I'm Flint's best friend. When he needs me, I'm a good helper. "

        What's more interesting is that there is a special weather reporter. She tells people when and where the food will fall down. Read what she says: "Hi, my name is Sam. I am a weather reporter. People love Flint's invention. They have a lot to eat. But it's raining bigger and bigger food pieces. The food can smash(砸烂) houses! Flint has to stop it."

        Will Flint stop the food rain? Go to see the movie and find out.

    1. (1) What kind of movie is Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?
      A . A love movie. B . A history movie. C . A cartoon movie. D . A war movie.
    2. (2) The people there only eat fish because________.
      A . they like eating fish B . they don't have any other food C . they can catch fish easily D . they don't like eating other food
    3. (3) What's the reporter's name in the movie?
      A . Flint. B . Sam. C . Steve. D . Monkey.
    4. (4) Why does Flint have to stop raining food?
      A . Because people don't like his invention. B . Because the food is not delicious. C . Because people want big food pieces. D . Because the food can smash houses.
  • 32. 阅读理解

        From a large elephant to a small mouse, animals live happily together in Disney's new movie Zootopia. Judy Hopps, the main character, becomes the first rabbit police officer in the city. While solving a mystery, she meets the smart fox, Nick, who helps her with her case (案件), and some other animals like the lion mayor (市长) and a sloth(树獭)called Flash. Here is something more about the movie.

        There are 64 kinds of animals in the movie. All of them look like real ones except Judy, the first rabbit police officer. Its appearance is a bit different from real rabbits. Real rabbits actually have split lips (嘴唇),but the film makers decided to make Judy's lip all together to look nice.

        Film makers learned that not all fur (皮毛) of animals is the same. In the movie, some of polar bears' fur is clear. It appears white because the light reflects off it. Part of a fox's fur is dark at the root, getting lighter till its red top. They did so to make sure that the animals in Zootopia were believable.

        Moreover, a film maker, Nathan Warner with his partners also took a trip to Africa for researching animals. There they had a close watching of different animals. According to their discovery, these artists added leaves to animals' coats like the big sheep. They also made animals' tears run from the inside corners of eyes down to the outside of the mouths.

    1. (1) From the passage we know that Zootopia may be the name of a(n) ________.
      A . animal B . mayor C . zoo D . city
    2. (2) Which of the names doesn't belong to the animals in the movie?
      A . Flash. B . Nathan Warner. C . Nick. D . Judy Hopps.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "split" mean in Chinese?
      A . 裂开的 B . 完美的 C . 无缝的 D . 光滑的
    4. (4) Which statement is not true according to the passage?
      A . Nick is a smart fox and helps the police officer, Judy Hopps to solve a case. B . In the movie, the animals look the same as the real ones including Judy. C . Part of a fox's fur is dark at the root and gets lighter till its red top. D . The artists added leaves to animals' coats to make them believable.
  • 33. 阅读理解

        What do you think will happen when the traditional culture meets modern technology? Yes, the "dead" words become lively characters (人物) at once. How happy it is to enjoy these Chinese cartoons!

    Ma Liang is a poor boy who loves painting. He always uses his magic brush to fight against bad people in the village. The cartoon The Magic Brush came out in 1955.

    A group of tadpoles (蝌蚪) are born. They try to find their mother that they have never seen. The story is very simple, but it needs complex technology to show the artistic style of ink (水墨) painting. Little Tadpoles Looking for Mom was watched in 1961 first.

    The Monkey King: Uproar in Heaven (1961-1964) is China's first colour cartoon. It is from the Chinese novel Journey to the West. It's successful. Not only we but also many westerners like the great monkey Sun Wukong.

    To beat two bad persons, an old man grows 7 calabashes (葫芦), and they change into 7 boys. They try their best to beat the bad. Calabash Brothers (1986) is a masterpiece (杰作) of Chinese paper-cutting art.

    1. (1) ________ shows the artistic style of ink painting.
      A . The Magic Brush B . Little Tadpoles Looking for Mom C . The Monkey King: Uproar in Heaven D . Calabash Brothers
    2. (2) What does the underlined (画线的) word "complex" mean in Chinese?
      A . 重复的 B . 复杂的 C . 杂乱的 D . 冗长的
    3. (3) The Monkey King: Uproar in Heaven is ________.
      A . the first film in China B . only loved by Chinese C . the first colour cartoon in China D . loved by all the westerners
    4. (4) Which is true according to the passage?
      A . Ma Liang punished the villagers with his brush. B . Little Tadpoles Looking for Mom came out in 1964. C . The Monkey King is from a Chinese novel. D . Calabash Brothers is from Chinese clay art.
  • 34. 任务型阅读

        People usually hate mice, but one mouse wins the hearts of the people all over the world—the famous Mickey Mouse.

        Fifty years ago, most films had no sounds. A man named Walt Disney made a cartoon mouse that could talk in these films. He named his mouse Mickey Mouse. Soon Mickey Mouse became a good friend of both young and old people. Children like to see their lovely friend, because he brought happiness to them.

        Mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning. Perhaps this is why people love Mickey Mouse. In his early life Mickey made some mistakes. People were very angry. They wrote to Disney and said that they didn't want Mickey to do wrong things. As there were many things that Mickey could not do, Disney made a new animal named Donald Duck. He also made a dog, Pluto. This dog does foolish things and makes mistakes wherever he goes. Now our Mickey Mouse is not only clean, but more interesting. He came out as a star of beauty and wisdom (智慧). He has his friends in almost every country.

    1. (1) Why do people like Mickey Mouse?(不超过10个词)
    2. (2) What did Disney make besides Mickey?(不超过5个词)
    3. (3) Why did Disney make Donald Duck?(不超过15个词)
  • 40. 假如你的英语老师让你在英语角向同学们介绍一下你最喜爱的动画片角色, 请根据下面的提示, 写一篇80词左右的英语短文。









