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更新时间:2019-04-25 浏览次数:328 类型:单元试卷
  • 6. What did Mary's mother buy for her?
    What did your mother buy for you yesterday, Mary?<br />She bought me a pair of shorts.<br />What did your mother buy for you yesterday, Mary?<br />She bought me a pair of shorts.
    A . B . C .
  • 7. How will the man go back from the UK?
    What are you going to do tomorrow?<br />I'm going to fly back from the UK tomorrow.<br />What are you going to do tomorrow?<br />I'm going to fly back from the UK tomorrow.
    A . B . C .
  • 8. Who is Tom's English teacher?
    Who is your English teacher, Tom?<br />The man wearing glasses is my English teacher.<br />The man wearing glasses is my English teacher.
    A . B . C .
  • 9. Why is David so excited?
    Why are you so excited?<br />I'm looking forward to going sightseeing.<br />Why are you so excited?<br />I'm looking forward to going sightseeing.
    A . B . C .
  • 10. What are they doing at the moment?
    What are the students doing at the moment?<br />They are having a test.<br />What are the students doing at the moment?<br />They are having a test.
    A . B . C .
  • 11. 听下面一段对话, 回答问题。
    What clothes should I take to Los Angeles this time?<br />You need a sweater. It's a little cold there now.<br />Should I take the umbrella?<br />No, you don't have to. It's sunny this week.<br />What clothes should I take to Los Angeles this time?<br />You need a sweater. It's a little cold there now.<br />Should I take the umbrella?<br />No, you don't have to. It's sunny this week.
    1. (1) What does the man advise the woman to take?
      A . A coat. B . A sweater. C . An umbrella.
    2. (2) What's the weather like in Los Angeles this week?
      A . Sunny. B . Rainy. C . Windy.
  • 12. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    Where are you from, sir?<br />I come from China. How about you?<br />I'm from Japan.<br />When did you come to Los Angeles, sir?<br />I came in 2007.<br />Now I am a cook here.<br />Oh, you've been here for a long time. I just came last month.<br />Maybe you can come to work in our restaurant. It's quite good.<br />Oh, thank you.<br />Hi.<br />So you are my boss now.<br />I come from the countryside.<br />What about you?<br />I'm from Japan.<br />When did you come to Los Angeles, sir?<br />I came in 2007.<br />Now I'm a cook here.<br />Oh, you've been here for a long time. I just came last month.<br />Maybe you can come to work in our restaurant. It's quite good.<br />Oh, thank you.
    1. (1) Where does the woman come from?
      A . China. B . Japan. C . India.
    2. (2) How long has the man stayed in Los Angeles?
      A . For 10 years. B . For 12 years. C . For 9 years.
    3. (3) What does the man do?
      A . A cook. B . A waiter. C . A driver.
  • 13. 信息转换

    The Summer Camp in Los Angeles


    It lasts for weeks.


    You will enjoy comfortable rooms and delicious meals in a(n) family.


    You will learn at school in the morning.

    You will visit some famous in the afternoon. You will have dinner and do the in the evening.

    Welcome to our summer camp in Los Angeles. In the following two weeks, you will enjoy real<br />American life. Each of you will stay with an American family. They will provide you with<br />comfortable rooms and delicious meals. In the morning, you will take the school bus to school<br />to learn English. In the afternoon, we will take you to visit some famous universities in Los Angeles.<br />In the evening, you will return to your American family to have dinner. Of course,<br />you should do the housework after dinner because you are a member of the family now.<br />Welcome to our summer camp in Los Angeles. In the following two weeks, you will enjoy<br />real American life. Each of you will stay with an American family. They will provide you with<br />comfortable rooms and delicious meals. In the morning, you will take the school bus<br />to school to learn English. In the afternoon, we will take you to visit some famous universities<br />in Los Angeles. In the evening, you will return to your American family to have dinner. Of course,<br />you should do the housework after dinner because you are a member of the family now.
  • 29. 完形填空

    Dear Laura,

        Thanks for your email. Yes, I am having a great time on my exchange programme in France. It's even 1 than I thought. I was a little nervous before I arrived here, 2 there was no reason to be worried. My host 3 is really nice. They try their best to make me feel at home. And you wouldn't believe how 4 my French has improved! Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn't bother (使……烦恼) me as before. My biggest challenge (挑战) is learning how to 5 at the dinner table. As you can imagine, things are really different6 those at home. For example, you should not eat 7 with your hands except bread, not even fruit. 8 thing is that it is very rude to say you are full. If you don't want any more food, you should just say "9". Also, it's rude to put your hands in your lap. I find 10 difficult to remember everything, but I am getting used to them.

        Hope you are having a good school year. Please write to me soon.


    Wang Kun

    A . worse B . better C . sadder D . lazier
    A . and B . then C . but D . so
    A . school B . classroom C . house D . family
    A . fast B . slow C . good D . many
    A . eat B . drink C . talk D . behave
    A . between B . from C . to D . as
    A . something B . everything C . anything D . nothing
    A . One B . The other C . Another D . Other
    A . I'm not hungry B . I'm full now C . I don't want anything D . It is delicious
    A . it B . that C . this D . its
  • 30. 补全对话

    A. I can't wait to go there.

    B. May I speak to Amy?

    C. How soon will you be back?

    D. What's your favourite place?

    E. How long will you stay there?

    F. What's the weather like in Beijing?

    G. What place would you like to visit?

    A:Hello! Who's calling, please?

    B:Hi! This is Jack speaking in Beijing.

    A:Hey, Jack! This is Amy. Why are you in Beijing now?

    B:I've come to see my aunt with my parents.


    B:It's now very warm and comfortable in May, just right for sightseeing.

    A:That's why many people go there for sightseeing at this time of year.

    B:For five days.


    B:I like the Summer Palace best. When I was there, I lost myself in the beautiful scenery.


    B:I'm sure you will have fun there.

  • 31. 阅读理解

        Every year, a lot of children in the USA go to summer camps. Some go to play outdoors in the woods, in the mountains or on lakes. But families now have many choices of special camps. These can be in the middle of nature or a big city. Special camps offer young people the chance to learn about different subjects.

        In technology camps, one subject that children can learn about is video game design. They learn how to use computer programs to create games of their own. One program that teaches video game design is called Cyber camp. Children can learn how to design their own virtual(虚拟的)worlds to set their video games in. Then, they program their own rules and objects into the games.

        Cyber camp also offers courses in robot building and Web design. A recent story in the Washington Post described how one child made a robot that could sing a song. Another made a robot that could follow a black line drawn on a piece of cardboard. Also, children can learn how to make websites. One child made a site for Pokémon, one of his favorite cartoon shows.

    1. (1) Traditional camps are ________.
      A . in the woods B . in the mountains C . on lakes D . all of the above
    2. (2) Special camps offer young people the chance to learn about ________.
      A . only space B . only science C . only medicine D . different subjects
    3. (3) In Cyber camps a child made a robot that could ________.
      A . sing B . dance C . speak D . draw
    4. (4) Which one is NOT true according to the passage?
      A . There are many special camps in the USA now. B . Families prefer traditional camps to special camps. C . Special camps can be in the middle of nature or a big city. D . In technology camps, children can create games of their own.
  • 32. 阅读理解

        You may have heard of MOOCs—Massive Open Online Courses(大规模在线开放课程).

        These courses are given by famous universities around the world. They were usually for university students or adults, but that's changing. MOOCs are also for younger learners now.

        Mr Wei is a teacher from a middle school in Shanghai. He opened several computer courses last year. He recorded his courses and put them on the Internet as a part of the "MOOCs Go to Middle School" project in China. Middle school students can now choose from those online courses and study by themselves outside school.

        Some teachers are worried. Although they can learn a lot from MOOCs, middle school students may not have enough time to take MOOCs outside the class.

        In November, 2012, a university in the USA opened the world's first free MOOC for middle school students—a three-week class on biology. About 200 middle school students took the class and some were from as far away as China. You see, time and distance are not problems for eager learners.

    1. (1) MOOCs were usually for__________ in the past.
      A . university students B . middle school students C . pets D . pupils
    2. (2) Mr Wei put several________ courses on the Internet.
      A . biology B . history C . maths D . computer
    3. (3) Some teachers worry that students________.
      A . don't have enough time to take MOOCs B . can't learn anything from MOOCs C . can't understand the courses D . don't like MOOCs
    4. (4) The underlined word "eager" means "________ " in Chinese.
      A . 勤奋的 B . 有经验的 C . 渴望的 D . 慢性的
  • 33. 阅读理解

    Global English Club

    ☆English training in four skills:listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

    ☆4-month(800 yuan), 6-month(1, 400 yuan) and one year(2, 500 yuan) courses.

    ☆Choice of morning or evening classes, 3 hours per day, Mon. —Fri.

    ☆All native teachers from Canada and the USA.

    ☆Tel:8872806   Add:306 Xinhua Road

    Body-building Club

    ☆All facilities(设备) supplied.

    ☆On the top floor of Sunny Hotel.

    ☆Every evening from 6:00 to 9:00, Mon. —Sun.

    ☆Drinks and fruits ready for you during breaks.


    ☆Add:369 Dunhuang Road

    Piano Club

    ☆One-to-one training on Sat. & Sun. from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (150 yuan per hour).

    ☆Experienced teachers.

    ☆Pianos supplied for free.

    ☆Convenient transportation.


    ☆Add:808 Park Road

    1. (1) In English training class you will have ________ teachers.
      A . Canadian B . French C . Chinese D . Italian
    2. (2) If you want to improve your English, you will ________.
      A . dial 6353188 B . have classes either in the morning or in the evening C . go to 808 Park Road  D . have classes both in the morning and in the evening
    3. (3) How much do you need to pay for one-to-one piano training every time?
      A . 300 yuan. B . 150 yuan. C . 450 yuan. D . 800 yuan.
    4. (4) If Jim is exercising in the Body-building Club, where can you find him?
      A . 808 Park Road. B . On the highest floor of Sunny Hotel. C . 696 Dunhuang Road. D . 306 Xinhua Road.
  • 34. 任务型阅读

        My school is so beautiful. It is in a small village in Germany. There's a special activity in my school. And I'm sure you've never heard about it. It is called Abi-Ulk. It's the favourite day for us.

        Every summer in our school, we have the Abi-Ulk day. On that day, students will no longer take lessons in classrooms but rush onto the playground. They can play games together and have fun for a whole school day. How about the teachers? They have to sit in an obstructed(堵住的) area to ensure that they can't control the students on the other side of the playground.

        Last year's Abi-Ulk impressed me a lot. I still remember that it was a hot day. We all went to the playground. But this time, we didn't just play games but had a water fight!Everyone had a water gun. We ran after each other and tried to shoot others with water. The fight was so exciting!After an hour, we all got wet. Then, the school band started to play. Teachers came from their "obstructed area" and joined us. We danced and sang. What a fun day!

    1. (1) Where is the school?(不超过10个词)
    2. (2) Why do the teachers have to stay in an obstructed area on Abi-Ulk day?(不超过10个词)
    3. (3) What did the writer mainly want to tell us in Paragraph 3?(不超过15个词)
  • 40. 假如你是李华,你将于今年寒假参加中英中学生文化交流(the cultural exchange between Chinese and English middle school students)。你将寄宿在英国Mr and Mrs Brown家里,请你给他们发一份e-mail, 简单介绍一下自己的情况, 如年龄、家庭、所在学校、所学课程、兴趣爱好等,并请他们给你回邮件到邮箱lihuachina @ 163. com里,简要介绍他们自己,因为你也想早些了解他们。

    词数: 80词左右。

    Dear Mr and Mrs Brown,

        I'm a Chinese boy. My name is Li Hua.


    Li Hua

