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更新时间:2019-04-25 浏览次数:224 类型:单元试卷
  • 7. 听一段长对话,选择最佳答案。
    1. (1) Where is Betty from?
      A . Beijing. B . London. C . New York.
    2. (2) How long has Betty been in Beijing?
      A . For about two weeks. B . For about two months. C . For about two years.
    3. (3) What place hasn't Betty been to yet?
      A . The Summer Palace. B . Tian'anmen Square. C . The Great Wall.
    4. (4) What does Betty want to be?
      A . Chinese teacher. B . An English teacher. C . A doctor.
    5. (5) What does Betty think of Chinese?
      A . Boring. B . Easy. C . Difficult.
  • 8. 听一篇短文,选择最佳答案。
    1. (1) I spent my summer holidays _________.
      A . in the city B . in the countryside C . at home
    2. (2) During the summer holidays, I could visit my _________.
      A . friends B . classmates C . grandparents
    3. (3) The environment(环境) there was _________.
      A . terrible B . dirty C . nice
    4. (4) I helped people there _________.
      A . do farm work B . do homework C . do housework
    5. (5) The children there weren't good at_________ .
      A . reading B . writing C . speaking
  • 19. 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        My parents have always loved everything about India, so one year ago we went on holiday there. It's a wonderful 1 with beautiful scenes and interesting people.  However, I didn't enjoy Indian 2 very much.

        On the second day we planned to see an old palace. At the 3 they said. "If you go by train, it'll take you only two hours to get there. " However, the hot 4 took over four hours. I was very 5 when we got there,  so we had some rice and vegetables with bread in a small restaurant. We were 6 to find it was quite nice. I wasn't full up though and I saw a man nearby eating some little meatballs.

        I said to my dad, "I've been eating rice all week. Can I have some meatballs please? "

        Well, they looked delicious so I ate the first one very 7. I was just putting the second one in my mouth when I felt myself 8 —my mouth was on fire! I started to cough(咳嗽)and there were tears (泪水)in my eyes. I couldn't 9 how spicy (辛辣的) it was!

        I drank about ten glasses of water but the worst thing was everyone was laughing at me. You couldn't make me eat another Indian meatball for all the 10 in the world!

    A . town B . city C . country D . restaurant
    A . food B . scenes C . people D . costumes
    A . palace B . hotel C . airport D . entrance
    A . sail B . walk C . drive D . ride
    A . hungry B . curious C . cheerful D . nervous
    A . shocked B . surprised C . bored D . tired
    A . quietly B . easily C . quickly D . gently
    A . burning B . watering C . crying D . smiling
    A . feel B . believe C . think D . know
    A . diet B . luck C . time D . money
  • 20. 阅读理解

        On my recent trip to Sydney with my parents, we visited the Wildlife Park(野生动物园).

        The Wildlife Park has lots of different animals and birds. There are over 600 animals there, including kangaroos, koalas and crocodiles(鳄鱼). They are in their natural environment. I like the Wildlife Park better than a zoo. Most of the animals are in cages(笼子) in the zoo.

        We first spent some time with the kangaroos. We could touch and feed them. It was very exciting to be so close to them. There were koalas, too. They looked very cuddly(令人想拥抱的). Although we could not carry them, I got to take a photo with one. It is a wonderful souvenir(纪念品) of my holiday in Sydney.

        The Wildlife Park has plenty of freshwater and saltwater crocodiles. Some of them are really big and scary(吓人的) with huge teeth! I did not want to get too close to them.

        There was also a bird show. The keepers showed us different species(种类). I saw that an old parrot could "talk". It made a great impression(印象) on me.

        I enjoyed the trip very much. There was so much to see.

    1. (1) Where is the Wildlife Park?
      A . In Sydney. B . In Cairo. C . In Athens. D . In Rome.
    2. (2) What is a wonderful souvenir of the writer's holiday?
      A . A parrot that could talk. B . A chance to feed a koala. C . A photo with a koala. D . Food for the kangaroos.
    3. (3) Why didn't the writer want to get very close to the crocodiles?
      A . They lived in water. B . The writer was afraid of them. C . The writer did not want to feed them. D . The writer did not like the smell of saltwater.
    4. (4) Which of the following is true?
      A . The kangaroos are kept in cages in the Wildlife Park. B . The writer travelled to the Wildlife Park alone. C . The writer went to see koalas first. D . The writer watched a bird show.
    5. (5) How did the writer feel after visiting the Wildlife Park?
      A . Excited. B . Unhappy. C . Bored. D . Hopeless.
  • 21. 阅读理解

        Nowadays, phone calls and messages help us make regular contact (联系) with others. It means that we seldom write letters now. But a TV show, Letters Alive (《见字如面》), is bringing back this old habit.

        Letters Alive invites famous actors and actresses, but there are no funny jokes or different competitions. Instead, it's just one person walking up to a microphone and reading a letter.

        The letters were written(被写) by people from different times in history. For example, in one episode (集), they read a letter written by famous writer Xiao Hong to her younger brother in 1941. The letter shows that Xiao Hong missed her brother so much and had great hopes for his future.

        "Every letter opens another world for us." according to Guan Zhangwen, the director of the TV show. "It seems that we can experience the real lives and feelings of the writers." Since its first episode on Dec. 5, Letters Alive has been widely praised. Many audiences (观众) said that it has provided a breath of fresh air to today's TV shows.

        Besides Letters Alive, some other cultural TV shows have also been well received by Chinese audience. They include Chinese Poetry Conference, a traditional Chinese poetry competition and Readers, a program that invites people to read poems and articles they like or wrote. It suggests that cultural values and true feeling are becoming our interest.

    1. (1) Letters Alive, a TV show, invites famous people to_________.
      A . tell audiences jokes B . read and share letters C . walk up to a microphone to sing D . enter different competitions
    2. (2) According to the passage, which sentence is RIGHT?
      A . We can experience the real lives and feelings of the writers by reading letters. B . Xiao Hong missed her brother but had no hope for his future. C . Letters Alive is not popular enough to attract audiences. D . Chinese Poetry Conference invites people to read poems and articles.
    3. (3) How many cultural TV shows are mentioned in the passage?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    4. (4) Chinese audiences _________these cultural TV shows.
      A . like B . dislike C . show no interest in D . doubt about
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Phones have taken the place of letters B . Welcome to cultural TV shows C . Letters encourage us to communicate D . Letters become popular again
  • 22. 任务型阅读

        What do you think of your Chinese? It's good or bad? If you think you are good at Chinese, you can take part in a ⑴_________. The competition is Chinese Characters Dictation Competition. The competition has been popular among teenagers since(自从……以来) last summer.

        Today teenagers are using computers and smart phones. Many of them lose themselves in digital products such as electronic dictionaries and computers to help with their study. Overuse of these tools will make students too lazy to think and write. Some students even forget the hand writing of Chinese characters. Teachers and parents have been very worried about it. What can they do?

        Such worries ⑶_________ (bring) about the popular TV show, Chinese Characters Dictation Competition, where middle school students stand on the stage to write down Chinese characters. Over two hundred students from forty-six schools competed. 

        Chen Keyu, a Grade 8 boy beat the other competitors. Can you be the next winner?

    1. (1) 在⑴处填写一个合适的词,使句意完整。
    2. (2) 把⑵处的句子翻译成汉语。
    3. (3) 将⑶处的空补充完整。(用bring的适当形式填空)
    4. (4) How many students competed the competition? (回答问题)
    5. (5) Who is the winner of the competition? (回答问题)
  • 38. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。

    tell,  place,  never,  be,  they,  if,  no,  about,  good,  new

        You have visited Boston before. Your friends have to the city. They say there are many interesting places in Boston. Some of them you about these interesting places in it. So you begin to know something Boston, but you don't know where these are or you don't know how to find . However, someone gives you a map of this city and shows you the main roads and buildings, you may say excitedly, "Oh, now I see. I can find many places with trouble at all."

        Maps are useful and could help you find your way in a city if you have never been to this city. When you want to go to a new place, you'd take a map with you.

  • 39. 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。

    A. What is it famous for? 

    B. Who did you go there with? 

    C. How long is the Nile River?

    D. Is the Nile River one of the longest rivers in the world?

    E. Can you tell me something about Egypt? 

    F. When have you visited the Pyramids? 

    G. Where have you been?

    A: Hello, Lingling. I have not seen you for a long time.

    B: Oh, I have been to Egypt and stayed there for three weeks. 

    A: Egypt?

    B: My parents and my aunts. 


    B: OK. Egypt is in the north of Africa and Cairo(开罗) is its capital city. 


    B: It is famous for the Pyramids(金字塔) and the Nile River. 


    B: Yes, it is. The night's scenery(景色) of the Nile River is very beautiful.

    A: I also want to visit Egypt next month with my uncle. 

    B: Really? I wish you will have a good time there. 

    A: Thank you.

  • 40. 请根据下面的提示, 以"An unforgettable journey"为题写一篇英语短文, 描述你去参观博物馆的经历。

    提示: 1)上个月和父母一起去参观博物馆;


    3)你对那些画很感兴趣, 因为你6岁开始学习画画;

    4)看到一些人在博物馆里吃东西, 并且随便扔垃圾, 你很生气并劝他们不要那样做。

    要求: 1)可适当增加细节;


