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更新时间:2019-08-27 浏览次数:263 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 按要求写单词                        
    1. (1) read(现在分词)
    2. (2) this(对应词)
    3. (3) those(对应词)
    4. (4) take(现在分词)
    5. (5) watch(第三人称单数)
    6. (6) swim(现在分词)
    7. (7) skip(现在分词)
    8. (8) ride(现在分词)
    9. (9) talk(现在分词)
    10. (10) run(现在分词)
  • 22. 选词填空。

    near   next to   on   up   in    at 

    1. (1) The bus is going  the hill.

    2. (2) It's a supermarket.

    3. (3) I live No.2 West Lake Road.

    4. (4)
      It's  the houses.
    5. (5) Look  these pictures.

    6. (6) Come   , kids!

  • 23. 选择正确的答句

    ⑴I'm hungry.                       A. She's running.

    ⑵What are you doing?       B. He's making noodles.

    ⑶What are they doing?      C. I'm hungry, too.

    ⑷What is she doing?          D. They are rowing a boat.

    ⑸What is Sam doing?         E. I'm reading a book.

  • 29. 根据短文判断正(正确)误(错误)

    Dick:Hello, Jack. Look at this picture.

    Jack:Wow! Who are they?

    Dick:They are my new friends in China.The little girl is Nancy. She is riding a bike.

    Jack:What is that boy doing?

    Dick:Oh! He is playing with yo-yo.

    Jack:What is yo-yo?

    Dick:It's a kind of ball.

    Jack:Who is the man over there?

    Dick:He is my math teacher. He is talking to his friends.

    1. (1) Jack is Dick's new friend in China.

    2. (2) Nancy is riding a bike.

    3. (3) The boy is playing with a kind of ball.

    4. (4) Dick's Chinese teacher is talking to his friends.

