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外研(新标准)版初中英语八年级上学期Module 2 Uni...

更新时间:2019-08-28 浏览次数:207 类型:同步测试
  • 16. 阅读理解

        In a map of the world you can easily find two big cities, London and New York. London is the oldest city in Britain. It's certainly the biggest city in Europe(欧洲).New York is as big as London, if not bigger. The streets in London are crowded and there is one of the world's biggest underground railway systems(地铁系统). The streets in New York are just as crowded as in London. And the New York subway carries more people each day than the London underground. There are a lot of big stores in these two cities. But New York has more supermarkets than London.

        In London there are many palaces (宫殿)and churches, for example , St.Paul's. New York isn't as old as London, and it hasn't many old buildings. But New York has more skyscrapers(摩天大楼), and they are much bigger than the buildings in London.

        London has more parks than New York .But New York's Central Park is much bigger than the biggest park in London.

    1. (1) London is _______ New York.
      A . as old as B . older than C . younger than D . as young as
    2. (2) London is the biggest city in Europe, and New York is the biggest city in _______.
      A . Europe, too B . Canada C . Australia D . America
    3. (3) The word "subway" in American English means ______.
      A . bus B . train C . underground railway D . truck
    4. (4) New York has less palaces than London because ______.
      A . it is a new city B . it has less land, too C . New Yorkers are not interested in them. D . it has little money to build them
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . London has more churches than New York. B . New York has more skyscrapers than London. C . New York hasn't many old buildings D . London has as many parks as New York.
  • 17. 补全对话

    A. Then the houses there are newer and bigger than ten years ago.

    B. The streets are wider and busier than before, too.

    C. First, the population is much larger than before.

    D. Yes, it is famous for Dongchang Lake and Gulou Tower.

    E. By the way(顺便问一下),how was your weekend?

    A: Hi, Tim. A nice day today, right?

    B: Yes, it's much cooler than yesterday.

    A: Pretty good. I went to my hometown. It changed a lot.

    B: Tell me more about it, please.


    B: What else?


    B: What about the streets?

    A:  There were few cars in the past. But now many families have their cars.

    B: Are there any famous places in your home town?

    A: Many tourists go there every year.

    B: That's great. I'd like to go there one day. Can I go with you?

    A: Of course. Welcome to my home town.

    B: Thank you.

