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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上学期Unit ...

更新时间:2019-10-30 浏览次数:260 类型:同步测试
  • 21. 完形填空

        Hello! I'm Jim. This is a 1 of my room. It is a2room. A bed, a desk and a chair are in it. There is a 3on the bed. It is very nice. My schoolbag is on the4. Is a black schoolbag.5are English books. They6 on the desk. What else(其他的) is on the desk? Two pens. They are blue and white.7my plant(植物)? It's on the floor. The chair is on the8, too. Oh.9! What are10 the chair? My brothers' CDs!

    A . book B . picture C . name D . tape
    A . nice B . OK C . orange D . girl
    A . photo B . ball C . jacket D . map
    A . bookcase B . chair C . bed D . desk
    A . Those B . That C . This D . It
    A . is B . isn't C . are D . aren't
    A . How B . What C . Where's D . Where're
    A . desk B . floor C . bed D . sofa
    A . spell B . look C . see D . know
    A . on B . under C . in D . at
  • 22. 阅读短文, 选择正确答案。

         Hello, everyone! My name is Sam. This is my study. It's big and clean. The walls are white and the floor is yellow. Just near the window, there is a computer table. A nice computer is on it. My favorite thing is to play computer games. It's very interesting. There is a bookcase on the left of the computer desk. You can see lots of books and pictures on it. I often do my homework or study in my study. I get much knowledge(知识). I like my study very much.

    1. (1) What color are the walls of Sam's study?

      A . White. B . Red. C . Blue. D . Yellow.
    2. (2) Just near the          , there is a computer table.

      A . bed B . door C . bag D . window
    3. (3) Sam likes to           best.

      A . play the piano B . play computer games C . play games with my friends D . play basketball
    4. (4) There are           on the bookcase.

      A . lots of books and pictures B . lots of books C . lots of pictures D . lots of pencils and pictures
    5. (5) From the passage, we know          .

      A . Sam only studies in his study B . Sam's study is not very big C . Sam likes his study very much D . there is a bookcase on the right of the computer desk

