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外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 9 Friend...

更新时间:2017-09-22 浏览次数:397 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 选择最佳答案。

    1. (1) How long has Frank known his best friend?    

      A . For eight years. B . For two years. C . For one year.
    2. (2) Where did Bob meet his friend?    

      A . At school. B . On QQ. C . On the train
    3. (3) When did Bob meet his friend in person?

      A . Last year B . Two years ago. C . Three years ago.
    4. (4) How did Gina go to Shanghai two years ago?

      A . By plane. B . By car. C . By train.
    5. (5) What do Gina and her friend like?    

      A . Writing and reading. B . Travelling and reading. C . Reading and talking.
  • 32. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案.

        A father and his daughter flew a kite in the park.When they stopped,the daughter saw an old man1apples.She asked father to buy her some. The father didn't2much money with him.So,he only bought two apples and3them to his daughter.

        The daughter held one apple in her left hand4the other in the right hand.Then the father asked her if she could5them with him.When the girl heard this,she6took a bite from one apple.And before her father could7 , she took a bite from the other apple.

        The father was8 . He wanted to know why his daughter did like that.A9disappeared(消失)from his face.

        But the daughter gave the apple in her left hand to her father and said."Dad.please have this one.This one is much10"The father's smile came back because he knew why his daughter quickly took a bite from each apple.

        Don't judge(判断)anything too quickly.Always spend some more time understanding things better.

    A . selling   B . picking C . eating D . moving
    A . waste B . fight C . take D . count
    A . told B . gave C . sent D . threw
    A . but  B . so C . or D . and
    A . share B . play C . pay D . touch
    A . probably   B . loudly C . quickly D . especially
    A . cry  B . speak C . sleep D . dream
    A . excited B . brave C . relaxed D . angry
    A . smile B . trust C . light D . mark
    A . bigger    B . smaller C . sweeter D . sourer
  • 33. 根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余.

    A:Danny,who is your best Mend?

    B:My best friend is Mike.


    B:He is tall and has a round face with short black hair.


    B:He likes playing football and basketball.

    A:How long have you been friends?


    A:Is he an ice boy?


    A:Can I make friends with him?


    A:That's great!

    A.Of course you can!

    B.What's his hobby?

    C.Since ten years ago.

    D.Where does he come from?

    E.Yes,he often helps others.

    F.What does he look like?

    G.How did you know each other?

  • 34. 阅读理解

        My name is Sally.When I was ten years old.I had a lot of friends.But looking back now,my best friend was someone I never really thought of as my friend,Rina.

    Rina is four years older than I.She and I lived in the same neighbourhood(社区).She went to an art and dance school in the city.Every afternoon when I played in the yard(院子)with my brother Kevin.I would see her walking home from the train station.

        During the weekend,there was always something to do,thanks to Rina.She was good at drawing,so she would teach me and my brother how to draw.She also made up excellent games with interesting characters for us to play.Sometimes,Kevin taught Rina and me basketball and I taught them guitar.

        One day,I was sitting in the yard.It was my birthday,but I was sad.Rina appeared and gave me a CD and a picture she had drawn for me.I was really surprised.To this day, I still don't know how Rina remembered my birthday,but I'm glad she did;

        Now I'm seventeen and I'm in high school.When I get home from the train station,I always see Alex, the little boy who lives down the street,and his sister Jenny.Sometimes I make up games for them to play.And sometimes I teach them how to draw.I'm happy to watch Alex and Jenny laugh and play.It makes me think of Rina,a girl who left many wonderful memories(回忆)in my heart.


    1. (1) What can we know about Sally and Rina?    

      A . They lived in the same neighbourhood. B . They played football in the same team. C . They went to the same school. D . They joined the same club.
    2. (2) During the weekend,Rina taught Sally and her brother        .    

      A . how to sing B . how to draw C . basketball D . guitar
    3. (3) What did Rina give Sally on her birthday?    

      A . A CD and a book. B . A card and a book. C . A CD and a picture. D . A card and a picture.
    4. (4) Who is Jenny?       

      A . Kevin's friend. B . Rina's friend. C . Sally's sister. D . Alex's sister.
    5. (5) What can we learn from the story?    

      A . A true friend helps out when we are in trouble. B . People with the same interests can be friends. C . Good friends are impossible to forget. D . It is hard to make friends.
  • 35. 阅读理解

    Last year,my husband and I decided to visit New Zealand.We wanted to tour the count,but we both don't like long coach journeys.Our travel agent (旅行社)advised a 13-day coach(长途客车)trip.It was a good price,so we booked it and our plane tickets to Christchurch.We made a good choice.The coach journeys passed quickly and our driver told us about each place.We learned a lot from him.

    We flew from London to Christchurch and had a free day there before the coach trip started.We weren't at all,so we walked around the city from morning to night.It has good museums,many restaurants and lovely shops.

        The most unforgettable place we visited on the trip was Queenstown.We had three days there.but it wasn't enough.We did lots of things there,from sailing to climbing.At the end of each day,we felt we had no energy(精力)at all.But the next morning it seemed(似乎)that everything was fresh again!

        All the hotels we lived in were good.My favourite one was the Puka Park Lodge.It was on a hill above a beach and there were trees everywhere.We woke up and listened to the birds singing.Now,when we're eating breakfast at home and we hear the noise of the traffic,we think of those beautiful mornings in New Zealand !


    1. (1) How did the writer and her husband go to Christchurch?    

      A . By plane. B . By train. C . By coach. D . By boat.
    2. (2) The best word for""is"    ".    

      A . brave B . proud C . lucky D . tired
    3. (3) What did the writer think of her stay in Queenstown?    

      A . Strange. B . Dangerous. C . Enjoyable. D . Long.
    4. (4) Where was the Puka Park Lodge?    

      A . In the city centre. B . In a bird park. C . On a beach. D . On a hill.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    

      A . The writer didn't like  museums in Christchurch. B . The writer's husband didn't like the Puka Park Lodge. C . The writer and her husband learned a lot from their coach driver. D . The writer and hushed planned to visit New Zealand next year
  • 36. A)根据语境用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

    1. (1) Liu Gang(pass)a park on his way to school.There are always lots of people in the park.

    2. (2) Susan is a good girl and everyone(trust)her.

    3. (3) Robert(stick) some photos on the notebook yesterday.

    4. (4) My school is big.It(include)ten buildings and two playgrounds.

    5. (5) Mr Li and his wife have to get(separate)because they work in different cities.

  • 37. B)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。


    1. (1) They saw many valuablein the museum yesterday.

    2. (2) We didn't see themoon because it was cloudy.

    3. (3) My sisterthe meaning of the word"helpling"to me just now.

    4. (4) I want to send the letter to my grandmother,but I haven't got any stamps or

    5. (5) —Has Ann got any friends here?

      —Yes.She has a wideof friends.

  • 38. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。

    1. (1) 你想参加我们的游戏吗?

      Do you want toour game?

    2. (2) 所有孩子都在家安静地读书.

      All the children are reading books

    3. (3) 我每次去图书馆都能遇见我的老师。

      I go to the library,I can meet my teacher.

    4. (4) 你们可以通过电子邮件保持联系。

      You canby email.

    5. (5) 昨天托尼向我们提到了他的计划,我们都对它感兴趣。

      Tonyyesterday and we were all interested in it.

  • 39. 根据材料内容及首字母提示填空,使材料通顺、意思完整。

        Mrs Marks bought a printer(打印机)yesterday.She was hbecause she could print anything she wanted at any time.H,after about an hour,she was angry because she couldn't print the colour blue.All the other cprinted fine,except blue,which was very unusual.

        She dto call the after-sales service department(售后服务部)to help her solve the problem.David answered the phone.He teverything he could think of to help Mrs Marks.He asked her to reinstall(重新安装)the programme,to reboot(重新启动)the computer and to turn the printer on and off. Nof these things helped.

        After hours of trying the problem swasn't solved.Finally,David asked Mrs Marks if he could go to her hand try to solve the problem in person.Mrs Marks agreed,and thim her address(地址).When he arrived at her house,she showed him her computer and the printer.David uwhat the problem was right away.He told her,"From now on,print on white paper instead of blue!"

  • 40. 假如你是Betty,Grace是你同班同学和多年的好朋友,可是你最近发现Grace对你没有以前友好,而且你还发现Grace向班里很多同学发出了她12岁生日聚会的邀请,但没有你,你感到很难过。


    Dear Mary,




  • 41. 任务型阅读

    Dear Cousin,

        As you know,I will graduate(毕业)in a few months and I can't decide what I should do after graduation.I had planned a two-month trip to Argentina.I'm sure it will be fantastic.But I just found out that I have been accepted for the internship(实习期)at American Airlines.If I work hard,perhaps they will offer me a job at the end of the summer.This happened to another student last summer.Both are great,but I really need your help in making the right decision.

        If I travel to Argentina,I can relax and have fhn with my friends.I have never taken a holiday with them and this might be the last time we can all travel together.Once I start working,it will be difficult to find so much time for a holiday.As for the internship,if I take it,I probably won't get any time to relax.I will have to start the day after graduation and I'll be busy working all the time.It will be very stressful(有压力).

        Despite(尽管)the tress,it will be a good start for me to work for American Airlines.Although I won't get paid,I will get experience.However,travelling to American will let me practise my Spanish and I know that many companies want people with good Spanish skills.I also promised my ends that I would go with them.I really don't want to them down(让……失望).

        What should I do?I'm looking forward to your advice.




    1. (1) Has Susan ever had a holiday with her friends?

    2. (2) If Susan chooses me internship at American Airlines.when should she start to work?

    3. (3) If Susan works hard during the internship,she may get a job and some money.

    4. (4) The trip to Argentina will help Susan with her Spanish.

    5. (5) Susan wrote this letter mainly to        .    

      A . say sorry to her cousin B . offer help to her cousin C . ask her cousin for advice D . say thank you to her cousin

