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北京版小学英语六年级下册Unit 2单元测试(含听力音频)

更新时间:2020-02-07 浏览次数:126 类型:单元试卷
一、Listen, look and choose.
  • 1. Which one is Lisa?
    1. Listen, look, and choose.<br />Number 1<br />I make a new friend. Her name is Lisa.<br />What's she like?<br />She has blonde hair and big blue eyes. She's beautiful.
    A . B . C . D .
  • 2. Which one is Tiantian?
    Number two.<br />What's the matter? You look so worried.<br />I can't find my son. His name is Tian Tian.<br />What's he like?<br />He is thin and he has a big head.<br />What is he wearing?<br />He wears blue trousers and a blue cap.
    A . B . C . D .
  • 3. What's Lily's sister like?
    Number three.<br />Do you have a sister, Lily?<br />Yes, I have.<br />Can you tell me more about her?<br />She has big black eyes and short hair.<br />She's lovely.
    A . B . C . D .
二、Listen and choose.
三、Listen and write.
  • 10. Listen and write.

    Linda: Who's your teacher?

    Mary: Miss Wang.

    Linda: How old is she?

    Mary: She is years old.

    Linda: Can you tell me  about her?

    Mary: She's tall and , with and round face. She is a little strict.

    3. Listen and write Who's your English teacher?<br />Ms. Wang How old is she?<br />She is 27 years old.<br />Can you tell me more about her?<br />She's tall and thin, with small eyes and a round face.<br />She is a little strict.
四、Read and choose the odd one.
五、Read and complete.
六、Read and choose.
七、Read and complete.
  • 32. Read and complete.

    strong   cousin   enjoys   sports   arms   blue   future   practices

        Jerry is my . He is 17 years old. He is tall and . He has brown hair and  eyes. He has strong .He loves  and often  in the gym. He  playing basketball. He wants to be a basketball player in the .

八、Read and translate.
九、Look, read and write &quot;T&quot; or &quot;F&quot;.
  • 37. Look, read and write "T" or "F".

    Air Jordan

        Michael Jordan (1963- ) is one of the most famous basketball players in the world. He was born in Brooklyn (布鲁克林), New York. He didn't like to talk about himself. He was also very short. He didn't play very well when he joined the basketball team in his high school at first. But the next year things changed greatly for him, as he grew much taller.

        Michael Jordan became famous when he joined the university basketball team in North Carolina (北卡罗来纳州). Michael used his quickness and strength to reach the basket again and again. He played so well that people call him Air Jordan. After college, Michael became a member of the Chicago Bull basketball team. The NBA was very surprised at this high-flying player. He was named Rookie of the year in 1985 and the most Valuable Player in 1987. He once set a record by getting 63 points in one game.

    1. (1) Jordan is a professional player.
    2. (2) Jordon was born in North Carolina.
    3. (3) Jordon played very well when he was in high school.
    4. (4) Michael became a member of the Chicago Bull basketball team before college.
    5. (5) Jordon was named the most Valuable Player in 1985.
十、Write a short passage to introduce one of your friends.

