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北京版小学英语四年级下册Unit 6单元测试(含听力音频)

更新时间:2020-02-05 浏览次数:158 类型:单元试卷
一、Listen, look and number.
二、Listen and number.
  • 2. Listen and number.

    It's not safe to push. Let's walk slowly.

    Sorry. I stepped on your foot.

    Look at the thick crowd there.

    No, I won't.

    Be careful! Don't push in the crowd.

    OK, let's be careful.

三、Listen and choose.
四、Listen and write.
五、Look and write.
  • 12. 选词填空。

    safety     push     thick     crowd

        Today is Children's Day. I go to Disneyland on May Day with my parents. There is a   there.

    Mum: Watch out for your .

    Dad: It's not safe to  in the crowd.

七、Write down the Chinese or English meaning of the words.
八、Make sentences with the given words.
九、Read and answer.
  • 19. 读短文,判断对错。

        Liangliang is flying a big kite in the street. A man tells Liangling not to fly kites in the street. There are wires. It is dangerous to fly kites there. He can do it at the square in front of the museum.

    1. (1) Liangliang is flying a small kite in the street.
    2. (2) The man tells Liangliang to fly kites in the street.
    3. (3) Liangliang can fly kites at the square in front of the museum.

