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更新时间:2020-03-04 浏览次数:359 类型:期末考试
  • 16. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        A few years ago, my husband and I were on an island for a long holiday with our two daughters. As we talked about what to do1our girls jumped in and told us2what they wanted to do. "We want to go to the butterfly museum," said Ariella and Eliana.

        As soon as we 3 into the main area of the museum, we saw thousands of beautiful butterflies, all flapping (拍打) their4wings.

        My girls were5up and down, and I knew we made the right6to come to the museum. They were having so much7.

        "How long do butterflies live?" I asked.

        The guide said, "About ten days."

        "What can butterflies do in ten days?" I asked.

        The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, "They make the world a more beautiful place.

        "Wow," I said, "I8, thought about butterflies like that. Thank you. "

        The guide was right. We all have9 to offer the world with the time we have. When we are ready to take care of each other every day, we can make a10 to the world.

        Like a butterfly, we should have our own way of making the world a little better for everyone.

    A . already B . again C . next D . before
    A . exactly B . suddenly C . easily D . rudely
    A . swam B . walked C . knocked D . shook
    A . helpless B . trapped C . colourful D . useful
    A . singing B . discussing C . kicking D . jumping
    A . decision B . vacation C . answer D . pity
    A . luck B . fun C . space D . fear
    A . usually B . often C . never D . always
    A . something B . nothing C . everything D . anything
    A . surprise B . beginning C . living D . change
  • 17. 阅读理解

    1. (1) Which tea is helpful for weight loss?
      A . White tea. B . Black tea. C . Green tea. D . Oolong tea.
    2. (2) Which type of tea is from Taiwan?
      A . Oolong. B . Chai. C . Po Cha. D . Pearl Milk.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        Do you enjoy wearing Levi's blue jeans? Blue jeans have become popular all over the world, but do you know how they got started?

        Levi Strauss & Co. started in 1853. At that time, Levi Strauss went to San Francisco from Germany. He went there to help with his brothers' dry goods business.

        The company began producing clothes in the 1870s, but it did not start making jeans until the 1920s.

        Levi Strauss and his partner Jacob Davis patented (取得专利) the copper rivet to make their clothing strong and hard in 1873. It was to become a key part of their jeans design.

        During World War II, their jeans sold very well. Before the war, they only had 15 salesmen (推销员). After the war, they had 22, 000 salesmen in 35 countries.

        Levi's jeans became popular with young people in the 1950s and 1960s. Levi's 501 jeans were then, and are today , their biggest-selling products (产品). The company is still leading the fashion industry in different countries.

    1. (1) The change in the number of the salesmen in Paragraph 5 shows ______________.
      A . how many people loved their jeans B . how well their Levi's jeans sold C . their salesmen loved their company D . their jeans were popular before the war
    2. (2) The underlined phrase "copper rivet" probably means "______________" in Chinese.
      A . 铆钉 B . 花边 C . 蕾丝 D . 棉布
    3. (3) We can read the passage from a magazine called "______________".
      A . American History B . War and Peace C . The Fashion Industry D . Funny Stories
    4. (4) The best title for the passage is ______________.
      A . The History of Jeans B . The Copper Rivet C . Jeans Business D . Levi's Jeans
  • 19. 阅读理解

        Zephyr is an 8-month-old yellow dog. She walks in the halls of campus (校园) and even goes to class with students at Hutto High School in Texas, US.

    This school has a guide dog training program. It started two years ago. Zephyr is one of the many dogs that the program trains to help the

    blind (盲人). Many other schools in Texas have the same program. In this program, students first work as dogsitters that take care of dogs. They receive training in Guide Dogs for the Blind, the largest guide dog school in North America. They help to take care of the dogs for a while before getting a dog of their own. Then, they start to teach the dogs and train them in different environments. The student trainers will work with the dogs for one year.

        Izabelle Harris, 15, joined the program about a year ago, first as a dogsitter, and now as one of the trainers. Zephyr is her dog. One morning, she and other students trained their dogs to walk across the street, as well as to avoid (避免) food on the ground or other people trying to play with them. When the school bell rang, the dogs followed their trainers to the next class, sitting or lying quietly between their trainers' feet.

        "Hopefully someday, Zephyr will be the eyes for someone," Harris said.

    1. (1) The program trains dogs to help ____________.
      A . dogsitters B . blind people C . students D . pet lovers
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE about the guide dog training program?
      A . It started five years ago. B . Students train the dogs. C . It is only at Hutto High School. D . Zephyr was a black dog.
    3. (3) As trainers, students in the training program have to ____________.
      A . work as dog sitters B . learn how to take care of the blind C . keep the dogs for two years D . have their own dogs at home
    4. (4) What do we know about Izabelle Harris?
      A . She is blind and she needs a guide dog. B . She has been in the program for one year. C . Her dog likes to play with people. D . She can't bring her dog to school.
  • 30. 连词成句
    1. (1) mainly, special, bamboo, live, giant, kind, on, of, a, pandas
    2. (2) soon, you, as, write, possible, could, me, to, as (?)
    3. (3) with, mountain, is, now, trees, the, covered .
    4. (4) in, farthest, his, he, class, swim, doesn't
    5. (5) after, long, she, found, herself, for, a, time, walking, lost
  • 36. 假设你是男生李华,想加入你校的DIY俱乐部。请根据下表所提示的要点和内容用英文写一份申请函,简要介绍一下自己并谈谈你想加入该俱乐部的原因。












    Dear Chairperson,

        I would like to join the DIY Club.


        I hope I can be a member of the DIY Club.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Li Hua

