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牛津版(深圳·广州)英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit...

更新时间:2017-10-16 浏览次数:962 类型:单元试卷
一、听录音, 在A、B、C选项中选出你所听到的句子。
二、听录音, 在A、B、C选项中选出与你所听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。
  • 4. 选出与你所听到的句子的意思最相近的句子(  )

    A . Let's take a walk after dinner. B . Let's take a walk after breakfast. C . Let's have a talk after dinner.
  • 5. 选出与你所听到的句子的意思最相近的句子(  )

    A . Something here is going well. B . Nothing here is going well. C . All the things here are going well.
三、听句子, 选择最佳答句。
四、听短文, 根据所听内容选择最佳答案。
  • 11. 根据所听内容选择最佳答案。

    1. (1) Where was the pond?

      A . In a forest.      B . On a farm. C . In a town.
    2. (2) Why were the fish worried?    

      A . Because they were worried that the dinosaur would eat them. B . Because they were worried that the dinosaur would drink the whole pond. C . Because they were worried that they couldn't make friends with the dinosaur.
    3. (3) How many fish didn't go to fight the dinosaur?    

      A . Sixty. B . Sixty-three. C . Sixty-two.
    4. (4) Why did the dinosaur lose the race?    

      A . Because he couldn't swim. B . Because he was afraid of the fish. C . Because he was too heavy to run fast.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?    

      A . The dinosaur liked the fish in fact. B . At last the fish shared water with the dinosaur. C . At last, the dinosaur went away.
  • 12. He wants to be a musician when he grows up.    
    A . person who is proud of music very much B . person who is interested in music C . person who likes music D . person who plays a musical instrument (乐器) as a job
  • 13. This house includes five bedrooms and two living rooms.
    A . takes           B . has C . returns            D . collects
  • 14. She won the match. All the students felt happy for her.    
    A . became interested in B . lost herself in C . got the first place in D . became excited about
  • 15. The teacher asked us a question yesterday, but nobody could answer it.
    A . no one            B . someone C . everyone         D . anyone
  • 16. I can't find out these things from the book.    
    A . look at B . get some information about C . make any mistakes about D . talk with
  • 17. — What do you want _____ in the future?

    — _____ inventor. The inventor is very great.

    A . to be; An         B . be; An C . to be; The        D . be; The
  • 18. — Finishing the work needs ____ intelligence.

    — Really? But we still have to ____ harder.

    A . much; work      B . much; working C . a few; work     D . a few; working
  • 19. — How much did he ______ for his bike?

    — Perhaps 100 _____.

    A . pay; dollars    B . pay; dollar C . spend; dollars  D . spend; dollar
  • 20. — Please_____ information about dinosaurs in the encyclopaedia and then we'll have a discussion tomorrow.

    — OK. By the way, will _____ need to make a speech during the discussion?

    A . look over; someone B . look up; someone                 C . look up; anyone D . look over; anyone
  • 21. — Would you like ____ to eat?

    — Yes. I am ______ hungry.

    A . anything; little B . everything; a little C . something; little D . something; a little
  • 22. — He was born _____ April 5, 1969.

    — Well, he is forty-five years old. But _____ can't tell his true age from his looks.

    A . in; anyone       B . on; anyone C . in, someone    D . on; someone
  • 23. — There isn't _____ food in the fridge.

    — Let's go to the supermarket to buy ____.

    A . any; some        B . any; any C . some; any     D . some, some
  • 24. — I have _____ to do now. Can you give me some advice?

    — Why not ____ the park with me?

    A . nothing; cleaning B . anything; clean C . nothing; clean D . anything; cleaning
  • 25. — He worked very hard to complete his work. _____, he was not successful.

    — I think, he didn't _____ the right way.

    A . However; find B . But; find C . But; look       D . However; look
  • 26. — Did Tom show the ability ____ from his early age?

    — Of course not. He is good at singing ____ he works hard.

    A . to sing; so      B . to sing; because C . singing; so     D . singing; because
  • 27. — Are your grades as _____ as Susan?

    — No. She does ____ in English, but I am not.                        

    A . good; well     B . well; good C . good; good    D . well; well
  • 28. — If we don't protect some valuable animals, they will ____ .

    — So we should try our best ____ them.

    A . die away; protect B . die away; to protect C . die out; to protect D . die out; protect
  • 29. — We should learn _____ carefully when talking with others.

    — Yes. It is very important _____ us.

    A . to listen; on           B . to listen; to C . listen, on              D . listen; to
  • 30. — I have ____ to tell you. Are you free now?

    — Yes, _____ is it?

    A . important anything; When B . important something; What C . anything important; When D . something important; What
  • 31. — ____________

    — He is from Shandong Province and he is a great writer.

    A . When did you begin to know Mo Yan? B . What do you know about Mo Yan? C . How do you like Mo Yan? D . What do you think of Mo Yan?      
  • 32. 阅读下面短文。从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies 1 with the intake (吸入量) of enough food. In the same way, we should 2learning day by day to keep our mental(精神的) power. Learning 3 us with fuel (燃料) for driving us to make our mind 4. Learning is the best way to 5 up with the times in the information age.

        It is 6 to think school is the only workshop for getting 7. Learning should be a never-ending process, from the childhood to the old age. With the world changing so fast, to8 learning will make a person fall behind. What's worse, laziness will come to 9. It will make our mental power dry up. It will surely 10 us not move. So to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong job.

    A . return      B . support C . grow D . remain
    A . get          B . keep C . achieve D . live
    A . takes   B . agrees C . gives  D . provides
    A . smarter   B . faster C . bigger   D . slower
    A . build      B . leave  C . catch   D . light
    A . careful    B . cheerful   C . right  D . wrong
    A . information  B . careers C . knowledge   D . answers
    A . finish          B . stop C . begin D . continue
    A . life      B . school  C . home D . house
    A . decide      B . take C . start  D . make
  • 33. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


        As a teenager, I felt I always let people down.

        Once I left home for California with my' friend Penelope. The trip wasn't easy, and there were many times I didn't feel safe. When I returned home, I was different, not so sure of myself.

        I was happy to be home. But then I notice that Penelope, who was staying with us, was wearing my clothes. And my family seemed to like her better than me. I told my mom, and she replied that Penelope was a lovely girl, but no one could replace (替代) me. I pointed out, "She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been." But my mother made me realize (意识到) that even with my mistakes, I was a loved member of the family who couldn't be replaced. When I became older day by day, I came to feel much more sure that no one can ever take my place.

        Each of us holds a unique(独一无二的 ) place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So forget about being replaced. You can't be.

    1. (1) Why did the writer go to California?     
      A . To take a trip. B . To visit friends. C . To take part in a party. D . To see a movie.
    2. (2) What did the writer think of being at home after the trip?     
      A . Sad.             B . Excited. C . Glad.            D . Bored.
    3. (3) Who thought no one could take the writer's place?
      A . Her friend.     B . Her mother. C . Her father.     D . Her sister.
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT true?    
      A . Penelope was the writer's friend. B . The writer thought Penelope wasn't patient. C . The writer's mother thought Penelope was lovely. D . The writer became sure of herself when she was older.
    5. (5) Which of the following is the best title for the passage?    
      A . A thing in my childhood. B . My friend and I. C . My mother and I. D . Everyone is unique.
  • 34. 阅读理解


        Last week, scientists said they discovered a new birdlike dinosaur. With feathers, a beak (鸟嘴) and long legs, it looked pretty funny. This kind of dinosaur was 3 meters (10 feet) long, and it was higher than most humans. It also had sharp claws (爪子).

        Fossil hunters dug out the bones of this species in a rocky place of southwest North Dakota. The scientists nicknamed this dinosaur the "Chicken from Hell". They also gave it a more formal name: Anzu Wyliei. Anzu was a mythical (神秘的) fire-breathing bird. Wylie is the dinosaur-loving grandson of a man who supports the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pa. Scientists at that museum were part of the team that told the new dinosaur in a paper published on March 19 in the journal PLOS ONE. "The Anzu dinosaur is based on a surprisingly nice specimen(样品), and past digs turned up this animal," a scientist told Science News for Students.

    1. (1) What did the dinosaur look like?
      A . A cow.          B . A bird. C . A dog.           D . A fish.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE about the dinosaur'?    
      A . The dinosaur had no mouth. B . The dinosaur was 2 meters long. C . Hunters found the dinosaur in the southwest East Dakota. D . Its nickname was the "Chicken from Hell".
    3. (3) We can know from the passage that _______.    
      A . Wylie likes dinosaur B . the name Anzu wyliei comes from a man's name C . the Carnegie Museum of Natural History gave money to the dinosaur's study D . the specimen is very usual
    4. (4) Students are able to get more information about the dinosaur from ________.    
      A . Science News for Students B . the Carnegie Museum of Natural History C . PLOS ONE  D . scientists
    5. (5) The writer wrote the passage to_________.    
      A . tell us a discovery of a new kind of dinosaur B . tell us what the new dinosaur looked like C . tell us who found the new dinosaur D . tell us how people found the new dinosaur
  • 35. 阅读理解


        Pliny the Elder (老普林尼) wrote the first encyclopaedia with the help of his nephew. This work was made up of 37 books and had many subjects such as anthropology(人类学) and painting. Through the following few centuries, encyclopaedias were connected to religion (宗教). The first Christian edition appeared in 560 AD, and the first Muslim volume came to light soon after.

        One of the longest encyclopaedias ever was produced in 1403 when The Yongle Encyclopaedia《永乐大典》appeared in China. It had 11,095 volumes. Most of the original work has been lost .through the centuries, and people can see less than 400 volumes today. The word "encyclopaedia" coming from Greek means "a general knowledge". It has been .in use for at least 500 years.

        In the 20th century, the Encyclopaedia Britannica became the most well known western work of this type. At the same time, topical encyclopaedias became the most popular, covering different topics. At the end of the century, many publishers began to publish them in digital formats such as Compact Discs (CDs) and Digital Versatile Discs (DVDs).

    1. (1) How many books did the first encyclopaedia have?
      A . Thirty-seven.        B . Twenty-seven. C . Thirty-eight.         D . Seventeen.
    2. (2) When did The first Christian edition appear?
      A . In 37 AD                B . In 560 AD C . Before 37 AD     D . Before 560 AD
    3. (3) Where was the word "encyclopaedia" from?
      A . Chinese.              B . English. C . German.              D . Greek.
    4. (4) Which of the encyclopaedias began to be the most popular in the 20th century?    
      A . The Yongle Encyclopaedia. B . Topical encyclopaedias. C . The Encyclopaedia Britannica. D . The first Christian edition.
    5. (5) The passage is about_______.    
      A . the history of encyclopaedias B . the kinds of encyclopaedias C . one of the longest encyclopaedias D . the most popular encyclopaedia
  • 36. 阅读理解


        This is the time of a year when we think about giving and receiving presents; Do you want to give a hand? We give you a few organizations you might like to help.

    Littleton Children's Home

        We don't want your money, but children's toys, books and clothes in good condition would be very welcome. We are also looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few hours or days and give them not only food but also love. You have so much, but will you share it?

        Phone Sister Thomas on 55671.

    Street Food

        In winter, it's no fun being homeless. It's even worse if you're hungry. We give hot food to at least fifty people every night. It's hard work, but necessary. Can you come and help? If not, can you give a little money or buy some saucepans (炖锅)? We use a very old kitchen, and we really need some new saucepans. Money for new things would be the most welcome.

        Contact Street Food, c/o Mary's house Elming Way. Phone number: 27713.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "organizations" mean?
      A . Steps.                  B . Groups. C . Addresses.            D . Greetings.
    2. (2) Littleton Children's Home doesn't need people to give them ________.           
      A . books         B . toys C . money                     D . love
    3. (3) Which of the following words can replace (替换) the underlined word "it"?
      A . Love.                  B . Food. C . Happiness.           D . Time.
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT the way to help in Street Food'?    
      A . Giving out food at night, B . Giving some money. C . Providing new saucepans. D . Providing clothes.
    5. (5) We may see the passage from _______.
      A . a food magazine  B . a storybook C . the internet          D . a movie
  • 37. A)根据对话内容, 从方框中的六个选项中选出五个合适的选项补全对话。

    A. interesting     B. knowledge    C. find     D. dinosaurs     E. message       F. learn

    Tony: You know so much about . Do you like them?

    Mary: Yeah. I about them from the encyclopaedia

    Tony: What is the encyclopaedia?

    Mary: It is a book having a lot of you want to know.

    Tony: It is so. Where did you find it?

    Mary: From our school library. There are different encyclopaedias. 

    Tony: Can I what I like?

    Mary: Of course.

  • 38. B)从方框中的七个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。

    A. He was from Italy.                  B. He was so great!

    C. When was he born?                 D. How do you like him?

    E. Was he a painter?                   F. Da Vinci drew it.

    G. Anything else?

    Arthur: Have you heard of the famous painting Mona Lisa?

    Tony: Of course.

    Arthur: Where was he from?



    Tony: He was born in 1452.


    Tony: He was not only a painter, but also a musician and scientist.


    Tony: I think so!

  • 39. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。
    1. (1) He wants to make great (invent) when he grows up.
    2. (2) When she heard the news, she (sudden) laughed.
    3. (3) Yuan longping is a great (science) and he works hard all the year
    4. (4) Please remember (bring) your homework tomorrow.
    5. (5) I have a great English teacher. He helps me (learn) English.
    6. (6) Peter used to (be) shy, but now he is outgoing.
    7. (7) Drinking water is useful (keep) healthy.
    8. (8) We are happy (meet) you here.
    9. (9) My grandfather likes (have) a cup of water before breakfast.
    10. (10) May I have something (drink)? I am thirsty.
  • 40. 根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。
    1. (1) 我过去常常和我外婆一块去散步。

      I used to with my grandma.

    2. (2) 在这次聚会的最后, 他向大家表示了谢意。

      this party, he showed his thanks to everyone.

    3. (3) 人类在很早以前就发明了船。

      invented the boat long before.

    4. (4) 在农村, 一个六岁大的孩子就会做饭了。

      , a six-year-old kid can cook.

    5. (5) 深圳有很多大的景点可以参观。

      There are a lot of in Shenzhen to visit.

  • 41. 你知道马克·吐温吗? 他是美国著名的作家, 他写了许多著名的小说。请根据下面的中文提示, 写一篇英文短文介绍一下马克·吐温。

    要求: 语法正确、逻辑合理, 80词左右, 可根据提示内容适当发挥。


    1). 美国著名的作家,写了许多著名的小说;

    2). 1835年出生于佛罗里达的乡村, 4岁时全家搬到城里, 12岁时父亲去逝;

    3). 从童年就开始工作, 做过不同的工作。他最著名的小说之一是《汤姆·索亚历险记》;

    4). 他写作的才能并不是从小就有, 而是来自于他个人的经历。


    马克· 吐温Mark Twain, 小说novel, 佛罗里达Florida,《汤姆·索亚历险记》The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 个人的经历personal experiences

