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浙江外研版初中英语七年级下学期Module 2 Unit 1...

更新时间:2020-02-12 浏览次数:123 类型:同步测试
  • 27. 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。

    A. Can you swim?

    B. Where does your father work?

    C. Nice to meet you.

    D. Sorry, I can only speak a little Chinese.

    E. You can play football.

    F. What about your mother?

    G. Is your mother a worker?

    Mr. Li: Please welcome Betty to our class. She is from London.

    Betty: Hello!

    Wang Lin: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Wang Lin. Can you speak Chinese, Betty?

    Betty: But I can speak English well.

    Wang Lin: I speak Chinese very well and I can teach you.

    Betty: No, I can not swim. My father can swim.

    Wang Lin:

    Betty: My father works in a factory. He is an excellent worker.

    Wang Lin: My father is a worker, too.

    Betty: Really?

    Wang Lin: She is a manager in a hotel.

  • 28. 阅读理解

    Music teachers wanted for

        No.1 Middle School

        We want two music teachers for our school Music Club. You need to be able to play the guitar or the violin and be good with kids.

        Time: 3: 20 p. m. —4: 20 p. m. Monday to Friday every week.

        Pay: 100 yuan an hour.

        Phone number: 372-3966

        Email address: No. 1 middleschoolmc@126.com

        Address: 326 Bridge Street. (Take No. 121 Bus.)

        Art teacher wanted

        Can you paint? Can you draw? Do you like kids and want to be with them? Then you can be in Yixiu Art Club.

        Time: 8: 00 a. m.—10: 00 a. m. Saturday and Sunday every week.

        Pay: 80 yuan an hour.

        Phone number: 693-8925

        Email address: yixiuartclub @163.com

        Address: 165 Zhangshan Road. (Take No. 212 Bus.)

    1. (1) No.1 Middle School needs the  music teacher work________.
      A . five days a week B . from Monday to Saturday C . every day D . six days a week
    2. (2) How many hours does a music teacher need to work every week?
      A . 5 B . 7 C . 8 D . 10
    3. (3) An art teacher can get about ________ in a month.
      A . 800 yuan B . 1, 000 yuan C . 1, 280 yuan D . 2, 500 yuan
    4. (4) Which bus does an art teacher need to take to get there?
      A . No. 121 Bus. B . No. 122 Bus. C . No. 101 Bus. D . No. 212 Bus.
    5. (5) If Andrew wants to be an art teacher, he can________.
      A . call 372-3966 B . call 693-8925 C . send emails to middleschoolmc@126.com D . send emails to yixiuartclub@126.com

