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人教新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册Unit...

更新时间:2020-04-10 浏览次数:147 类型:同步测试
  • 10. 根据下面的描述写出相对应的动物名称
    1. (1) ()I am from South Africa. I'm very strong. I usually sleep eighteen hours a day.
    2. (2) ()I only live in China. I am black and white.
    3. (3) () I am very strong. I can run very fast. Most of the animals are afraid of me.
    4. (4) () I have a long neck. I have to look down at you.
    5. (5) () I come from Australia. People think I'm cute.
    6. (6) () I am very big and I have a long nose.
  • 11. 从方框中选择合适的单词填空

    cute;  scary;  lazy;  smart;  beautiful; interesting

    1. (1) Dolphins are very . They can learn some things from people.
    2. (2) —How about playing badminton(羽毛球)after school?

      —That sounds .

    3. (3) My brother doesn't want to do any homework and he is .
    4. (4) The yellow skirt looks very . I want to buy one for my mother.
    5. (5) Penguins are very . Kids like them.
    6. (6) I am afraid of snakes. I think they are very .
  • 20. 根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

        It is one of the rules in (非洲)—when you see a hippo(河马), go the other way. But this is not for Tonie Joubert. He keeps(饲养)a hippo called Jessica at home.

        Tonie also has (大象)and lions, but they are not friendly like Jessica. They are (种类)of (吓人的). Jessica is a little(懒惰的)all day. She (要么)swims in the river or (睡觉)near Tonie's house. She likes a massage(按摩)(在……之前)she goes to bed every day. The kitchen is Jessica's favorite place(地点)in the house because she can find food there. Jessica can(离开)home at any time but she never goes far away. Tonie doesn't think Jessica is his(宠物); he thinks Jessica is his daughter.

  • 21. 完形填空

        Linda has a little cat. Its 1 is Mimi. It is only eight months 2. Mimi is beautiful and 3. Linda likes it very much. But Linda's brother doesn't like it, 4 it's very lazy. It 5 all the day. That's kind of boring. One afternoon, Linda wants to give the cat some 6 to eat. But she can't 7 it. Where is Mimi? Linda thinks it's 8 and she is very sad. When Linda goes to bed 9 the evening, she finds her cat. It is in her quilt, on the 10. It is sleeping there.

    A . color B . time C . name D . price
    A . old B . long C . big D . short
    A . strict B . scary C . busy D . cute
    A . but B . because C . so D . or
    A . sleeps B . sings C . draws D . walks
    A . water B . food C . tapes D . books
    A . help B . show C . play D . find
    A . fun B . right C . lost D . late
    A . in B . on C . at D . for
    A . sofa B . chair C . table D . bed
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Elephant who can fly

        Dumbo is a little elephant. He is born in a circus (马戏团). But he is different from other elephants.

        His ears are very big. Other elephants often make fun of him for this. He feels bad about himself. However, one day, some children in the circus find out that Dumbo can fly. He can fly just like a bird. Dumbo works with an aerial artist(高空杂技艺术家)to perform. People like their shows. Soon, Dumbo becomes a big star!

    This is the story of the Disney live­ action movie Dumbo. It tells us that we should celebrate our differences, even if others think they are strange.

        Do you know Dumbo is based on(改编自)the book of the same name. US authors, Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl, wrote the book. In 1941, Disney made it into a movie. It became a classic(经典作品). That's why Disney decided to remake it. Dumbo will open in Chinese mainland theaters on March 29.

    1. (1) Why do other elephants make fun of Dumbo?
      A . Because he is small. B . Because he was born in a circus. C . Because he has very big ears. D . Because he doesn't look like an elephant.
    2. (2) What special skill does Dumbo have?
      A . He can fly. B . He can sing. C . He can dance. D . He can make children laugh.
    3. (3) What lesson does the movie teach us?
      A . It's okay to make fun of others sometimes. B . Don't try to be too different or strange. C . Our differences are what make us special. D . Hard work pays off.
    4. (4) What do we know about the movie?
      A . It is a Disney live­action movie. B . It was turned into a book in 1941. C . It came out (上映) in the US in 1941. D . It was directed by (由……导演) Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl.

