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更新时间:2020-05-14 浏览次数:321 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 判断下列各组划线部分的发音是否相同
    1. (1) A. move    B. love     C. soft
    2. (2) A. wind    B. find      C. kind
    3. (3) A. grow    B. slowly    C. throw
    4. (4) A. water   B. match    C. watch
    5. (5) A. hurt     B. burn     C. purple
  • 10. 判断下列句子是否与短文相符。

        It's a sunny day. Little Water Drop sleeps in a river. He wakes up. He feels very hot. It may be cooler up in the sky. He goes up. He meets Mr. Wind.

        Little Water Drop goes higher and higher (越来越高). He meets many other little water drops. They go up together and become a cloud. Little Water Drop becomes very heavy.

        Little Water Drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake. The sun comes out. Little Water Drop feels warm again.

    1. (1) Little Water Drop sleeps in a lake.
    2. (2) Little Water Drop thinks it may be cooler up in the sky.
    3. (3) Many water drops go up together and become a cloud.
    4. (4) Little Water Drop and some of his friends fall down because they become very heavy.
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。

        It's summer and it's hot. There's a wildfire (野火) on the hillside (山坡). Bushes (灌木) and trees are burning. Fire engines (消防车) can't help. There are no roads near this fire.

        The firefighting helicopter (消防直升机) is coming to help. It carries a big bucket (桶).

        The pilot flies the helicopter to a lake. He drops the bucket into the lake and it fills (装满) with water. Then the pilot flies to the fire. He drops the water onto the fire. He goes back to the lake and gets more water. He flies from the lake to the hillside again and again.

        Finally, the pilot puts out the wildfire. He does a very important job.

    1. (1) Fire engines can't help because ______________.
      A . the fire is too big B . the fire engines are bad C . there're no roads near the fire
    2. (2) The pilot uses a big bucket to ______________.
      A . carry water B . carry firemen C . carry food
    3. (3) The pilot flies the helicopter to ______________ to get water.
      A . the sea B . a lake C . a pool
    4. (4) He flies from the lake to the hillside ______________.
      A . once (一次) B . twice (两次) C . many times
  • 12. 阅读理解

        There is a city in the world. People do not drive cars in that city. It is called Venice (威尼斯). Venice is in Italy (意大利). There are no streets in Venice. But there are canals (运河). The canals look like streets. There is much water in those canals. In Venice people ride around the city in boats. Your father and mother may take a bus to work. In Venice, fathers and mothers ride in boats.

    1. (1) There are many ______________ in Venice.
      A . canals B . cars C . streets
    2. (2) The canals look like ______________.
      A . water B . streets C . buses
    3. (3) There's ______________ water in the canals.
      A . little B . much C . some
    4. (4) In Venice, people often ______________.
      A . ride in boats B . ride a bike C . ride a horse
  • 18. 从所给出的单词中选出合适的选项完成对话。

    A. What       B. idea       C. blows       D. windy      E. park

    A: Good morning, Kitty.

    B: Good morning, Alice.

    A: What a day!

    B: Yes. The wind strongly.

    A: can we do?

    B: Let's go the . We can fly kites. Ok?

    A: That's a good . It's a good day for flying kites. Let's go.

  • 19. 从所给出的句子中选出合适的选项完成对话。

    A. What is the book about?

    B. What are you doing?

    C. How's the wind?

    D. How do people use the wind?

    E. Why is there wind around us?

    Kitty: Hello, Alice.

    Alice: Hello, Kitty.


    Alice: I'm reading a book.


    Alice: It's about the wind.


    Alice: The wind is useful.


    Alice: Because the air moves from one place to another place.


    Alice: People use the wind to make electricity (电).

  • 20. 选出适当的短语,完成对话。

    A. burn down     B. play with     C. flying...kites

    D. make drinks    E. come from

    1. (1) — What are the children doing in the park?

      — They are their happily.

    2. (2) — Where d0es the water ?

      — It comes from the sea, the lake and the river.

    3. (3) — How do these workers use water?

      — They use water to .

    4. (4) — What can fire do?

      — It can a lot of things.

    5. (5) — Fire is dangerous! What mustn't we do at home?

      — We mustn't matches or play near fires.


