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人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级上册第五单元Unit 5 Th...

更新时间:2017-09-26 浏览次数:572 类型:单元试卷
  • 8. 阅读短文,回答问题。

        I live in a small house. It's a small green house. In the house we have a dinning room,two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen. We watch TV in the living room. We have our breakfast, lunch and supper in the dining room. We sleep in the bedroom. We wash faces and have baths in the bathroom.

    Question :

    1. (1) Where do you live?

    2. (2) What colour is you house?

    3. (3) How many bedrooms have you got?

    4. (4) Where do you sleep?

    5. (5) Where do you have your meals?

    6. (6) Where do you wash faces and have baths?

  • 9.


    1. (1) — Where is the computer?

      — It is the desk.

    2. (2) — Where is the trashbin (垃圾桶)?

      — It is the desk.

    3. (3) — Where are the books?

      — It is the desk.

    4. (4) — Where is the plant?

      — It is the window.

    5. (5) — Where is the light?

      — It is the bed.

    6. (6) — Where are the photos?

      — They are the wall.

  • 10.

    —Where is the mouse?

    — It's the box.

  • 11.

    —Where is the mouse?

    — It's the box.

  • 12.

    —Where is the mouse?

    — It's the box.

  • 13.

    —Where is the rabbit?

    — It's two boxes.

  • 14. 选择适当的介词填空。

    in,   on,   to,   at,   from,   behind,   for

    1. (1) Kate is America. Now she is Beijing.

    2. (2) I can't sit Sarah. She is so tall. I can't see the blackboard.

    3. (3) — Are these cakes me?

      — No, they aren't.

    4. (4) — What's this English?

      — It's a watch.

    5. (5) — Who's that boy blue?

      — He is Mike.

    6. (6) It's time get up. I often get up six.

    7. (7) Who's duty today?

    8. (8) Lucy is studying the classroom.

    9. (9) Put your shoes, please. It is time PE class.

    10. (10) I often do my homework the afternoon.

  • 42. 根据上下文意思,将对话内容补充完整。

    A: Look at this picture.

    B: Yes, it's a picture of the zoo.


    B: There is a monkey, a panda, a pig and some birds in it.


    B: The monkey is in the tree.

    A: Is there a pig in front of the house?

    B: Yes, there is a pig  the house. It's playing with the panda.

    A: Look at the birds. They can sing well.


    A: They are in the trees.

    B: Oh, the animals are very happy.

