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外研版英语七年级上册 Module 8 Choosing p...

更新时间:2016-07-26 浏览次数:310 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 完形填空

        Hi! I'm Lisa. I haven't got     1   sisters. I have got a brother.  He is seven years old. He always     2    birthday parties. When he has a birthday, we usually   3 a party    4   his birthday. He invites all his friends    5   the party. Mum     6    a cake for him. I play the piano. He and his friends sing and dance.

        I like music. It's my favourite    7. I have music on Monday and Thursday. I like  8   music and I often buy CDs 9my favourite songs. I also like tennis. I often play tennis with my friends. We have dinner at 6:00 in the evening. After dinner, I 10 my homework. My brother watches TV. We go to bed at half past nine.

    A . some                     B . any     C . D . an
    A . like                             B . likes         C . liking      D . to like
    A . has                       B . are        C . have    D . do
    A . to                             B . with    C . for   D . in
    A . in                          B . to     C . at D . on
    A . make                         B . to make   C . makes     D . making
    A . sport                         B . color    C . day      D . lesson
    A . listen to              B . listening  C . listening to     D . listen
    A . with                    B . to  C . at    D . of
    A . make               B . do   C . have    D . go
  • 12. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词

    1. (1) Many young people like to sing popular s.

    2. (2) She likes music and she often goes to c.

    3. (3) Students usually do eye e  every day.

    4. (4) My sister gets lots of  (礼物) on her birthday party.

    5. (5) My father buys my mother a silk  (衬衫) for her birthday.

  • 13. 用所给词的适当形式填空

    1. (1) Daming and Tony like  (they) English teacher.

    2. (2) There are two big  (box) in the room.

    3. (3) Sometimes Tony  (have) lunch at home.

    4. (4) Candy and ice cream are  (health) food.

    5. (5) We usually help the old grandma  (do) housework.

  • 14. 完成句子

    1. (1) 他一直是个好学生。

      He a good student.

    2. (2) 我爸爸给我买了一辆自行车。

      My father a bike me.

    3. (3) 你愿意和我们一起去游泳吗?

      you with us?

    4. (4) 你有一个大家庭还是一个小家庭?

      you a big family a small family?

    5. (5) 每天傍晚,我妈妈喜欢看杂志。

      My mother likes every evening.

  • 15. 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余

    a. What does she like?

    b. What's her favourite colour?

    c. What do you want to give her?

    d. Does she like flowers?

    e. I am going to buy some flowers for her.

    f. Does she like reading?

    g. What does she do?

    A: Is it Saturday?   

    B: Yes.

    A: And tomorrow (明天) is Sunday.

    B: Right.

    A: It's my sister's birthday. I want to buy her a nice present.


    A: I'm not sure (我不确信). Do you have any good ideas?

    B: Let me see.

    A: Yes.

    B: Well, you can buy some novels for her.

    A: That's a great idea. Thank you.

    B: That's OK. I want to give her a present, too.

    A: Yes.


    A: Red and pink.


    A: That's nice of you.

  • 16. 阅读理解

        Today is my teacher Miss Li's birthday. She is thirty years old. She is a very kind teacher in my school and we love her very much. We are going to send lots of presents to her. The cold winter is coming, so I buy a red shawl for her. She likes it very much. Some of my classmates (同班同学) buy flowers for her. She sees many flowers on her desk when she comes into the classroom.

        We have a birthday party at night. We sing a birthday song and dance for her. She also plays games with us. We're very happy!

    1. (1) My teacher Miss Li is __________ years old this year.

      A . thirteen B . thirty C . fourteen D . forty
    2. (2) I buy a shawl for her because __________.

      A . she likes it B . she doesn't like flowers C . the cold winter is coming D . she asks me to buy it
    3. (3) Many students buy __________ for Miss Li.

      A . clothes B . flowers C . books D . animals
    4. (4) We have a birthday party for her and we __________ at the party.

      A . sing a birthday song B . dance C . play games D . A,B and C
    5. (5) Which is NOT right according to this passage?

      A . Miss Li is kind in our school. B . Some of the students buy flowers for our beautiful teacher. C . We don't have a birthday party for her. D . She plays games with us at the party.
  • 17. 写作

    John是我的好朋友。他总是在早上6:30起床。通常在早上7点上学。在学校他经常帮助他的朋友, 同学们都很喜欢他。他在家里经常听音乐。有时玩电脑游戏。这个星期六是他的生日。他的朋友们准备送他些礼物。

