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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册期末复习检测...

更新时间:2021-05-08 浏览次数:222 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 单词拼写
    1. (1) 写作
    2. (2) 故事
    3. (3) 制造
    4. (4) 中心
    5. (5) 教
    6. (6) 周末
    7. (7) 演出
    8. (8) 穿衣服
    9. (9) 牙齿
    10. (10) 通常
  • 2. 单词拼写
    1. (1) 从不
    2. (2) 夜晚
    3. (3) 一半
    4. (4) 打扫
    5. (5) 步行
    6. (6) 有时
    7. (7) 品尝
    8. (8) 生活
    9. (9) 跑
    10. (10) 地铁
  • 3. 单词拼写
    1. (1) 分钟
    2. (2) 开车
    3. (3) 小船
    4. (4) 到达
    5. (5) 带来
    6. (6) 放松
    7. (7) 记住
    8. (8) 遵循
    9. (9) 运气
    10. (10) 大象
  • 4. 单词拼写
    1. (1) 宠物
    2. (2) 睡觉
    3. (3) 旗帜
    4. (4) 忘记
    5. (5) 树
    6. (6) 报纸
    7. (7) 洗
    8. (8) 房子
    9. (9) 明天
    10. (10) 思念
  • 5. 重点短语检测
    1. (1) 下国际象棋
    2. (2) 说英语
    3. (3) 擅长……
    4. (4) 跟……说
    5. (5) 敲鼓
    6. (6) 善于应付……
    7. (7) 在某方面帮助某人
    8. (8) 在周末
    9. (9) 起床
    10. (10) 穿上衣服
  • 6. 重点短语检测
    1. (1) 洗淋浴
    2. (2) 做作业
    3. (3) 散步
    4. (4) 要么....要么....
    5. (5) 大量;许多
    6. (6) 到达
    7. (7) 乘地铁
    8. (8) 骑自行车
    9. (9) 每天
    10. (10) 想起;考虑
  • 7. 重点短语检测
    1. (1) .......之间
    2. (2) 实现
    3. (3) 准时
    4. (4) 听.....
    5. (5) 必须;不得不
    6. (6) 外出
    7. (7) 清洗餐具
    8. (8) 铺(某人的)床
    9. (9) (对某人)要求严格
    10. (10) 遵守规则
  • 8. 重点短语检测
    1. (1) 来自
    2. (2) 处于危险之中
    3. (3) 砍倒
    4. (4) 由……制成
    5. (5) 看报纸
    6. (6) 去看电影
    7. (7) 出去吃饭
    8. (8) 喝茶
    9. (9) 稍微;有点儿
    10. (10) 拉小提琴
四、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(每小题0.5 分,共5分)
  • 44. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子

    speak English    on weekends    be good at    radio station    take the subway on time    come true    South Africa    be strict with    follow the school rules

    1. (1) Jim, you have to when you are at school. Or you may make mistakes (犯错误).
    2. (2) — What can you do, Millie?

      — I can .

    3. (3) — Where does his mother work?

      — She works at a

    4. (4) — Do you like art?

      — Yes, and I it.

    5. (5) — How do you want to get there?

      — I want to .

    6. (6) — Can you play soccer with us ?

      — Sorry, I can't. On Saturday and Sunday I'm very busy.

    7. (7) — Where's this boy from?

      — He's from

    8. (8) — Do you like your Chinese teacher Mr. Lin?

      — Yes, although (虽然) he us.

    9. (9) To get there , we have to walk quickly.
    10. (10) We all hope our wishes can .
  • 55. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词

        Hello. We are students from Thailand, and we want(save) the elephants. The elephant is one of Thailand's symbols. Our first flag(have) a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck. Elephants(be) smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also(draw) very well. People say that "an elephant never(forget)". Elephants can walk for a long time and never get(lose). They can also remember places with food and water. This(help) them to live. But elephants are in great danger. People cut down many trees, so elephants(lose) their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). We must save them and not buy things( make) of ivory. Let's(remember) that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.

