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更新时间:2021-02-26 浏览次数:143 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 完形填空

        Miss Xu is our art teacher. She1some pictures. Every class, she shows those pictures to us. She wants us2something from them. In3of her pictures, we see a boy at work. He's cleaning the room. In4picture, a girl is singing. In the other pictures, we see people doing different things. One is running. Another is5a cake. And a girl is doing6homework. We look at our teacher and her pictures. We talk7English and our teacher8us. We learn English9our teacher and her pictures. Our teacher likes10. We like her classes too.

    A . is B . are C . has D . have
    A . learn B . learns C . learning D . to learn
    A . a B . one C . an D . the
    A . others B . the other C . another D . the others
    A . make B . making C . do D . doing
    A . my B . your C . her D . his
    A . in B . on C . of D . about
    A . listens to B . talks about C . listen to D . talk about
    A . to B . from C . of D . for
    A . we B . us C . I D . me
  • 17. 阅读理解

        A young man is sitting by the road, He is eating something. A policeman is coming over. At once the man stands up quickly and runs down the road. The policeman runs after him. The man runs very fast, but the policeman runs faster." After a few minutes, the policeman catches him. “Where are you going?" says the policeman. “You must be a criminal(罪犯) if you run like that when you see a policeman,” “No, no,” says the man. “I'm not a criminal. I'm just too fat, you see, and the doctor tells me I must always run fast after eating.” “I see,” says the policeman.“ You are running to help to lose weight.”

    1. (1) A young man is sitting by the road and __________________________ something.
      A . looking B . seeing C . eating D . drinking
    2. (2) A __________________________ is coming.
      A . bus B . man C . friend D . policeman
    3. (3) What does the young man do when he sees the policeman?
      A . He says “hello” to him. B . He stands up and runs. C . He is waiting for him. D . He doesn't go away.
    4. (4) The policeman runs after the young man because ________________________.
      A . he is catching a bus B . he knows him C . he thinks he is a bad man D . the young man is a criminal
    5. (5) The young man runs because __________________________.
      A . he wants to catch a bus B . he is a criminal C . he remembers something D . the doctor tells him to run after eating
  • 18. 阅读理解

        I have five friends from different cities. Let's see what they are doing now.

    What are they doing?

    Dave, Beijing

    DSP is very useful now. One of my friends is good at DSP. He is from Australia. Now I am writingan email to him. I want to ask him something about it.

    Lisa, London

    I have no work today and I'm at home. I'm listening to music and singing. My dog is next to me. It is dancing.

    Clark, Moscow

    Now I am working in the office, I'm checking all my emails. After that, I want to go home, because my cat is sick and I have to look after it.

    Molly, New York

    I'm writing emails to my friends, because they're so far from me!!! They're in Australia and I'm in New York, I live here. My parents work here too.

    Selina, Los Angeles

    Now I'm using the computer. My family want to make family rules(家规). My parents let me help them write the rules. Do you have family rules? What are they?

    1. (1) Where is Dave's friend from?
      A . America. B . China. C . Australia. D . England.
    2. (2) What animal does Lisa have?
      A . A cat. B . A dog. C . A chicken. D . A bird.
    3. (3) The underlined word “sick” means“______________”in Chinese.
      A . 聪明的 B . 粗鲁的 C . 腼腆的 D . 生病的
    4. (4) What is Molly doing?
      A . She is writing emails. B . She is listening to music. C . She is singing and dancing. D . She is working in her office.
    5. (5) Selina wants to get some good ideas about ______________.
      A . school rules B . family rules C . birthday parties D . birthday presents
  • 19. 情境交际

    A. Thank you.

    B. How are they?

    C. What are you doing now?

    D. Our English teacher is taking some photos of the lake and the trees.

    E. What are your classmates doing?
    F. Are you having a good time?

    A: Hello, Jim.

    B: I am visiting my grandparents.

    A: Where are your grandparents?

    B: They are in Beijing.


    B: They are fine, thank you. What are you doing now?

    A: I am standing next to the West Lake. We are on a school trip.

    B: That's great!

    A: Yes. We are enjoying the lake. The water is very clean.


    A: Daming is rowing on the lake. Lucy is reading a book under a tree. Lily is playing games with Jenny. Li Lei is lying in the sun,

    B: Oh. Sounds good!

  • 25. 单词拼写

    Dear Linda,

        Thanks a lot for your letter! I really e the t in London. Every morning I eat a h dog and drink a glass of milk in a r . Then I d a car to school. ! At noon, I have hamburgers and a cup of coffee with m students. I finish lessons at four o'clock in the afternoon. I go b home and help my mother wash clothes and cook. I go to bed at ten o'clock at night. Oh! At the m my father is watching TV. My brother is l  in bed and calling h friend.



  • 26. 任务型阅读

        Mr Turner is standing near the window. His wife, Mrs Turner, is sitting behind him. She is reading a book. She closes the book and asks her husband. “What are you looking at?"

        “I'm looking at a boy,”Mr Turner answers. “He's under the tree near our house. He's looking at my bike.”

        “Oh,”Mrs Turner says. “What is he doing now?”

        "He's cleaning the seat," says Mr Turner. “Now he is riding my bike. ”

        Mrs Turner looks out of the window and then she says, “Ah, don't you know who he is? He is our son! He is going to school. You must wear glasses!"

    1. (1) Where are Mr and Mrs Turner?
    2. (2) Is Mrs Turner sitting or standing?
    3. (3) What's Mr Turner looking at?
    4. (4) Where's Mr Turner's bike?
    5. (5) Why is the boy riding the bike?
  • 32. 假设你是琳达,现在正在北京旅游,你在天安门广场给你的好朋友玛丽写一张明信片,告诉她你所看到的一切。要用上连词and。不少于40词。

    提示:fly a kite, take photos, eat something

    Dear Mary,



