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浙江新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册Unit...

更新时间:2020-08-11 浏览次数:171 类型:同步测试
  • 26. 完形填空

        Good afternoon, everyone! I am 1 English girl.2 name is Nancy. I'm eight, 3 is the girl? She is my sister. My sister's name is 4 . Ella and 5 are students. My mother 6a teacher. 7 is a Chinese teacher. My brother's name is 8. He's five .My 9 isn't in England. He is in Shanghai. He is a Chinese teacher, 10. Do you want to make friends(做朋友) with me? Write to me, please.

    A . a B . an C . the D . /
    A . I B . Me C . My D . Mine
    A . What B . How C . who D . What color
    A . Jack B . Gina C . Linda D . Ella
    A . I B . my C . mine D . me
    A . be B . is C . am D . are
    A . Her B . Hers C . She's D . She
    A . Mary B . Sally C . Paul D . Jane
    A . father B . aunt C . grandmother D . daughter
    A . too B . to C . two D . of
  • 27. 阅读理解

         My name's Mary. This is my family tree. These are my parents. Their names are Bill and Grace Brown. Those are my grandparents. Their names are Henry and Linda brown. This is my uncle. His name is John. That boy is my brother. His name is Tony. This is Susan. She is my uncle's daughter.

    1. (1) Mary's brother is         .
      A . Susan B . John C . Tony D . Linda
    2. (2) Bill is Johns         .
      A . father B . brother C . uncle D . son
    3. (3) Henry is Susan's         .
      A . father B . grandfather C . uncle D . grandmother
    4. (4) Grace is Susan's         .
      A . sister B . mother C . aunt D . grandmother
    5. (5) Tony and Mary are Susan's         .
      A . brothers B . sisters C . cousins D . friends

