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外研版(三起点)小学英语五年级上册Module 2单元测试卷...

更新时间:2020-09-01 浏览次数:133 类型:单元试卷
二、 听录音,判断图片与所听到的句子内容是否相符。
三、 听录音,补全下列句子。
  • 17. 按要求写出单词的正确形式。
    1. (1) first (基数词)
    2. (2) box (复数形式)
    3. (3) kilo (复数形式)
    4. (4) let's (完整形式)
    5. (5) orange (复数形式)
    6. (6) egg (复数形式)
    7. (7) buy (过去式)
    8. (8) do (过去式)
    9. (9) pear (复数形式)
    10. (10) make (过去式)
  • 28. 给下列句子选择相应的答语。

    ⑴Do you like milk?                                 A. Six, please.

    ⑵How many oranges do you need?      B. No, I don't.

    ⑶What did you buy?                              C. Here! I ate it all.

    ⑷How much juice did you buy?            D. We bought some juice.

    ⑸Where is the fruit?                              E. Three bottles.

八、 选择单词或短语填空。
  • 29. 选择单词或短语填空。

    to  for  do  this  how many  how much  of  at  by  an

    1. (1) — story books do you want?

      — Two, please.

    2. (2) Let's go the park.
    3. (3) — you like bananas?

      — Yes, I do.

    4. (4) — cheese do you want?

      — Half a kilo.

    5. (5) Did you have ice cream yesterday?
    6. (6) — What's ?

      — It's a bottle of juice.

    7. (7) Did you go home bus yesterday?
    8. (8) We need food our picnic.  
    9. (9) What are you going to buy the supermarket?
    10. (10) Let's buy one kilo noodles. 
九、 按要求完成句子。
十、 阅读对话,判断正误。
  • 35. 阅读对话,判断正误。

    Dad: Where did you go this afternoon?

    John: I went to the supermarket with Donny.

    Dad: What did you buy?

    John: We bought a bag of candy, a pencil case and a ruler.

    Dad: Were you at the supermarket all the time?

    John: We were hungry and thirsty, so we went to a fast food restaurant.

    Dad: What did you eat?

    John: We ate some chicken, some hamburgers and French fries.

    Donny: We drank soda and juice, too.

    Dad: Time for dinner.

    John: Oh, sorry. I can't eat any more. I'm full.

    Donny: Me, too.

    1. (1) John went to the supermarket with Dad.
    2. (2) They bought a bag of candy, a pencil case and a ruler.
    3. (3) They went to a supermarket.
    4. (4) They ate some chicken, some hamburgers and French fries.
    5. (5) Donny drank milk.

