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外研版(三起点)小学英语四年级上册Module 1单元测试卷...

更新时间:2020-08-27 浏览次数:179 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 听录音,完成句子

    A. turn left     B. at the station    C. next to    D. down the hill    E. on the left

    1. (1) The cinema isthe supermarket.
    2. (2) Go straight on, and then.
    3. (3) The train is.
    4. (4) The bus is.
    5. (5) The girl isof the desk.
  • 27. 给下列句子排序

    I don't know. Let's ask the policeman.

    Excuse me. Where is the zoo?

    I am going to the zoo. Where is the zoo?

    Thank you.

    Go straight on, turn left and then turn right. You can see the zoo.

八、根据图片 选词填空。
  • 28. 根据图片 选词填空。

    A. up    B. down    C. in    D. under    E. on

    1. (1) The book isthe desk.

    2. (2) The train isthe hill.

    3. (3) The girl isthe tree.

    4. (4) The book is the schoolbag.

    5. (5) The train isthe hill.

  • 29. 给下列句子选择合适的答语

    A. It's next to the pencil box.

    B. Yes, I do.

    C. I'm on your right.

    D. You're welcome.

    E. Yes, it is.

    1. (1) —Do you like apples?

    2. (2) —Thank you so much.

    3. (3) —Is that a desk?

    4. (4) —Where is the pen?

    5. (5) —Where are you, Tom?

  • 30. 补全对话

    Jenny:Where is the cinema?

    Sam: Oh, let me see.

    Jenny: Where is the library?

    Sam:It's in front of the museum.

    Jenny: Is it on my left?

    Sam: No.

    Jenny: Thank you.


    A. It's on your right.

    B. You're welcome.

    C. Excuse me.

    D. Go straight on.

    E. It's next to the library.

