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浙江新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级上册Unit...

更新时间:2020-08-20 浏览次数:235 类型:同步测试
  • 11. How many(time) do you go shopping every week?
  • 12. We wear clothes to keep our(body) warm.
  • 13. He likes sports, such as(swim)and playing basketball.
  • 14. Mo Yan is a great(write). He won a Nobel Prize in 2012.
  • 15. Linda(drink) milk every morning.
  • 16. I'm(surprise) that he goes to the zoo every weekend.
  • 17. It's(relax) to listen to music.
  • 18. She has(vegetable) for lunch every day.
  • 19. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填3个单词)。

        To make her 100th birthday exciting and special, South African woman Harwood had a skydive(跳伞) in the air,  skydive was not enough for her, She wanted to make it even more exciting by doing a shark cage dive(潜水).

        With the help another person, she made the jump on Saturday near the north of Cape Town. 15 family (member) and friends in group of three were also in the air with Harwood. (wear) a red jumpsuit(跳伞服),Harwood looked very young. She said it was (wonder) to see all the others around her. And this was her(three) skydive. She did her first when she was 92 years old.

    Then, she decided (finish) her another wish一doing a shark dive. It was much more nervous than skydive, even young(man) were afraid of doing that. At that day, she (go) into a cage, and the workers put the cage in the water with fish meat around it. When sharks smelt the fish, they would open big mouths and eat the fish, meat. It was really dangerous.

  • 30. 根据对话内容和汉语提示,用适当的表达完成对话。

    A: Where is Jim? He isn't at school today.

    B: I (认为他不能) come to school today.

    A: Why not?

    B: He has to (呆在家) and look after his mother.

    A: (怎么了) with his mother?

    B: She (得了重感冒) yesterday.

    A: I'm sorry to hear that. Did she (看医生)?

    B: Yes. The doctor said she had to lie down and rest (几天).

    A: I hope she (快点儿好起来). Then are you free after school?

    B: Yes. Why? 

    A: Let's go to see him and take the homework to him.

    B: That's a good idea.

