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浙江外研社(新标准)版初中英语七年级上册Module 7 U...

更新时间:2020-09-05 浏览次数:82 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 根据句意及首字母、汉语提示完成单词。

    1. (1) My brother often w movies on the computer. 

    2. (2) Do you s the same computer with your sister?

    3. (3) Don't play lots of computer g

    4. (4) My mother often l English on the Internet.

    5. (5) The manager is friendly to his c in his shop.  

  • 12. 阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过两词。

        I'm Xu Li. My friend is Lingling. We (be) in Class 4 Grade 7. Lingling's father is a manager of a company. On birthday, he buys a computer for Lingling. Lingling (use) the computer a lot. She often nice clothes on the Internet. She also (search) for information and uses it (do) her homework. She often talks with her friends. And sometimes she sends emails to (they). I'm from a worker's family and there is no computer in my home. So Lingling often asks me to share the computer her. We search for our (lesson) and send our homework to the teachers. Sometimes we computer games on Sundays.

  • 13. 汉译英。
    1. (1) 使用一台电脑
    2. (2) 玩电脑游戏
    3. (3) 保存文件
    4. (4) 播放音乐
    5. (5) 住在澳大利亚
    6. (6) 与顾客交谈
    7. (7) 一倍半
    8. (8) 制订旅行计划
    9. (9) 给……写信
    10. (10) 出生

