当前位置: 初中英语 /外研(新标准)版 /七年级上册 /Module 9 People and places /Unit 2 They're waiting for buses or trains.
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浙江外研社(新标准)版初中英语七年级上册Module 9 U...

更新时间:2020-09-05 浏览次数:127 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 在空白处写出正确的单词, 每空限填一词

        They are happy because they are on (假日). Marv is (拜访)her aunt in Paris. Paris is beautiful and it's a good place to go (购物)!Tom is fishing by the lake(湖). Simon and Bill are good (朋友). They are usually very (繁忙的)with their study every day. So they want to try(尝试)some other (东西). They are going bike riding together (在……里面)the beautiful countryside(乡下). Jesse is (画画)a picture in the park. The park is beautiful in (秋天), and it's a good place to draw" pictures.

        Everyone is tired sometimes. so it's (重要的)to have a good rest.

  • 12. 用方框中所给的选项补全对话

    A. What do you do?

    B. Thanks.

    C. Are you having a party?

    D. How about you?

    E. What's the weather like?

    F. Where are you?

    G. What are you doing?

    A: Hello! Is that Sam?

    B: Maria? Hello!

    A: I'm in Australia! I'm calling to say “Happy Birthday".


    So how is it going there? (你在那儿怎么样?)

    A: Great!

    B: Very good.


    B: It's raining.


    B: I'm having a party. My family are all here.

    A: That sounds(听起来) interesting. Have a good time.

    B: Thank you.

  • 13.


      Mr. Turn er is standing near the window. His wife, Mrs. Turner, is sitting behind him. She is reading a book. She closes the book and asks her husband. “What are you looking at?”

      “I'm looking at a boy. ”Mr. Turner answers. “He's under the tree near our house. He's looking at my bike. ”

      “Oh. ”Mrs. Turner says, “What is he doing now?”[

      “He's cleaning the seat. ”says Mr. Turner. “Now he is riding my bike. ”

      Mrs. Turner looks out of the window and then she says“Ah, don't you know who he is?He is our son! He is going to school. You must wear glasses! ”


    1. (1) Where are Mr. and Mrs. Turner?

    2. (2) Is Mrs. Turner sitting or standing?

    3. (3) What's Mr. Turner looking at?

    4. (4) Where's Mr. Turner's bike?

    5. (5) Why is the boy riding the bike?

