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牛津深圳版初中英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 ...

更新时间:2020-10-20 浏览次数:172 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    We can know about dinosaurs from their fossils.
    A . We can learn about dinosaurs from their teeth. B . We can know about dinosaurs from their fossils. C . We can learn about dinosaurs from their fossils.
  • 2. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    We have many subjects, for example, Chinese, English and Maths.<br />We have many subjects, for example, Chinese, English and Maths.
    A . We have many subjects, such as Chinese, English and Maths. B . We have many subjects, including Chinese, English and Maths. C . We have many subjects, for example, Chinese, English and Maths.
  • 3. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    The two paintings are not the same.<br />The two paintings are not the same.
    A . The two paintings are similar. B . The two paintings are not the same. C . The two paintings are popular.
  • 4. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    He is interested in playing the piano.<br />He is interested in playing the piano.
    A . He is interested in playing the piano. B . He is good at playing the piano. C . He is well-known for playing the piano.
  • 5. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    We have two chairs left.<br />We have two chairs left.
    A . We need two more chairs. B . We still have two chairs. C . We have two chairs left.
  • 6. 听对话,回答问题
    John, I hear you're a policeman.<br />Yeah, that's right.<br />Where do you work?<br />At the local police station.<br />I work as a police officer.<br />Do you like your job?<br />Yes, it is very interesting.<br />John, I hear you're a policeman.<br />Yeah, that's right.<br />Where do you work?<br />At the local police station.<br />I work as a police officer.<br />Do you like your job?<br />Yes, it is very interesting.
    1. (1) What does John work as?
      A . A scientist. B . A teacher. C . A policeman.
    2. (2) How does he like his job?
      A . Difficult. B . Interesting. C . Exciting.
  • 7. 听对话,回答问题。
    Hurry up, Sally. It is time for the concert.<br />But, Jack, look. What is this?<br />Oh, it is a book. But who's is it?<br />Let us open it. Maybe it has a name or phone number inside.<br />That is a good idea.<br />I can't find a phone number. There is an id card. Oh, it is Lily.<br />The book must be hers. Let's go and give it back to her.<br />Hurry up, Sally. It is time for the concert.<br />But, Jack, look. What is this?<br />Oh, it is a book. But who's is it?<br />Let us open it. Maybe it has a name or phone number inside.<br />That is a good idea.<br />I can't find a phone number. There is an id card. Oh, it is Lily.<br />The book must be hers. Let's go and give it back to her.
    1. (1) What do they find in the book?
      A . A phone number. B . A photo. C . An ID card.
    2. (2) Who does the book belong to?
      A . Jack. B . Sally. C . Lily.
  • 8. 听对话,回答问题
    Do you know anything about Leonardo da Vinci?<br />No, I don't. Can you tell me something about him?<br />Certainly. He was an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist.<br />When he was young, he showed great intelligence and talent in painting.<br />That's very interesting. Can you tell me something more?<br />Yes. He has painted a lot of works during his life.<br />One of his most famous paintings is the Mona Lisa.<br />It is considered as the most beautiful painting in the world.<br />Do you know anything about Leonardo da Vinci?<br />No, I don't. Can you tell me something about him?<br />Certainly. He was an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist.<br />When he was young, he showed great intelligence and talent in painting.<br />That's very interesting. Can you tell me something more?<br />Yes. He has painted a lot of works during his life.<br />One of his most famous paintings is the Mona Lisa.<br />It is considered as the most beautiful painting in the world.
    1. (1) Where is Leonardo da Vinci from?
      A . America. B . Germany. C . Italy.
    2. (2) What is his most famous painting?
      A . The Mona Lisa. B . Sunrise. C . The Last Supper.
  • 9. 听下面一段独白,请根据所听内容回答问题
    Thomas Edison was a great American scientist.<br />Once a young man asked him a question, what is the secret of success?<br />The scientist told him that it was hard work.<br />A few weeks later, the young man asked him the same question again.<br />Edison was very angry.<br />He didn't say anything.<br />He wrote a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to the young man.<br />The young man looked at the piece of paper, seeing the words on the paper, A equals X<br />plus Y plus Z.<br />What does this mean?<br />Ask the young man.<br />A means success, the old scientist explained, X means hard work, Y means good ways and Z<br />means stop talking and go to work.<br />Thomas Edison was a great American scientist.<br />Once a young man asked him a question, what is the secret of success?<br />The scientist told him that it was hard work.<br />A few weeks later, the young man asked him the same question again.<br />Edison was very angry.<br />He didn't say anything.<br />He wrote a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to the young man.<br />The young man looked at the piece of paper, seeing the words on the paper, A equals X<br />plus Y plus Z.<br />What does this mean?<br />Ask the young man.<br />A means success, the old scientist explained, X means hard work, Y means good ways and Z<br />means stop talking and go to work.
    1. (1) Where is Edison from?
      A . Japan. B . America. C . England.
    2. (2) What did Edison tell the young man?
      A . Success was easy to get. B . Success depended on the chance. C . Success was hard work.
    3. (3) What did Edison do when the young man asked him again?
      A . He wrote a letter on a piece of paper. B . He didn't answer him. C . He didn't say anything, but he wrote down something.
    4. (4) What does "A" mean in the letter?
      A . Hard work. B . Success. C . Good ways.
  • 10. 信息转述及询问
    Hello, everyone.<br />We are going to visit the Palace Museum on Saturday.<br />We are going to meet at the school gate, at half past eight in the morning, and we will<br />go there by bus.<br />Take your pens and notebooks with you.<br />Don't forget to write down something interesting when you visit the museum.<br />Please don't make any noise in the museum and don't take any photos.<br />People have to hand in a diary about the visit next Friday.<br />Hello, everyone.<br />We are going to visit the Palace Museum on Saturday.<br />We are going to meet at the school gate, at half past eight in the morning, and we will<br />go there by bus.<br />Take your pens and notebooks with you.<br />Don't forget to write down something interesting when you visit the museum.<br />Please don't make any noise in the museum and don't take any photos.<br />You'll have to hand in a diary about the visit next Friday.
    1. (1) 信息转述

      请根据所听到的内容,结合思维导图中的信息,写一段话 (至少5个句子) 转述这个介绍,包含四个要点的内容。


      They are going to visit

    2. (2) 询问信息




  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Ken and Anthony were friends when they were young. They 1 to high school together. When they were eighteen, they went to college in different cities, and then they2 touch (联系).After few years later, they met each other again.

    One morning Ken was3 a newspaper. In the newspaper, he saw a notice for a book reading at local bookshop. He was 4 to find that the writer was his friend Anthony. Ken 5 to see how his old friend was.

    When Anthony was on the stage (舞台). Ken almost didn't 6 him. Anthony was very fat, and had little hair. When Anthony was in high school, he was very handsome. Ken felt 7 for Anthony's looks but happy with Anthony's talent. Anthony's 8 was quite good.

    When the reading was over, Ken stood in line with the others 9 for Anthony to sign (签名)a copy of his book. When it was up to Ken, Anthony found him and hugged his long lost friend. They didn't see each other for many years, so they decided not to lose touch again and planned to10 once a month for breakfast on Saturdays.

    A . went B . left C . wanted
    A . kept B . lost C . had
    A . looking B . seeing C . reading
    A . bored B . surprised C . interested
    A . forgot B . remembered C . decided
    A . know B . protect C . catch
    A . good B . hard C . sorry
    A . book B . joke C . diary
    A . ending B . going C . waiting
    A . act B . discuss C . meet
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Bears usually live in forests |and mountains. They often live in some places where we go camping or climbing. Sometimes you might happen I to meet a bear, and it can be dangerous if it feels frightened (恐惧的). For your own safety, you should do the following things.

    •Do not make eye contact (目光接触).Bears feel that eye contact is not friendly.

    •Stay calm and quickly pick up small children.

    •Make noise, shout, or throw rocks at it to make it go away.

    •Make yourself appear as large as possible to make it go away. Put up your arms, jacket, bag or other things over your head.

    •Never get close to a bear. If it gets close to you, do not turn back or run away suddenly, because this may bring an attack (攻击). Instead, you can walk away slowly.

    We should know that all bears can be dangerous and we should treat them cautiously. If you find a bear strange, please call your nearest Division of Wildlife Resources Office. The Division's job is to catch the bear that attacks or shows strange actions toward people.

    1. (1) Which of the following ways is NOT right when you meet a bear?
      A . Looking at it all the time. B . Shouting at it. C . Staying calm. D . Making much noise.
    2. (2) Why should you look large in front of a bear?
      A . To make the bear see you clearly. B . To make the bear love you more. C . To make the bear go away. D . To fight with the bear.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "cautiously" mean?
      A . Cheerfully. B . Quickly. C . Carefully. D . Slowly.
    4. (4) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . How to keep a bear. B . How to protect bears. C . What to do when you meet a bear. D . Where to stay when you meet a bear.
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Today, Mike and his mom went to the library. Mike wanted to find a book to read. His mom wanted to use a computer there.

    When they got to the library, Mike found a book about detectives (侦探). He also found a book about a friendly ghost (鬼). Finally, he found a book about a man who lives in the woods without food or water. He put the books on the front desk and waited for his mom。

    Mike's mom sat at one of the computers in the library. She checked her email and looked at pictures of flowers on the Internet. Then she read a news article on a website.

    Mike's mom left the computer and walked over to Mike, holding up something out. Mike looked at her in surprise. It took him a moment to recognize (辨认出) what she was holding. "I got that movie for us to watch tonight," said Mike's mom. "Are you ready to leave?"

    "Sure," Mike said, holding the movie up in front of him. He read the cover while walking back to the library entrance. He put his books and the movie on the front desk to check out. A librarian stood behind the counter holding an electronic scanner." How long can we keep them?" Mike asked her. "Three weeks," said the librarian, "Cool." said Mike.

    Suddenly, Mike was surprised. His mother was checking out something else that was too big to put on the desk. It's a picture of the ocean. "What is that for?" Mike asked. "To put on our wall at home," said Mike's mom "You can do that?" Mike asked. Mike's mom smiled at the librarian. "Yes," she said, "but we have to return it in three months."

    1. (1) What did Mike's mom do in the library?
      A . She sent some emails to her friends. B . She had a long chat with the librarian. C . She read a piece of news on a website. D . She looked at pictures of animals on the Internet.
    2. (2) How did Mike feel when he saw his mom holding up something out?
      A . Amazed. B . Happy. C . Excited. D . Relaxed.
    3. (3) What did Mike's mom want to do with the picture of the ocean?
      A . She wanted to buy it. B . She wanted to hang it on her wall. C . She wanted to give it to her friend as a gift. D . She wanted to donate it to the library.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Mike could keep the books for about three months. B . Mike and his mom will watch a movie tomorrow. C . The picture of the ocean is not very big. D . The phrase "check out" probably means "to borrow".
  • 19. 阅读理解

    Do you know something about tree rings (年轮)?Do you know they can tell us what the weather was like even hundreds of years ago?

    A tree will grow well in a climate (气候) with lots of sunshine and rainfall (雨量) And little sunshine or rainfall will limit (限制) the growth of a tree. We can see the change of climate by studying the tree rings. For example, to find out the weather of ten years ago, count (数) the rings of a tree from the outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we're sure that it was sunny and rainy most of that year. If it is close to the eleventh ring, then the climate that year was bad.

    Tree rings are important not only for studying the history of weather but also for studying the history of man. Many centuries ago there lived a lot of people at a place in New Mexico. But now you can find only sand but no trees, no people. What happened?

    A scientist studied the rings of the dead trees there. He found that the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees to make fires and buildings. Because all the trees had gone, the people there had to move.

    1. (1) What can we know by studying the tree rings of a tree?
      A . The history of the tree. B . How the trees grew up. C . How the weather was before. D . How the tree died.
    2. (2) If you want to find out the weather of twenty years ago, you should study         of a tree from the outside to the inside.
      A . the twentieth ring B . the tenth ring C . the nineteenth ring D . the twenty-second ring
    3. (3) Why did the people leave the place in New Mexico?
      A . Because they cut down all the trees there. B . Because they found a better place. C . Because there was too much rain there. D . Because there was a big fire.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the passage?
      A . Climate changes B . An interesting study C . The climate of New Mexico D . Tree rings
  • 20. 阅读理解


    I cannot say enough good things about the Kings Hotel. Till rooms were large, clean and comfortable and the hotel workers were excellent. They were even able to book several sightseeing trips to different parts of the city for us. Next time I come to London I will certainly be staying there again. Bob smith Manchester, UK: February 2018

    The hotel's restaurant made the best food I have ever tasted. I am still dreaming about their roast beef and potatoes. I had it for lunch and dinner almost every day I was there. I wanted to have it for breakfast too, but it wasn't on the breakfast menu. The restaurant was a little expensive and the waiters were a bit careless but I still think the hotel was great. Rachel Jones New York, USA: December 2017

    I just want to tell visitors something about the swimming pool, at the Kings Hotel. When I was there, the water was very dirty, almost green. It really made me feel sick. When my drink fell in the water I asked the worker if I could have another one. After waiting for half an hour he still had not brought me one, so I returned to my room. At least the room was very nice. Michael Palin Sydney, Australia: August 2017

    This time last year I was in London for the first time and stayed at this hotel. I found the workers there to be very friendly and helpful. The manager kindly gave me directions to the London Museum and Big Ben and one time he even had a worker take me to the train station entrance. My room was also wonderful and from the window I could see the Thames River. Ma Li Beijing, China: June 2017

    £6 for a cup of coffee in the cafe! £3 for a postcard in the gift shop! £33 for a T-shirt from the clothes store! I never be coming back here. That's for certain. Julie Whinger Paris, France: May 2017

    1. (1) What do most people agree is very good at the hotel?
      A . The workers. B . The rooms. C . The food. D . The price.
    2. (2) Why was Mr. Palin unhappy with the hotel?
      A . He waited too long for his food. B . His room was small. C . The pool was not clean. D . It had no drinks.
    3. (3) What do we know about this hotel?
      A . It is near the river. B . It is a five-star hotel. C . The gift shop sells T-shirts. D . Its restaurant serves few dishes.
    4. (4) When did Ms Ma Li stay at the hotel?
      A . June, 2016. B . May, 2017. C . June, 2017. D . June 2th.
  • 21. 阅读理解

    Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England on 8th January, 1942. He went to school in St Albans, a small city near London. Although he did well. He was never top of his Class.

    After leaving school, Hawking went first to Oxford University where he studied physics, and then he went to Cambridge University where he studied OLT cosmology (宇宙论). As he himself admits, he didn't work hard. He was a very lazy student, and did very little work. However, he still got good marks.

    It was at the age of 20 that Hawking first noticed something was wrong with him. He started to bump (撞下)into things. When he visited his family at Christmas time, his mother was so worried that she made him see a doctor. Doctors said they had no way to help him. He would die before he was 23.

    At first, Hawking became very sad. After a while, though, he began to see his life in a different way. As he later wrote, Before my illness was diagnosed, I had been very bored with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after came out of hospital, I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do.

    Hawking died at 76. He was a man who pushed the limits. He strongly believes that his story shows that no matter how bad their situation is, you just have to do the best you can in your own situation.

    1. (1) As a university student, Stephen Hawking        .
      A . worked very hard B . studied math and physics C . was the best student in his class D . was lazy and did very little work
    2. (2) Hawking first noticed something was wrong with him when         .
      A . he was sent to hospital for test B . his mother made him see a doctor C . he was twenty D . he visited his family at Christmas time one year
    3. (3) In what order did the following happen in the text?

      ①He married.
      ②Something was wrong with him.
      ③ He became sad.

      ④He works at the university.
      ⑤He was sent to hospital for tests.

      ⑥He had an incurable illness.

      A . ④①③⑥②⑤ B . ②⑤③⑥④① C . ⑤④③⑥①② D . ②⑤⑥③④①
  • 22. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。

    England nobody under eighteen years old is allowed  (drink) in a bar. Mr Thompson often went to  bar near his house. But he never took his son, Tom,  he was too young. Then when Tom had his  (eighteen) birthday, Mr. Thompson took him to his usual bar  the first time. They drank for an hour. Tom drank a bit. Then Mr "Now, Tom, I want (teach) you a (use) lesson.
        do you know when you've had enough? Well I'll tell you. Do you see (that) two lights at the end of the bar? When they seem (become) four, you've had enough and should go home."

    "But, Dad," said Tom, "I can only see one light at the end of the bar."

  • 23. 假如你们班正在举行英语读书节活动,你准备向同学们介绍《百科全书》。请你根据以下内容提示,完成你的发言稿。






    要求:80词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数); 可适当各挥。

    参考词汇:record记录reference book工具书

    Dear classmates,

    I am going to introduce the Encyclopaedia to you.

