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(浙江)新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级上册期中...

更新时间:2020-10-15 浏览次数:156 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空—词。

        Today, roller skating(滑旱冰) is popular and fun. And there are many (样式) of roller skates. However, before 1750, the idea of skating didn't exist. It was started from Joseph Merlin whose work was making musical (器械).

        One day, (某人) invited Merlin to attend a music party and it was a(n) (愉快) for him. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance(隆重登场) at the party. He thought he would be a(n) (男主角) if he could skate into the room.

        Merlin tried (几乎) all ways that he could think of to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates in the world. Merlin once (提到) that he was very proud of his invention.

        On the night of the party, Merlin rolled into the room while playing the (小提琴). Everyone was surprised to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on, and all of a (突然), he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. As a result, the mirror fell down, breaking into pieces. Without (疑问), nobody forgot Merlin's entrance!

  • 2. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词

        Do you like eating raisins(葡萄干)? They are dried grapes that have been eaten  (广泛地) for thousands of years. Nearly 3,500 years ago, the first raisins were  (发现) as grapes that were drying in the sun on a vine(藤). In the past, Europeans used raisins as medicine and even as a  (形式) of money.

        In America, raisins were seen after an 1873  (高温) wave in California destroyed its valuable grapes, leaving only dried but tasty grapes. Soon, some  (农民) began developing seedless(无籽的) grapes in California. These grapes would be  (烘干) in the sun and became the popular dark raisins we eat and enjoy today. Later, there was a kind of golden raisin. It was made by treating grapes with a chemical(化学物质) and using some special methods to  (加工) them.

        Today, central California  (保留) the center of the world's raisin industry. It can  (生产) nearly 35 percent of the world's raisins,  (它的) sunny climate and hot temperatures provide the perfect conditions for grapes that are dried into raisins.

  • 3. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词。

        It was the first time that my wife and I had flown first class. As we boarded the plane, we felt as if we were part of a wealthy group. We were (满的) of a sense of pride at sitting with those important people.

        We noticed that the stewardess(空姐) was working non-stop to make sure of the comfort of the first-class (乘客). She could not walk by a seat (没有) being given an order. I thought she must love her job very much, since she gave each person (如此) a big smile.

        As the stewardess passed our seats near the end of the (航班), I looked up at her and said, "Thank you and I hope you have a great night. "She stopped with an (表情) of disbelief on her face, and said, "Excuse me?" I (重复) my words, and she smiled in a rather funny way, It seemed as if I had asked a question that she did not know how to (回答). A little later, as we were getting off the plane, the stewardess said to me, "Thank you very much, sir." Then she said (静静地), "You are the only one who has thanked me or said something nice to me all night. I really appreciate your kindness."

        The sense of belonging to an elite (精英) group in first class disappeared as soon as I heard those words. We were (提醒) that if there was no kindness, there would be no first class flying.

  • 4. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词。

        I have three good friends. They're Jerry, Dave and Bill. Jerry is an Asian boy. Dave is an African boy. Bill is a European boy. When I met them, they were very young. Now they've grown up and have changed. OK, now please listen to the (总的) introductions about their changes.

        Jerry used to be shy and (不说话的). He was afraid of meeting strangers and he (很少) talked with them. He told me he took up dancing to deal with his problems. Now this boy is outgoing. He dares to dance in front of crowds. And he also dares to give a (演讲) in public.

        Dave used to be afraid of (考试). Now he never worries about his tests.

        Bill is from London, the UK. So (确切地), he is a (英国的) boy. He used to hate school. He was even (缺席) from school from time to time. And sometimes he caused lots of problems. Since his head teacher talked to him in person, he has changed. Now he doesn't fight with other students. And he always helps others.

        My three friends are very great and I take (自豪) in them. What about your friends? Are you (自豪的) of them?

  • 5. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词。

        Zhou, the father of a student in Nanjing, was sitting at home one day. All of a sudden, he realized he (很少) spoke to his son's teachers all term. He wasn't even invited to a parents' meeting!

        Zhou decided to ask his son. The answer his son gave him was a big shock. Zhou's son paid a man 50 yuan and asked him to be his "father" at a parents' meeting!

        "I did badly in my (考试) and I didn't (敢于) to tell my father about that," says the boy. " My father is always (骄傲的) of me. I didn't want to make him feel angry.

        This boy is not the only student to do that. Six of his classmates have used their money to do that, too. Most of them played the trick because they were afraid of being punished for getting bad (得分).

        Teachers say that parents are to blame (对……负有责任) for kids' buying "fathers". "Parents are (要求) too much of their children," they say. "Sometimes many students (未能做到),and they don't know how to face their parents then.

        Students should make friends with their parents. Experts on teenagers say that is (确切地) the best way to ( 对付) with this problem. Then students will be able to have heart to-heart talks with their parents. These talks will be (有帮助的) to solve the problem.

  • 6. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词。

        What does it mean to be polite? You are (礼貌的) when you show good manners(礼仪). Look around the lunchroom the next time you are there. You will quickly be (能够) to tell who is polite and who is not.

        Your friends who talk (静静地) are polite. Those who chew(嚼) food with their (嘴) closed are polite. Those who are not very polite may play with their food. They may talk aloud at the (角落). Those who are not polite are usually getting into trouble at lunchtime with the (老师) who are watching. You can also show you are polite when you meet (某人) new. The best way to do this is make eye contact with the person you are meeting.

        Stick out your hand to shake (手). Smile, then say," Hi, my name is ...It is very nice to meet you," The person you are meeting will smile. He or she will be pleased with how polite you are. Being polite tells others you respect(尊敬) them, It also tells others that you know (如何) to act properly.

        You will feel good about (你自己) when you are nice and polite to others.

  • 7. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空—词。

        There is a kind of pretty popular transportation in every big city. It's (地铁). No matter how far you are from the (中心的) part of the city, you can take it to many places in your city. It's very (方便的) for everyone to get everywhere. It's just like a(n) (明信片) of a big city. If you want to take it, you must know something about it. First, you must know the right (方向), and then you are able to get on it. Or you may go to wrong places. Next, you should learn to be (礼貌的) to let others get on or off first. There are some signs that (引导) you to wait for it. That means you should wait for it at the (正确的)places. However, some people complain that there are no (洗手间) on it. Experts say that there is no need to set them up. After all, everyone doesn't (花费) much time on it.

  • 8. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词。

        Many people have cars in the city. But pollution is a problem because of the (交通). Nowadays some (中心的) cities around the world don't have cars. These car free zones(无车区) are areas (地区) for people, bicycles, and public transportation only.

        (百万) of people live in the center of London and another two million go to work there every day. The downtown area is very (吵闹的) with hundreds of cars, buses and taxis, but there are (也) a lot of beautiful parks with free music concerts. At lunchtime, many people go there for a rest (在……后)they finish work.

        Parts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of people but no cars! These modern car- free zones are (真正地) popular and people like shopping there,

        In the past, Bogota was polluted because there (有) lots of cars and traffic. Now the downtown area is a car-free zone and it is (干净的)! Many people don't have a car and half a million people the bus to work. There are lots of stores. It's not expensive to shop there.

  • 9. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词。

        Qingming, meaning "clear" and "bright", is one of the most important (节日) in spring. It is also called Tomb Sweeping Day. Itcomes in early (四月). On that day, people visit tombs(扫墓) to honor the dead. They always (花费) some time cleaning the tomb area. They usually plant some trees near the tombs and decorate them with fresh (花).

        But it is not (仅仅) a day for honoring the dead. It is also a good time to (庆祝) the coming of spring. With the coming of spring, nature (醒来) up, dressing the world in green. Everything is new, clean and fresh. Birds begin to build houses for their (宝宝),In forests and fields, many animals have babies at this time of the year. Days begin to get (长) and the weather gets warmer. So Qingming is also a happy time for people to enjoy the outdoor activities, such as flying kites and hiking. This is why this festival has been very popular for (千) of years.

  • 10. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词。

        It was Mother's Day last Sunday. Li Xue and Lin Hao celebrated it in different ways.

        Li Xue comes from a family filled with (温暖) and happiness, Her mother always (对待) her as a friend instead of a child. Though she is very busy with her , she always spends time with Li Xue as much as (可能的). On Mother's Day, Li Xue gave her mother a card made by herself.

        Lin Hao's mother is (严格的) with him. There were some family rules for him when he was young. He couldn't play computer games and even couldn't read (小说). When he did something wrong, his mother always (惩罚) him and warned him to think it; over next time. She hoped Lin Hao could be (成功的) one day. At first, Lin Hao did not like his mother. To him, his mother seemed to be a(n) (陌生人). He; never wanted to communicate with her. But at (现在), Lin Hao begins to understand his mother's love. On Mother's Day, he made a special meal for his mother, and sent her a message full of love and thanks.

