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更新时间:2020-10-15 浏览次数:211 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

        Young people can have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents or classmates.

        Liu, a Junior 2 student from Hefei, could not understand his teacher and was doing badly in class. He became so worried about it that he started to cut his finger with a knife. Another student, the 14-year-old Yan from Guangzhou, was afraid of exams. She got very worried, and when she looked at the exam paper, she couldn't think of anything.

        October 10 was World Mental Health Day (世界精神卫生日). A recent report from Jiefang Daily (《解放日报》) said about18 percent of Shanghai teens have mental problems.

        Their troubles include being worried, very unhappy or having problems in learning and getting on well with other people.

        According to experts, children from troubled families are most likely to become ill. More boys than girls have mental problems.

        Yu Zhengrong, a doctor at Yangsi School in Shanghai, said Junior 1 students often start to have problems when they begin at a new school.

        Many students who have problems won't go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid if they go to a doctor, and others don't want to tell their secrets.

        Liang Yuezhu, an expert on teenagers from Beijing Anding Hospital, has the following advice for teens:

        Talk to your parents or teachers often.

        Join in group activities and play sports.

        Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.

    1. (1) If young people have problems in mind, what will happen to them?
      A . They will be happy with everything. B . They will have a talk with their parents or teachers. C . They will do strange things. D . There are always smiles on the face.
    2. (2) According to the passage, the students at the age of ______ often begin to have mental problems when they begin at a new school.
      A . 5—6 B . 9—10 C . 12—14 D . 18—20
    3. (3) If a student has mental problems, what should he do?
      A . He'd better not go out and ask for help because other people will laugh at him. B . He'd better go to see a doctor for advice. C . He'd better not always get together with the classmates or friends. D . It's not important. Don't mind.
    4. (4) Which is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . About 18 percent of the students have problems in mind in China. B . Only talking to parents can cure the mental problems. C . Less girls have mental problems than boys. D . Mental problems are common, and they come and go quickly.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Jane Goodall is a famous scientist. For more than 40 years, Goodall lived mostly in Tanzania in East Africa, studying chimpanzees (黑猩猩).

        As a young child, Jane Goodall was interested in animals. She grew up in the English countryside and was always climbing trees or riding horses.

        When Jane was 23, she got a chance to go to Africa. Even though she had never been to college, she got a job to work with a famous scientist named Louis Leakey.

        One day Louis Leakey said he needed a volunteer. He needed someone to go to a lake in Tanzania to study a kind of chimpanzees. Jane was excited.

        On July 14,1960, she began her exploration (探索). At first, the chimpanzees ran away from Jane. But with time passing by, they got used to her being around.

        Every day, Jane would follow the chimpanzees, taking notes on their behaviour. She learned many new things about chimpanzees. She watched how a chimpanzee made a tool. She learned how some chimpanzees became good leaders. She watched how mother chimpanzees raised their children. She watched animals got angry and got upset. She wrote everything down so others would understand animals as she did. She learned that if you pay really close attention to animals, you will understand what they are "saying".

    1. (1) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Jane Goodall's college life B . Jane Goodall's family C . Jane Goodall, a famous scientist D . Jane Goodall and Louis Leakey
    2. (2) What is the correct order of the following according to the passage?

      a. Jane went to Africa.    B. Jane started her exploration.

      c. Jane worked with Louis Leakey.     d. Jane was born in the countryside.

      e. Jane followed chimpanzees.

      A . d-a-e-b-c B . b-a-c-d-e C . a-d -c-b-e D . d-a-c-b-e
    3. (3) Louis Leakey chose Jane Goodall as a volunteer to _____.
      A . plant trees B . raise horses C . study chimpanzees D . do experiments
    4. (4) Jane ______ the chimpanzees' behaviour to help others understand them.
      A . wrote down B . took pictures of C . made videos of D . drew pictures about
    5. (5) From the passage we can infer (推断) that _______.
      A . mother chimpanzees raise their children B . people can communicate with animals C . animals don't get excited D . chimpanzees make tools
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents.

        However, it is not true.

        Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it. Here is some advice for you to bridge the generation gap(消除代沟).

        Don't argue with your parents. Don't get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can't express yourself well if you are angry. Go to some-place to calm down. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don't think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.

        Try to reach a compromise(和解).Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael's mother didn't agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days. Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.

        Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.

        A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. Please have a try!

    1. (1) The passage tells us         have a communication problem.
      A . parents and other people B . school kids and their parents C . teachers and their students D . parents and their children of all ages
    2. (2) Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you           .
      A . don't often get to them B . write a letter to them C . don't speak to them politely D . express yourself well
    3. (3) The underlined phrase "calm down" in the passage means "      ".
      A . make yourself happy B . get yourself quiet and relaxed C . have a good rest D . hide yourself quickly
    4. (4) From the passage we can learn that          .
      A . parents and children should not have a generation gap B . parents should show love and respect to their children C . there are some good ways to bridge the generation gap D . there are so many serious problems in families today
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Family traditions are special habits or customs that your family have. For example, in the family of Bill Gates, his parents keep the tradition of reading with children. And what's the tradition in your family?

    ★Nick, 15, England

        On every family member's birthday, we give him or her a surprise. Last Sunday, it was my mother's birthday. And I knew that she wanted to see a film. So I bought a ticket without telling her first. This made her really happy.

    ★Jack, 15, Cuba

        Every weekend, my parents and I go to my grandparents' home. My grandparents cook many delicious foods. I meet all my cousins. We talk about interesting things at school. Sometimes, my parents also play games with us.

    ★Yu Xin,14, China

        During every summer or winter holiday, we have a family trip across the country. I'm always the one who chooses where to go. We have visited Qingdao, Xiamen and Beijing. I enjoy the trips.

    1. (1) The family of Bill Gates keep the tradition of          with children.
      A . playing B . reading C . singing D . travelling
    2. (2)        bought a film ticket for his mother.
      A . Bill B . Jack C . Nick D . Yu Xin
    3. (3) Sometimes, Jack's parents            when the family get together.
      A . cook food B . talk about interesting things C . meet cousins D . play games with the children
    4. (4) The three children are talking about their               .
      A . school life B . birthday parties C . birthday plans D . family traditions
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Li Yugang dresses like a woman and sings like a bird. He won third prize in CCTV's Star Road in 2006. He sings folk songs. However, he seems to have the spirit of Mei Lanfang. In fact, the man had learnt something from Mei. Lanfang's students.

        People in China usually don't like cross-dressing(反串).But people are really surprised at Li's beauty and grace when he sings and dances.

        Do you know who invented QQ? It was Ma Huateng. He was born in Guangdong in 1971. He chose computer science when he entered Shenzhen University in 1989. He worked as a computer programmer for a company in Shenzhen for five years after he graduated in 1993. Later he left the company and started his own company in 1998.

        Yue Fei was a famous hero of the Southern Song Dynasty. He was born in a poor family in Henan Province. He was very brave and won many battles with his soldiers. But Qin Hui killed Yue Fei for Mo Xu You. Later a temple about Yue was built in memory of him at the foot of Qixia Ling by West lake, in Hangzhou.

    1. (1) Who did Li Yugang once learn from according to the passage?
      A . Mei Lanfang. B . Mei Lanfang's students. C . Mei Yanfang's students. D . Mei Lanfang's friends.
    2. (2) The underlined word: "grace" means"        "in Chinese.
      A . 粗犷 B . 做作 C . 傲慢 D . 优雅
    3. (3) From the passage, we know Yue Fei            .
      A . was not born in a rich family B . was not brave C . killed Qin Hui D . built a temple
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Li Yugang invented QQ. B . Ma Huateng used to work as a computer programmer for a company. C . Li Yugang won first prize in CCTV's Star Road. D . Yue Fei seldom won battles with his soldiers.
  • 6. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        Last Sunday evening, my parents went out for a walk with my sister. But I studied alone at home because l would have an English test. Suddenly, I saw bright light in my neighbor's kitchen. I thought he was cooking, so I went on studying.  

    Soon, there was a terrible smell in the air and I thought something was wrong. I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbor's kitchen. So I shouted “Fire, Fire!” But no one heard or came out.

        I ran quickly to my house to call 119, and then I rang my neighbor's doorbell, knocked at the door, but there was no response. I got into the house through the window and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom. I woke him up and we rushed out of the house together.

        We tried our best to pour water through the kitchen window, but the fire was too heavy. Luckily, the firemen came and put out the fire quickly. When my parents came back, they found I was dirty and tired. After my neighbor told them the whole story, they were happy and said I was a brave boy.

    1. (1) The underlined word “response” can be replaced(代替)by _________.

      A . result B . answer C . question D . key
    2. (2) Why didn't the writer go out for a walk with his parents?

      A . Because his parents only liked his sister. B . Because he would have an English class. C . Because he had to study for an English test. D . Because mere was fire on his neighbor's kitchen.
    3. (3) Who put out the fire at last?

      A . The writer. B . The writer's parents. C . The writer's neighbor. D . The firemen.
    4. (4) What's the passage mainly about?

      A . How to put out afire. B . My neighbor was a brave man. C . I saved my neighbor from the fire. D . I studied a test at home.
  • 7. 根据表格内容,选择正确答案。

    J&M Music Store

    ﹒Rock, pop and country music

    ﹒Buy CDs new or used

    ﹒Listen before you buy

    ﹒Guitar lessons offered

    Peth Market

    ﹒Fresh fruit and vegetables

    ﹒Open Friday to Sunday mornings

    ﹒Free ice cream for children under 12


    Times Coffee Shop

    ﹒The best coffee in town

    ﹒Sandwiches, cakes, pies

    ﹒Open 10:00 a. m. 一11:00 p. m. daily

    ﹒Jazz music(from Wednesday to Sunday)

    Macon's B&B

    ﹒Feel like home when you're away from

    ﹒We have different kinds of rooms

    ﹒Delicious homemade breakfast


    1. (1) You can _________at J&M Music Store.

      A . receive guitar lessons B . borrow new or used CDs C . learn pop music history D . buy all kinds of music books
    2. (2) You can go to Times Coffee Shop to have coffee and pies at __________.

      A . 8:30 a. m. B . 9:30 a. m. C . 10:30 p. m. D . 11:30 p. m.
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

      A . There is no breakfast at Macon's B&B B . You can't listen to CDs before you buy it. C . Times Coffee Shop offers Jazz music every day. D . Kids under 12 can get free ice cream in Peth Market.
    4. (4) Where is the passage probably from?

      A . A dictionary. B . A newspaper. C . A story book. D . A science report.
  • 8. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        Be honest. That's all you have to do on Honesty Day. It would be great if we were all honest every day of the year. It's good that there is a day to encourage honesty. M. Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day. He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fool's Day, which celebrates lies. On Honesty Day, anyone may ask you any question and you should give a true and honest answer. That means that you have knowledge of Honesty Day.

    M. Hirsh Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies. He said in his book mat almost all person lie about 200 times a day. In our daily life, a typical(典型的) life for a man is "I did not drink that much” and for a woman is "Nothing is wrong I'm fine.” It is found that nurses are the most honest people, while sales people and politicians(政客) are the biggest liars.

        Every Honesty Day, M. Hirsh Goldberg hands out prizes to honest people.

    1. (1) M. Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day to ____________.

      A . celebrate lies B . encourage honesty C . ask questions D . hand out prizes
    2. (2) Which of the following is Honesty Day?

      A . April 1st. B . April 10th. C . April 20th. D . April 30th.
    3. (3) According to the passage, __________ are the most honest people.

      A . nurses B . sales people C . politicians D . all men
    4. (4) The underlined word“liars”probably means “____________”.

      A . someone who tells truth B . someone who doesn't tell the truth C . someone who can cook D . someone who can ski
  • 9. 阅读下列短文, 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    There are some great women scientists in the world. The world would certainly not be so wonderful without their hard work.

    Here is a list of some top women scientists and their achievements.

    ◆Marie Curie

          Curie was born in Poland on November 7, 1867. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity(放射). She was also the first person to win two Nobel Prizes, one in physics and the other in chemistry.

    ◆Rosalind Elsie Franklin

         Franklin was born on July 25, 1920 in London. She graduated from Cambridge University. She played a great role (角色) in the discovery of the structure(结构)of DNA.

    ◆Annie Jump Cannon

          Cannon was born on December 11, 1863. She was an American astronomer. She divided more than 500,000 stars into different kinds and discovered more than 300 stars in her life.

    ◆Sally Kristen Ride    

          Ride was born on May 26, 1951. She was an American astronaut. She was the first American woman to travel into outer space.

    ◆Grace Murray Hopper

          Hopper was born on December 9, 1906 in New York. She was one of the earliest computer programmers and a leader in the development of computer software.

    1. (1) Curie won the Nobel Prizes in ______.    

      A . physics B . language C . chemistry D . both A and C
    2. (2) Why was Annie Jump Cannon great?

      A . She became the first American woman to go to space.     B . She graduated from Cambridge University. C . She divided more than 500,000 stars into different kinds.     D . She discovered the structure of DNA
    3. (3) Who was born in December?    

      A . Curie and Cannon. B . Hopper and Ride.     C . Cannon and Franklin. D . Cannon and Hopper.
    4. (4) ____ made a great contribution(贡献)to the development of computer software.    

      A . Curie B . Hopper C . Franklin D . Cannon
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?     

      A . The earliest computer programmers.      B . Marie Curie and her friends. C . American women scientists and their achievements. D . Top women scientists and their achievements.
  • 10. 阅读短文,下列问题


        What problems do the teenagers probably have? Here is a survey showing their main problems.






    Too much homework. Don't have enough time for their hobbies.

    Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax as possible as you can.

    Getting short-sighted

    Too much homework. Bad reading and writing habits.

    Do homework or reading in a correct way.


    Don't know how to get on well with classmates.

    Make more friends and understand each other. Share your problems with them.

    Feeling tired of study

    Computer games' bad influence.

    Don't be crazy about computer games. Play them just for a short time when you are tired.

    Getting fat

    Having more pocket money to buy snacks. Dislike doing exercise.

    Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. Spend some time doing exercise every day.

    1. (1) How many main problems are there in the survey?

      A . Four. B . Five.      C . Six. D . Seven.
    2. (2) What problems are caused by too much homework?

      A . Feeling stressed and fights.  B . Feeling tired of study and getting fat. C . Feeling stressed and getting short-sighted.  D . Getting short-sighted and feeling tired of study.
    3. (3) If Simon is feeling stressed, he should ______.

      A . do much more homework B . make a plan to spend time on study and hobbies C . donate his pocket money to Project Hope D . buy some snacks
    4. (4) Peter is tired of study, maybe because he ______.

      A . has no close friends B . has no pocket money C . plays too many computer games D . gets fatter and fatter
    5. (5) ______ is a good way for the teenagers to stop fights.

      A . Doing less homework          B . Playing computer games C . Learning how to make friends           D . Paying no attention to each other

