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更新时间:2020-10-16 浏览次数:162 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. 根据图片 选词填空。

    A. up    B. down    C. in    D. under    E. on

    1. (1) The book isthe desk.

    2. (2) The train isthe hill.

    3. (3) The girl isthe tree.

    4. (4) The book is the schoolbag.

    5. (5) The train isthe hill.

  • 2. Daming is a bike. And he can very fast. (ride /riding)
  • 3. The is flying in the .(kite, sky)
  • 4. 选词填空

    A. playing    B. doing    C. Are    D. talking    E. too

    A: What's Daming?

    B: He'sbasketball.

    A:Tom and Sam playing basketball, ?

    B: No, they aren't. They'reto Miss Li.

  • 5. 看图,从方框中选择正确的单词完成对话。

    left,   straight,   right,   up,   school,   hill,   supermarket

    1. (1) A: Where's the train?

      B: It's the.

    2. (2) A: Excuse me. Where's the  , please?

      B: Go on and turn .

    3. (3) A: Where's the  , please?

      B: Turn .

  • 6. 选词填空。

    How     How much    How many   How old

    1. (1) — is the pencil?

      —It's five yuan.

    2. (2) — girls can you see?


    3. (3) — is your sister?

      —She's fine.

    4. (4) — is your mother?

      —She is thirty.

  • 7. 选词填空。

    with     at     making    nice     also

    1. (1) You want some rice and I want some.
    2. (2) I want some noodles tomato.
    3. (3) The girl is noodles.
    4. (4) The dumplings are . I want some more.
    5. (5) Look that man. He is my teacher.
  • 8. 选词填空。

    She     Do     high    run        first

    1. (1) Can you fast?

    2. (2) can't row a boat.

    3. (3) I'm  the .

    4. (4) you jump high?

    5. (5) I can jump .

  • 9. 选出正确的单词或短语。

    A. turn right       B. turn left       C. supermarket     D. cinema      E. go straight on

    1. (1) 电影院 

    2. (2) 直走 

    3. (3) 向左转

    4. (4) 向右转 

    5. (5) 超市

  • 10. 选词填空。

    near   next to   on   up   in    at 

    1. (1) The bus is going  the hill.

    2. (2) It's a supermarket.

    3. (3) I live No.2 West Lake Road.

    4. (4)
      It's  the houses.
    5. (5) Look  these pictures.

    6. (6) Come   , kids!

  • 11. 根据图片选择正确答案

    (writing a letter;talking to you;doing my homework;listening to music;reading a book;playing football)

    1. (1)

      I'm .

    2. (2)

      I'm .

    3. (3)

      I'm .

    4. (4)

      I'm .

    5. (5)

      I'm .

    6. (6)

      I'm .

