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高中英语人教新课标必修5 Unit 4 Making the...

更新时间:2020-11-11 浏览次数:129 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. What is the man?
    Can you tell me what you do, Kwan?<br />Well, I'm studying the piano at Chonju University at the moment.
    A . A student. B . A pianist. C . A teacher.
  • 2. What happened to Amanda?
    Oh, Amanda, look at you. You are so sunburned.<br />I know. I went to the beach yesterday and I feel like I'm on fire now.
    A . She failed to go to the beach. B . She was caught in a fire. C . She got sunburn.
  • 3. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    What can I do for you?<br />I had a sudden headache in my office and it gets worse now.<br />Well, this is the medicine that should help.<br />Take this medicine before meals three times a day.
    A . In a hospital. B . In the woman's house. C . In the woman's office.
  • 4. What is the man doing?
    Please write your name on this line which my first name or last name your family name and then your first name and<br />Since you are not married, please put a mark in the single box
    A . Signing for a box. B . Collecting the woman's information. C . Filling out a form (填表).
  • 5. What will the man do tomorrow?
    Will you keep working here?<br />I don't think so. I need to get a full-time job.<br />Well, maybe you can work your full-time. Let's ask the manager tomorrow.<br />That's great. Thank you.
    A . Meet the manager. B . Look for a new job. C . Introduce a job to the woman.
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    Hey, Mary?<br />George, is that you?<br />I can't believe it.<br />Yeah, it's me.<br />We haven't seen each other since we left high school.<br />How have you been anyway?<br />I finished college and now I'm going to medical school.<br />That's great. Are you married?<br />Oh, come on. I'm too young. How about you?<br />I opened up a used bookstore.<br />Great. Do you still keep in touch with Cher?<br />Well, as a matter of fact, we're partners at the bookstore.<br />Hey, Mary?<br />George, is that you? I can't believe it.<br />Yeah, it's me.<br />We haven't seen each other since we left high school. How have you been anyway?<br />I finished college and now I'm going to medical school.<br />Great. Are you married?<br />Oh, come on. I'm too young. How about you?<br />I opened up a used bookstore.<br />Great. Do you still keep in touch with Cher?<br />Well, as a matter of fact, we're partners at the bookstore.
    1. (1) What is the relationship between the speakers?
      A . Old schoolmates. B . Teacher and student. C . Wife and husband.
    2. (2) What does the woman do?
      A . A school doctor. B . A bookstore owner. C . A college teacher.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    Hello, Sue. I'm leaving for Italy tomorrow.<br />When are you going?<br />I'm leaving at 9 tomorrow morning. I'm driving to the airport. It will take me about an hour.<br />The plane takes off at 11 o'clock.<br />What are you going to do in Italy?<br />I enjoy sunbathing and taking a walk on the beach, but this time it's more of a cultural holiday.<br />I decided to visit some museums and art galleries this time.<br />Sounds interesting. Will you view the whole city by bus?<br />No, I'm going to hire a car in Milan.<br />That's a good idea. It will make it easier to see the whole city then.<br />Hello, Sue. I'm leaving for Italy tomorrow.<br />When are you going?<br />I'm leaving at 9 tomorrow morning. I'm driving to the airport. It will take me about an hour.<br />I'm leaving for New Zepperalio.<br />Have a nice day!<br />You
    1. (1) When will the man arrive at the airport tomorrow morning?
      A . At about 9:00. B . At about 10:00. C . At about 11:00.
    2. (2) What will the man do in Italy this time?
      A . Sunbathe on the beach. B . Attend a cultural meeting. C . Visit museums and art galleries.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    Atlas hotel can I help you? Oh, yes a friend told me about your ad on a paper<br />Yes, and you can visit our website, too. I'd like to book some rooms, please<br />When would you like to stay here?<br />Well, we've booked flights on the 23rd of August<br />Okay, how long do you want to stay?<br />Last year we only stayed a week and this time we thought two weeks until September 6th if it's possible<br />That looks fine<br />And we've got two children and I was wondering if you have any rooms that are next to each other<br />Let's see. I'm afraid that isn't possible<br />But we have what we call a family room which can take two adults and two children. Oh, that sounds perfect<br />Atlas hotel can I help you? Oh, yes a friend told me about your ad on a paper<br />Yes, and you can visit our website, too. I'd like to book some rooms, please<br />When would you like to stay here?<br />Well, we've booked flights on the 23rd of August<br />Okay, how long do you want to stay?<br />Last year we only stayed a week and this time we thought two weeks until September 6th if it's possible<br />That looks fine<br />And we've got two children and I was wondering if you have any rooms that are next to each other<br />Let's see. I'm afraid that isn't possible<br />But we have what we call a family room which can take two adults and two children. Oh, that sounds perfect
    1. (1) How did the woman know about the hotel?
      A . From a friend. B . From a newspaper. C . From the Internet.
    2. (2) When will the woman's family leave the hotel?
      A . On August 23rd. B . On August 30th. C . On September 6th.
    3. (3) What do we know about the woman?
      A . She has one child. B . She takes the man's advice. C . She will book rooms next to each other.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    6, 6, 9, 8, 7, 2.<br />Oh, hello. I'm ringing about the guitar you have for sale.<br />Can you tell me how old it is?<br />Well, I bought it from a friend about six months ago,<br />and he got it for his birthday.<br />So it's about 11 months old now.<br />How much are you selling it for?<br />I think I like 200 pounds for it.<br />I bought it for 500.<br />Sounds good. Can I come and see it?<br />Sure. I live at 60 Kensal Road.<br />Can I walk there from the high street?<br />It's probably best if you get a bus.<br />The number 18 bus stops in my road outside number 70.<br />And there's a subway station, but it's a bit farther from my house.<br />My name is Jenny Levine, and you are?<br />Josh Bentley.<br />I'm free tonight. Would you be at home at 8 o'clock?<br />I don't get back from work until 8.<br />Maybe...<br />6, 6, 9, 8, 7, 2.<br />Oh, hello. I'm ringing about the guitar you have for sale.<br />Can you tell me how old it is?<br />Well, I bought it from a friend about six months ago,<br />and he got it for his birthday.<br />So it's about 11 months old now.<br />How much are you selling it for?<br />I think I like 200 pounds for it.<br />I bought it for 500.<br />Sounds good. Can I come and see it?<br />Sure. I live at 60 Kensal Road.<br />Can I walk there from the high street?<br />It's probably best if you get a bus.<br />The number 18 bus stops in my road outside number 70.<br />And there's a subway station, but it's a bit farther from my house.<br />My name is Jenny Levine, and you are?<br />Josh Bentley.<br />I'm free tonight. Would you be at home at 8 o'clock?<br />I don't get back from work until 8.<br />Maybe...
    1. (1) How did the man get the guitar?
      A . He got it as a birthday gift. B . He bought it in the sales. C . He bought it from a friend.
    2. (2) How much does the man sell the guitar for?
      A . £200. B . £300. C . £500.
    3. (3) How does the man suggest the woman go to his house?
      A . On foot. B . By bus. C . By subway.
    4. (4) What will the man do next?
      A . Set up the time to meet. B . Tell the woman his address. C . Wait for the woman at home.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    In today's On Message, I'm joined by Harry Cameron, who has worked as a reporter for<br />about 60 years.<br />Harry, welcome.<br />Thank you.<br />It's a pleasure to be here.<br />Harry, please tell us what being a reporter was like when you started your first job.<br />Didn't you feel tired because you had to travel a lot?<br />Not at all.<br />My main memory of those days is the sense of pride I felt at writing for a famous national newspaper.<br />In those days, almost everyone read a paper every day.<br />Reporters like me traveled the world and reported everything important.<br />I remember once in the early 1950s, reporting from a war area in East Asia.<br />I wrote my report sitting on the bed in my hotel and then phoned it through to my editor for publication a day or two later.<br />But people still read newspapers today, don't they?<br />Yes, but the purpose of newspapers changed.<br />If you want to know what's going on in the world, you turn on the television and spend time on CNN or News 24,<br />which broadcasts the latest news 24 hours a day.<br />And on top of all that, there's the internet.<br />In today's On Message, I'm joined by Harry Cameron, who has worked as a reporter for about 60 years.<br />Harry, welcome.<br />Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here.<br />Harry, please tell us what being a reporter was like when you started your first job.<br />Didn't you feel tired because you had to travel a lot?<br />Not at all.<br />My main memory of those days is the sense of pride I felt at writing for a famous national newspaper.<br />In those days, almost everyone read a paper every day.<br />Reporters like me traveled the world and reported everything important.<br />I remember once in the early 1950s, reporting from a war area in East Asia.<br />I wrote my report sitting on the bed in my hotel and then phoned it through to my editor for publication a day or two later.<br />But people still read newspapers today, don't they?<br />Yes, but the purpose of newspapers changed.<br />If you want to know what's going on in the world, you turn on the television and spend time on CNN or News 24,<br />which broadcasts the latest news 24 hours a day.<br />And on top of all that, there's the internet.
    1. (1) What are the speakers mainly talking about?
      A . The man's experience in East Asia. B . The advantages of newspapers. C . The man's work as a reporter.
    2. (2) How did the man feel when he started working as a reporter?
      A . Tired. B . Proud. C . Stressed.
    3. (3) Why did the man go to East Asia in the early 1950s?
      A . To serve in the army. B . To take a trip. C . To report a war.
    4. (4) What made the purpose of newspapers change according to the man?
      A . People can get news for free. B . There are other ways to get information. C . People don't have time to read newspapers.

