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牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级上册Unit 7 at t...

更新时间:2021-01-06 浏览次数:134 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 英汉互译。
    1. (1) 拾贝壳
    2. (2) 度假
    3. (3) 在海滩上
    4. (4) 享受阳光
    5. (5) 在大海里
    6. (6) have a good time
    7. (7) do homework
    8. (8) write a letter
    9. (9) put…in
    10. (10) throw…into
  • 12. 选择配伍

           A                                                                     B

    Are the Browns in Sanya?              A. Sorry, I'm busy.

    Is Mr Brown reading a book?        B. No, I am not.

    What day is it today?                     C. Yes, they are.

    Where are they?                             D. It's going to Australia.

    What is Peter doing?                      E. I'm Peter.

    Let's go swimming, Kitty.                F. They are at the beach.

    Are you doing your homework?     G. Yes, he is.

    Where is it going?                           H. I'm from China.

    Where are you from?                      I. He is colleting shells.

    Who are you?                                  J. It's Saturday.

  • 28. 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。

    Today is Sunday. The Browns are on holiday in Sanya. They are at the beach.

    It is a beautiful day. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. Sally is enjoying the sunshine. Peter is sitting beside Sally. He is reading a book. Mrs Brown and Paul are collecting shells. Mr Brown is swimming in the sea. They are all having a good time.

    1. (1) The Browns are on in Sanya. They are at the .
    2. (2) Sally is the sunshine.
    3. (3) Peter is beside Sally. He is a book.
    4. (4) Mrs Brown is shells.
    5. (5) Mr Brown is in the sea.

