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更新时间:2020-11-25 浏览次数:186 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 完形填空

        Do you have a computer? My father1a computer for me on my birthday. I'm very2. The computer3a keyboard and a mouse. I turn4the computer and then I visit the websites and5with my friends on QQ. Now I can play computer6, listen to music, learn English and do other things on the computer. I like exercise and my favourite fruit is apples. What7you? If you8to be my friend, please9emails to me. My email address10xiaoxue@ 126. com.

    A . buys B . buy C . check D . checks
    A . sad B . interesting C . busy D . happy
    A . have B . has C . is D . are
    A . off B . of C . on D . for
    A . talks B . talk C . take D . takes
    A . game B . gaming C . games D . a game
    A . in B . of C . with D . about
    A . go B . want C . have D . work
    A . make B . let C . send D . do
    A . be B . am C . are D . is
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Li Xiang, 11 years old, China

        Dragon Boat Festival is my favourite festival. It is on the 5th day of the 5th month of the Chinese lunar calendar. We can enjoy many interesting activities(活动), such as the dragon boat races(赛龙舟). We can eat delicious food like zongzi.

        David, 12 years old, America

        My favourite festival is Christmas. It is on December 25th. We always put a Christmas tree in our house. In the evening, my family usually have a big dinner. My favourite Christmas food is turkey.

        Tmsuk, 11 years old, Japan

        My favourite festival is Children's Day for boys. It is on May 5th. On that day, present wish(祝福) their children good health. We always eat a kind of rice cakes. It's a special food for the festival.

    1. (1) At Dragon Boat Festival, people always eat _______.
      A . turkey B . zongzi C . cakes D . dumplings
    2. (2) Of the three festivals, _______ is in December.
      A . Children's Day for boys B . Dragon Boat Festival C . Christmas D . none(一个也没有)
    3. (3) Children's Day for boys in Japan is on _______.
      A . March 25th B . May 25th C . March 5th D . May 5th
    4. (4) Where does Tmsuk come from?
      A . China. B . England. C . Japan D . America.
    5. (5) From the form(表格) we can't learn       .
      A . Li Xiang is Chinese B . Tmsuk is 11 years old C . David likes Christmas best D . Li Xiang doesn't like the dragon boat races
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Today is 20th January. it is my birthday. I get up at 7:30 am. My parents say to me, "Happy birthday!" Today I get lots of presents from my parents and my friends. My father gives me a blue box and there is a book in it. My mother gives me a red box and there is a blue shirt in it. Ben, one of my good friends, gives me a big yellow box. There is a basketball in it. I like playing basketball There is a green note(便条) on my table. It says, "I am your present, and I am behind your schoolbag. " Aha! It's a radio! It's from my brother, Jim.

        I am happy. I love my family and nay friends very much.

    1. (1) When is the writer's(作者的) birthday?
      A . On 191h January. B . On 20th January. C . On 21st January. D . On 22nd January.
    2. (2) Who gives the writer a blue shirt?
      A . His father. B . His mother. C . His brother. D . His friend.
    3. (3) Ben gives the writer _______ as a birthday present.
      A . a basketball B . a blue shirt C . a radio D . a book
    4. (4) The radio is _______.
      A . on the bed B . under the bed C . in the writer's schoolbag D . behind the writer's schoolbag
    5. (5) How many presents does the writer get according to the passage?
      A . Six. B . Five. C . Four. D . Three.
  • 4. 根据短文内容判断句子正误

    Spring Festival

        In China Spring Festival is the most important festival. It comes on the first day of the first lunar month(阴历月).

        Before Spring Festival comes, people go out to buy things, such as meat, chicken, fish, fruit, sweets and new clothes. They clean their houses and decorate them. The Chinese character fu is a must. It is usually stuck(贴) upside down, which means "fu comes".

        The celebrations (庆祝) begin on the eve of the lunar New Year. The family get together for a bi g dinner. If a person is far from home, he will always try to get home for this big dinner. After the dinner, the whole family will sit together, chatting (聊天) and watching TV.

        During the holidays (节日), they go to visit relatives and friends and exchange New Year greetings. They sit around talking and eating candies, cakes and all kinds of delicious food. Every family prepares something special. Each child will get money as a New Year gift. People in the north of China often eat dumplings for breakfast. People in the south often eat niangao because niangao means "higher and higher one year after another".

        The celebrations last (持续) 15 days. It will come to an end when Lantern Festival finishes.

    1. (1) In China Spring Festival is on the first day of January.
    2. (2) People usually buy many things before Spring Festival in China.
    3. (3) Usually, the celebrations are from the eve of the lunar New Year to Lantern Festival.
    4. (4) The whole family usually sit together, chatting and watching TV after the big dinner.
    5. (5) People in the north often eat niangao.
  • 5. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Dear Mike,

        How are you? I have a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. It begins at 6:30. It is at Uncle Paul's restaurant. First, we can eat and talk from 6:30 to 7:45. After that we can go to a concert in Star Park near History Museum. Every Saturday night, there is a free (免费的) concert at 8:00. We can sing and dance there. You can meet my other friends, my cousins and my sisters at my birthday party. Would you like to come?


    1. (1) _____ has a birthday party on Saturday afternoon.

      A . Mike B . Emily C . Uncle Paul D . Emily's cousin
    2. (2) The birthday party starts at _____.

      A . 6:30 pm B . 7:45 pm C . 8:00 pm D . 8:45 pm
    3. (3) They have the birthday party _____.

      A . in Star Park B . near History Museum C . at Uncle Paul's restaurant D . at Emily's house
    4. (4) What can they do from 6:30pm to 7:45pm?

      A . Sing and dance. B . Read and write. C . Listen and speak. D . Eat and talk.
    5. (5) Who don't go to the birthday party?

      A . Emily's teachers. B . Emily's cousins. C . Emily's sisters. D . Emily's friends.
  • 6. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(有一项多余)。

    take    make     run   put   speak     ready

    1. (1) Are you getting for your test, Mary?
    2. (2) Tom is busy away his dirty clothes.
    3. (3) — Can Zhang Li photos?

      — Yes, of course.

    4. (4) — Are Danny and John now?

      — No, they aren't.

    5. (5) Grandpa with his friends lanterns every year.
  • 27. 任务型阅读.

        Mingming's mother buys a computer for him. He likes it very much. He often uses the Internet. He downloads(下载) music from the Internet. He often visits websites(网页) to get information for his homework. He also sends emails to his good friends. He makes many good friends from all over the world with the help of his computer. He likes travelling very much; so he often makes travel plans on the computer. But he doesn't download games from the Internet, because he doesn't like computer games at all.

    1. (1) Does Mingming like his computer?
    2. (2) Who buys a computer for Mingming?
    3. (3) How does Mingming use his computer?
    4. (4) How does Mingming make friends?
    5. (5) Does Mingming download games from the Internet?
  • 28. 以“Spring Festival”为题,写一篇英语短文。60词左右。


    2)孩子们穿新衣服. 人们走亲访友;


    4)参考词汇:亲戚relative,团聚get together。

    Spring Festival

