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人教(PEP)版小学英语三年级下册Unit 4 Where ...

更新时间:2021-01-18 浏览次数:127 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 选词填空。

    on,     in,      under

    1. (1) The ball is the box.  
    2. (2) This ball is the box.
    3. (3) That ball is the box.
    4. (4) The dog is the chair.
    5. (5) The ruler is the desk.
  • 12. 选出正确答语。

    ① Where is my bag?                            a. I'm from Canada.

    ②Is your pencil box on the chair?       b. OK!

    ③What's this?                                  c. It's in your desk.

    ④Where are you from?                       d. No, it isn't.

    ⑤Let's go to school.                         e. It's a toy bear.

  • 13. 阅读判断。

        This is my room (房间).I have a new desk and a chair.The book is on the desk.The ruler is under the book.My eraser is in the pencil box.My bag is on the chair.Where's my cat? It's under the chair.It's sleeping (睡觉).

    1. (1) I have a desk and two chairs.
    2. (2) The book is in the bag.
    3. (3) The ruler is under the book.
    4. (4) The bag is on the desk.
    5. (5) My cat is under the chair.
    6. (6) My cat is playing with me.

