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更新时间:2021-03-08 浏览次数:206 类型:期末考试
  • 1. /du:ju:ˌʌndərˈstænd ðə ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz/
    A . Do you understand the instructions? B . Do you understand the information? C . Do you understand the introduction?
  • 2. /'ˈsevrəl 'ˈletəz əˈraɪvd et maɪ həʊm ðɪs ˈmɔːnɪŋ/
    A . Some letters arrived at my home this morning. B . Several letters arrived at my home this morning. C . Sandy's letters arrived at my home this morning.
  • 3. /if ju: trai ha:d ju:wil hæv səkˈses/
    A . If you try hard, you will have success. B . If you try hard,you will succeed. C . If you try hard,you will be successful.
  • 4. /wi: ʃʊd lɜːrn tu 'rɪˈfjuːz 'ˈʌðərz pə'laɪtli /
    A . We should learn to refuse others quietly. B . We should learn to refuse others patiently. C . We should learn to refuse others politely.
  • 5. /ðə 'neɪbərˌhʊd iz fʊl əv ˈmɒdn ˈbɪldɪŋz/
    A . The neighbourhood is filled with modern buildings. B . The neighbourhood is full of modern buildings. C . The neighbourhood is close to modern buildings.
  • 6. — Have you heard that a new technology was used to monitor students' performance in class in Zhejiang?

    — Yes, but I don't think it's a good method.

    A . way B . direction C . pattern
  • 7. — Do you like this book?

    — No, it is boring.

    A . not interesting B . not amazing C . not exciting
  • 8. — I'm sorry, Mrs Green. I am late.

    — Well, it doesn't matter.Just take a seat and get ready for our lesson.

    A . stand up B . look around C . sit down
  • 9. — The panda bus looks cool. Who created it?

    — A company in Shanghai.

    A . invented B . drove C . controlled
  • 10. — The newly opened museum is famous for its all kinds of shows.

    In addition, there are human— like robots giving directions. That's amazing.

    A . Besides B . However C . Instead 
  • 11. — When is the best time to pay a visit to the city library?

    — On weekdays. At weekends there are always a lot of people.

    A . From morning to night. B . From Monday to Friday. C . From beginning to end.
  • 12. — When we talked about where to go, he blew hot and cold.

    — Then have you made a decision in the end?

    A . kept changing his ideas. B . didn't say anything. C . said he wanted to go nowhere.
  • 13. — What can I do for you, Sir?

    — I'd like to make an ____ for a large table.

    A . advice B . example C . order
  • 14. — Did she ____ where she was going?

    — No, she just left without saying anything.

    A . mention B . realize C . promise
  • 15. — Let's plan a trip to America!

    — Don't be______. It's impossible, for we have neither time nor money for it.

    A . stupid B . special C . popular
  • 16. — Did Jim tell you the answer?

    — No, he didn't reply at all. __________, he asked me another question.

    A . Even B . Instead C . Also
  • 17. — What about going to see the film Better Days?

    — I'm afraid I can't go _______ my mother allows me to.

    A . unless B . because C . if
  • 18. — Did you have any interesting _______ in China?

    — Yes. My host family_____ me to a lot of local cultures.

    A . experiences; introduced B . experiments; challenged C . examples; invited
  • 19. — Henry has not come yet?

    — No, you can never_____ his arriving on time. He's always late.

    A . put on B . find out C . depend on
  • 20. — How do you and your e-friends ______ each other?

    — We use WeChat, and sometimes we make calls.

    A . keep in touch with B . make jokes about C . catch up with
  • 21. 通读下面短文,掌提其大意,然后从短文后各愿所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Lyrais a 23-month-old baby. She can't say much yet. In fact, she can't speak "Mom"or "Dad"1.But there is one word Lyra says over and over again. That is "Peppa".Her mom doesn't know why Lyra loves the cartoon2 so much. To her, Peppa is just an3 pink pig.

    PeppaPig first4onTV in 2004. It talks about the stories of Peppa and her family. It5 the hearts of children, and became popular quicklyall over the UK and in other countries. Now Peppa Pig has become one of the most6 cartoons in the world. There are a large numberof books, DVDs and other Peppa Pig products on the market.

    Scientistsgive two reasons7PeppaPig is so popular. It has bright colors and8storylines(故事情节). Children can know whatit is saying. Also, it's right for parents and children to watch together.

    Evenadults enjoy it. For example, Claire, 25, shows her love of Peppa Pig. "Someof my friends can't9it,"she says. But I think it's fun and interesting. I10towatch it with my kid in the future.

    A . loudly B . clearly C . carefully
    A . name B . character C . actor
    A . ugly B . healthy C . smart
    A . lived B . happened C . appeared
    A . broke B . shared C . won
    A . famous B . necessary C . comfortable
    A . when B . how C . why
    A . simple B . boring C . old
    A . miss B . stand C . reach
    A . remember B . seem C . plan
  • 22. 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。

    Are you a fan of country music? Do you like eating barbecue(烧烤)? You can enjoy both of them in the same place-Nashville.

    Nashville is a city in Tennessee, the United States. About 700 thousand people live a happy life here. Founded(建立于) near the Cumberland River in 1779, it is an old city. But it is also a modern one with beautiful buildings and wonderful streets.

    People call it Music City because it is the country music capital of the world. Musicians like Elvis, Beyonce and Taylor Swift have all made music in Nashville.

     If you want to listen to music, go to Honkytonk Highway. There are many music clubs, restaurants and bars(酒吧) on this street. Walk into any of them and you will see a band or a musician play. This city also has many art centres and museums. They are good places to learn about American culture and history.

    Nashville is also a great place to eat nice food. Barbecue is a favourite there. Chicken, ribs, turkey, pork, and beef— Nashville barbecue has something for every taste. Be careful not to eat too much!

    Feel your mouth watering? Go to the city and enjoy yourselves.

    1. (1) The reading above mainly tells us something about_______.
      A . US art B . a country C . a US city D . barbecue
    2. (2) Which of the following statements about Nashville is TRUE?
      A . It has a history of over 200 years. B . About seven million people live in the city. C . It is far from the Cumberland River. D . It is an old city full of old houses.
    3. (3) Elvis, Beyonce and Taylor Swift are all ______.
      A . visitors B . musicians C . cooks D . students
    4. (4) If someone's mouth is watering,he or she feels like______.
      A . eating something very much B . visiting a place C . listening to some music D . playing some music
    5. (5) In which column(栏目) can you find the reading?
      A . Housing B . Sports. C . cooking D . travelling
  • 23. 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。

    Shanghaibecome the first city to enforce(执行) its strictest—ever waste law on July 1, 2019. According to the law, people arerequired to separate(分离) dry waste, wet waste, recyclablewaste and harmful waste. Those who fail to separate waste face fines(罚款) of up to 200 yuan. Companies can be fined up to 5,000 yuan. What dopeople think of the law? Let's have a look.

    Robertfrom the US: I totally agree! China is heading in the right direction and all theChinese cities are expected to meet this strict standard! I am looking forward toseeing a cleaner, better and healthier China.

    Kimfrom the UK: There's no doubt that everyone should do something to protect the environmentI'm all for it. But first of all, we have to make sure people know how to separatedifferent kinds of waste.

    Michaelfrom Finland: It's great. In Finland, all soft drinks and beer bottles have a deposit(押金). For example, a Coca— Cola bottle has a depositin the price when you buy it. You get the money back when you return the bottleto the store. And all apartment buildings with more than five apartments must recyclepaper, cardboard, glass and metal waste.

    Jackfrom China: I don't think it will achieve expected results, but things will improvefor sure. Some people will start to realize the importance of separating waste andput waste in different bins. In my opinion, as long as we all pull together, wewill be able to make our Earth a better planet.

    1. (1) What does Robert think of the waste law in Shanghai?
      A . It's totally useless. B . It's much too strict. C . It's impossible to follow. D . It's really necessary.
    2. (2) According to Kim, people should first be educated to ________.
      A . spend money wisely B . separate waste correctly C . clean up harmful waste D . It's really necessary.
    3. (3) In ______ country, one has to pay a deposit when buying Coca— Cola.
      A . Robert's B . Kim's C . Michael's D . Jack's
    4. (4) What can we learn from the reading?
      A . The waste law in Shanghai is helpful. B . Robert would like to study in China someday. C . Kim and Michael are from the same country. D . Jack is sure that the law will get good results.
    5. (5) What's the reading mainly about?
      A . Why to enforce the waste law? B . How to separate waste properly. C . People's opinions on the waste law. D . The importance of separating waste.
  • 24. 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。

    Clubs are great ways to connect people with similar interests. If you've ever dreamed of starting your own club, you can easily make it happen with a little time and effort. Here are the ways for you!

    First,    ▲  . You may want to meet with other people to discuss similar interests, make or build things, play games, help other people and so on. Most clubs are hobby clubs.

    Second, find a meeting place. You'll need a place for meetings. It must be easy for everyone to get to and large enough to hold all the members. If you want to meet at school, make sure your school allows that. You could also meet in a public space, like a park, cafe, or library.

    Third, decide on the meeting time. After you know where to meet, you need to decide when. Choose a day of the week when your members are free, such as a Saturday. Once you have more members, you can discuss and come up with a meeting plan. It doesn't need to be long-one hour should be enough.

    Last, begin welcoming new members. The best place to find members is from around you. Ask family members, friends, and classmates if they are interested in joining. Even if they're not interested, ask them to tell other people about your club. You could also put ads on your school noticeboard, WeChat, or QQ.

    Then it's time to begin your first meeting

    1. (1) Which can be put in    ▲  ?
      A . ask your teacher or parent for help B . learn about what clubs there are in your school C . think about what kind of club you want to start D . find out the reason why your school has so many clubs
    2. (2) What shouldn't you think about if you find a meeting place at school?
      A . The place is easy for your members to get to. B . The place is allowed using by your school. C . The place is close to your house. D . The place is large enough.
    3. (3) The underlined word "It" refers to ______.
      A . the meeting time B . the first meeting C . the first member D . the meeting place
    4. (4) what is the night order to start a new club?

      ①where will we meet?      ② Who will join me?

      ③ What kind of club it is?    ④ When will we meet?

      A . ①②③④ B . ②③④ C . ③②④① D . ③①④②
    5. (5) What will the inter talk about next?
      A . How many members attend the meeting B . How to hold the first meeting C . How many rules you need for your club. D . Where to hold the first meeting
  • 25. 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。

        Kristina Morris didn't think she would end up attending college. At age 57, she had a career, a family and was looking forward to the next chapter in life. But after she retired (退休)she got bore. So when her son started attending Mesa Community College, she decided to join him.

        I graduated from high school in 1980, so going back to school was very strange at first she said. But one of the special things at MCC is that there are a lot of returning students in their 30s, 40s and 50s. A lot of students were like me—  moms who didn't have the chance to go to college earlier in life.

        At times, it was difficult to balance her class schedule and take care of her mother and husband, both of whom have health problems. Then she found a solution. Morris took about half of her classes online "Even though I missed the communication with the teachers and classmates, online classes really helped with my schedule."

        Morris got good grades in high school but wasn't sure she still could perform well in college "When I started at MCC. I never dreamed I would do as well as I have." Moms got two degrees in May, an Associate's Degree in Arts and an Arizona General Education Curriculum.

        With her new degrees, Moms is planning to go back to work and is looking for an education administrative(行政的) position. "I really enjoy helping the students figure out their schedule and helping them get to where they need to go."

    1. (1) What did Morris think of her retired life?
      A . Relaxing B . Boring C . Hopeful. D . Busy
    2. (2) Why did Morris find it strange to go back to school?
      A . Because there were so many students Tike her. B . Because she attended the same school as her son. C . Because she could have online classes at the same time D . Because she had had a very long time not being in school.
    3. (3) What difficulties did Morris have when attending college.

      ①She didn't have much time for class.

      ②She was not sure about her college performance.

      ③She didn't have enough money to pay the college fees

      A . ①② B . ①③ C . ②③ D . ①②③
    4. (4) What can we learn from the last paragraph?
      A . Morris' mother and husband supported her a lot. B . Morris got the two degrees just to prove herself. C . Morris wants to find a job in which she can help students. D . Morris decides to be a teacher at Mesa Community College.
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . A special college. B . Never stop learning C . Always remember your dream D . A mother college graduate.
  • 31. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

        One day, a fire broke out in a forest where there lived a lot of animals. The wind was blowing so (strong)that the forest was engulfed(吞没)by the wild fire.

        Feeling afraid, the animals tried to run out of the forest. As they came to a river, they stopped (watch)the fire. They all felt very upset about (lose)their homes. However, everyone thought there was nothing they could do about the fire one little bird.

        This bird thought that he could do something. He flew to the river, (pick)up a few drops of water, flew back to the forest and put (they)back to the river and did it again. Some of the animals shouted, "It's no use. The fire is too big and you are too little." Others shouted, "It's (possible)for you to put out the fire. And your wings might get burned." Some animals even laughed at the bird.

       The bird looked back and said, "I am doing I can", A sudden silence fell. Then there was voice," The bird is right. Every little bit (help).Let's pull together and save our homes." Hearing this, all the animals started to take action.

  • 32. 假如你是李明,你来自英国的网友 Henry给你发来邮件求助,请你根据下面的邮件内容以及给出的回复提示给他回一封邮件。

    Dear Li Ming,

        How's it going? I need your help. I fall ill easily. This month, I have got a cold three times. How can I improve my health? Please help me. Waiting for your reply!










    参考词汇:something that has too much oil; stay up(熬夜); take time to exercise; have enough sleep

    Dear Henry,

        I'm sorry to hear that you are in trouble these days. Here are my ways to stay healthy.



    Li Ming

