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仁爱科普版初中英语八年级下册Unit 6 Topic 3 B...

更新时间:2017-11-20 浏览次数:695 类型:同步测试
  • 36. 从Ⅱ栏中选择适当选项到Ⅰ栏。


     If I ride at night,

     If you drive a car in Britain,

     If I ride to school every day,

     If you ride your bicycle in the street,

     If everyone obeys the traffic rules,


    a. you must be careful enough.

    b. I'll keep fit.

    c. I should have a bike light or wear light colored clothing.

    d. the roads will be safe.

    e. you must drive on the left-hand side of the road.

五、 用动词的适当形式填空。
  • 52. 完形填空   

    There was a bridge crossing a big river from west to east. It1a man five minutes 2 it. There was a pavilion(凉亭)3the middle of the bridge with a soldier4. He came out5three minutes.6he saw somebody crossing the bridge, he would tell him to go7, not permitting(限制)him to cross. A clever man thought of a8idea, and crossed the9at last. What10did the clever man think of to cross the bridge?

    A . take B . took C . taking
    A . walking B . to walk C . to cross
    A . in B . to C . on
    A . nearly B . inside C . outside
    A . every B . very C . of
    A . As B . If C . After
    A . right B . left C . back
    A . great B . kind C . well
    A . river B . bridge C . man
    A . road B . thing C . idea
  • 53. 阅读理解

        A shark(鲨鱼)sees a monkey. It says, “Hello, my friend, would you please come to my house? My mother and the others of my family want to see you.”

        “That's very good.” the monkey says, “But I can't swim.”

        “Oh, sit on my back. I'll take you there.” On the way, the shark says, “I must tell you my mother is ill, she wants to eat your heart.”

        “But I'm sorry, I don't bring it with me. I put it in the tree. Take me back and get it.” says the monkey.

        “Let's go back.” shark says.

        When they return, the monkey climbs up the tree and leaves the shark waiting for him in the water.

    1. (1) The monkey can't swim.
    2. (2) The shark's mother wants to see the monkey.
    3. (3) The monkey doesn't bring his heart with him.
    4. (4) The monkey wants to give his heart to the shark's mother.
    5. (5) The monkey is very clever.

