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人教新目标初中英语八年级下册英语Unit 2 I'll he...

更新时间:2023-02-09 浏览次数:66 类型:单元试卷
  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答下面两个小题。
    1. (1) Where are Henry and his mom talking?
      A . At Animal Center. B . At the bus stop. C . At home.
    2. (2) When will Henry and his mom meet Mary?
      A . At 9: 00 a. m. B . At 2: 00 p. m. C . At 6: 00 p. m.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答下面三个小题。
    1. (1) How often does Bill go to the old people's home?
      A . Once a week. B . Twice a week. C . Three times a week.
    2. (2) What does Bill usually help do?
      A . Look after pets. B . Clean the houses. C . Read the newspapers.
    3. (3) How does Bill usually get to the old people's home?
      A . By bus. B . By bike. C . By subway.
  • 8. 短文理解
    1. (1) How old is Linda?
      A . She is 13. B . She is 18. C . She is 20.
    2. (2) Why wasn't Linda's father able to work?
      A . Because he was too old. B . Because he had a sore back. C . Because he had a heart problem.
    3. (3) What is Linda studying at university?
      A . Music. B . Education. C . Medicine.
    4. (4) When does Linda volunteer?
      A . Every Monday afternoon. B . Every Friday afternoon. C . Every Sunday afternoon.
    5. (5) Where is Linda going to work when she leaves university?
      A . In her own village. B . In a big city. C . In the mountains.
  • 9. 信息转换。

    A happy girl

    Doctors' prediction about Alice

    Alice would go blind and .

    How old Alice is

    She is years old.

    What Alice hopes to do

    She hopes to her life.

    Alice's dream

    She can help more people.

    How much money Alice has

    She has got more than $150,000.

  • 20. 完形填空

        Cameron volunteers at Project Open Hand in America. It 1 meals to some sick or old people. They prepare 2,500 2and 200 bags of healthy groceries (食品)in their voluntary program every day.

        Last year, Cameron first learned about Project Open Hand. He was working on Polk Street at that time.3 he walked past their store on his way to and from work each day, Cameron began getting,4in their notice about "Volunteers Wanted". Cameron later learned that some of his doctor friends were working in it. They were studying and looking for 5 food for the program. After they found the 6, they would give it to sick people.

        Cameron quickly learned of how Project Open Hand got its beginning. They began by serving food to those living a poor life because of health problems.

        "When I knew they did this kind of work and it was making a big 7to people, I decided to give a hand'" said Cameron.

        During his 8, Cameron helps make sure the food is healthy for old or sick people. He also raises money for the program.

        "Charities (慈善组织)are 9 looking for volunteers'" says Cameron. "And it's 10 for you to be one of them. Just do something you love to do and enjoy doing it with others. "

    A . controls B . wastes C . repairs D . serves
    A . signs B . leaders C . owners D . bowls
    A . Unless B . If C . As D . Though
    A . interested B . bored C . surprised D . angry
    A . fast B . hot C . cold D . healthy
    A . situation B . importance C . food D . feeling
    A . decision B . accident C . trouble D . difference
    A . volunteering B . climbing C . exercising D . learning
    A . never B . yet C . always D . sometimes
    A . hard B . easy C . lucky D . strong
  • 21. 完形填空

        A few months ago, I learned that the city food bank needed some volunteers. I used to be the 1 in my group of friends. So, I sent letters to 10 friends. I'd like to 2a group that would volunteer to serve dinner to the disabled people. I wanted to 3 my friends to be part of the group. Almost all of my friends 4.

        One day, several of my friends brought some food and helped prepare the 5. "I got such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I saw the 6people get the food!" said one friend. Later, another friend made a list (清单) about serving,7 we could do quickly and easily. Now each month there are new faces that join the group. One woman 8 invited another group of her friends to serve.

        It's hard to imagine that simple 9asking friends to help have made a great difference. At first, I just wanted to be an organizer. Now, I 10 my idea. I also love to work as a volunteer, because I can get more joy from the happy faces of the disabled people.

    A . volunteer B . organizer C . singer D . nurse
    A . set up B . cheer up C . give up D . clean up
    A . take B . move C . invite D . teach
    A . refused B . agreed C . stayed D . left
    A . training B . journey C . party D . meal
    A . disabled B . strong C . clever D . kind
    A . but B . so C . because D . or
    A . still B . hardly C . only D . even
    A . words B . visits C . letters D . e­mails
    A . keep B . change C . get D . open
  • 22. 补全对话

    A: How was your day, Susie?

    B: Long!   I did a lot today!

    A: Good job! Do you have plans for this evening?

    B: No.

    A: I volunteer at a soup kitchen after work on Mondays. And they need more help!

    B: OK!

    A: You can serve hot soup with a smile(微笑)!

    B: That's easy!

    A: Yes. The weather is cold now. A lot of homeless people want hot soup.

    B: And the soup kitchen is warm inside.

    A: Yes, it is! They have hot coffee and tea, too.


    A: Yes. And I'm not one of them. I feel very lucky.

    A. But it was good.

    B. But it is terrible.

    C. Why do you ask?

    D. How can I help?

    E. Why don't you help them?

    F. Are you going there right now?

    G. There are a lot of homeless people in this city.

  • 23. 阅读理解

        "Make­A­Wish" is one of the world's most well­known charities. It makes wishes come true for children who have serious illnesses. It gives them hope and joy and helps them forget about their health problems and have fun.

        It started in 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona. Christopher was a 7-­year­-old boy who was very sick. He always dreamed of becoming a police officer. Tommy Austin and Ron Cox, two police officers, made his wish come true. They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter(直升机) and made a real police uniform(制服) for him.

        There are four kinds of wishes children usually have:

        I wish to go. Children usually want to travel or go to a concert, a game or a park.

        I wish to meet. Children sometimes want to meet their favorite actors, singers or players.

        I wish to be. Some children wish to become actors, singers or police officers.

        I wish to have. They often want to have a computer, a game, a bike or many other things.

        Let's hope more wishes will come true in the future. People who work in the charity always try their best. Almost 25,000 volunteers help, work or give money. Will you be one of them?

    1. (1) "Make­A­Wish" is a charity to help ____.
      A . sick children B . serious officers C . famous actors D . popular singers
    2. (2) Which kind of wishes does Christopher have?
      A . I wish to go. B . I wish to meet. C . I wish to be a policeman. D . I wish to have.
    3. (3) The purpose of the last paragraph is to ____.
      A . explain what "Make­A­Wish" is B . encourage more people to join the charity C . tell us how Christopher's wish came true D . introduce different kinds of children's wishes
  • 24. 阅读理解

        This is a true story of a very special hotel named Maggie. Do you wonder what makes Maggie special?

        It started long ago in Michigan, the USA. Maggie was one of the most popular hotels. People liked going swimming in its pool and having meals at its restaurant. Its halls were always filled with people and laughter (笑声). However, years later, there were more good hotels in Michigan. As a result, fewer and fewer people went to stay in Maggie. And its halls became empty.

        One day, a man named Mike Karl came to Maggie. He said, "I'm going to fill Maggie with people and laughter once again. " First, Mike Karl hired (雇用) people to fix up the hotel. They painted and cleaned the rooms and halls. Next, Mike Karl went to look for people without homes and brought these people to Maggie. Maggie became a famous hotel for the homeless in the USA. Very soon, more and more homeless people moved into the hotel. Maggie provided these people with warm beds, food, clothes, showers and jobs.

        As you can see, without Maggie and Mike Karl, many people would not have homes. Now, do you know why Maggie is special?

    1. (1) What do you think of Mike Karl?
      A . Serious. B . Kind. C . Funny. D . Lazy.
    2. (2) Now, Maggie is a hotel for ____ people.
      A . rich B . talented C . disabled D . homeless
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Maggie is in Canada. B . There is a pool in Maggie. C . Mike Karl was a homeless man. D . Mike Karl fixed up Maggie by himself.
    4. (4) Why did the writer write this passage?
      A . To advise us to help others. B . To tell us who built Maggie. C . To advise us to visit Maggie. D . To tell us about a special hotel.
  • 25. 阅读理解

        A 94­year­old retired (退休的) teacher is still busy over the winter vacation, giving lessons to the children in Buchen Village. This is the 21st winter since Ye Lianping first began teaching children Chinese and English for free.

        Most of the children in the village are left behind as their parents work in other cities. Ye decided to offer help by giving free lessons. And his generosity (慷慨) does not stop there. Over the past 21 years, he's spent over 300'000 yuan on the children—almost all his savings (积蓄). In 2012, he set up a scholarship (奖学金) to help the students in need. He doesn't have much money now, but Ye says he is rich in spirit.

        In the summer of 2018, Ye was hurt while riding a bike to school. He was asked to rest in bed for months, but he went back to the children quickly. Now in his 90s, Ye still keeps teaching for five hours every day. Thanks to him, many volunteers from different universities come to the village to teach.

         "This is what education should be like. Its purpose (目标) is to teach students how to become better people'" said Ye.

    1. (1) Ye started to teach children for free when he was ____.
      A . 20 B . 37 C . 65 D . 73
    2. (2) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Students can learn from Ye only at weekends. B . Ye rested in bed for months after an accident. C . Ye was an English teacher when he was young. D . Many volunteers come to the village now.
    3. (3) Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
      A . A great teacher B . The needs of the village C . The purpose of education D . The volunteer teachers
  • 26. 阅读理解

    Give Your Love

        10 , 000 Storybooks Needed

        If you have old storybooks at home and you have no places for them, you can give them away to Momo Bookstore. The bookstore is collecting(收集) 10,000 storybooks from April 25 to May 28. The storybooks are going to be sent to schools in poor places. You will get a doll(布娃娃) gift if you give 5 storybooks or more.

        Your Money, Their Hospital

        Tzu Chi is planning to build a new hospital in Sichuan that will give free medical treatment (医疗) to the poor people there. By December 31, you can help by sending money through the post office. Tel: 09887465, To: Tzu Chi.

        We Need Your Time

        The Red Cross needs more voluntary workers to take care of the old, especially(尤其) on weekends. We have 500 old people, but only 30 workers. More are needed. Please call us: (03)422­7896.

    1. (1) If you want to give away your storybooks, you can do it on ____.
      A . April 15 B . April 28 C . May 29 D . May 31
    2. (2) ____ will receive the storybooks that people give away.
      A . The old people in the Red Cross B . The schools in poor places C . The schools in Sichuan D . The hospitals in poor places
    3. (3) Which of the following is the most possible to help Tzu Chi?
      A . Helen is planning to do something with her money. B . Ben has no money but he is free every weekend. C . Judy is a book lover and has many storybooks. D . Mr. Wang is a doctor and he wants a new job.
  • 27. 阅读理解

    Dear neighbors,

        Next Saturday is the Volunteer Day of our community (社区). Here is the plan.

        7: 30 a. m. : Meet at the Community Center for breakfast.

        8: 00 a. m. -8: 30 a. m. : Decide which of the following organizations you'd like to work for. You can begin thinking about what you may want to do now.

        Happy Homes: It provides home repairs for people in need.

        Elder Care: It sends volunteers to the old people's home. Volunteers can play games with the old people there or talk with them.

        City Parks Association: It needs volunteers to help plant flowers and pick up trash (垃圾) in city parks. These are outdoor activities, so remember to bring some drinking water!

        Love and Learning: It helps children with learning disabilities. Read books out loudly to groups of children and help them with their homework.

        8: 30 a. m. -9: 00 a. m. : Get on the bus for your chosen activity, and ride the bus with the other volunteers to your activity site (地点).

        9: 00 a. m. -12: 00 noon: Work as a volunteer.

        12: 00 noon -1: 00 p. m. : Share lunch with your volunteer group.

        1: 00 p. m. -3: 30 p. m. : Go on with your voluntary work.

        3: 30 p. m. : Get on the bus that will take you back to the Community Center. You can talk with other volunteers and share your experiences.

        To know more information, please call us at 718­384­782. We are looking forward to your joining.

    Central Community

    1. (1) What do volunteers for Happy Homes do?
      A . They repair homes. B . They clean up homes. C . They visit the old people's home. D . They care for children at home alone.
    2. (2) How will volunteers go to their activity sites?
      A . By bike. B . By car. C . By bus. D . By subway.
    3. (3) The writer writes this passage to ____.
      A . ask people to do the Volunteer Day activities B . show the importance of volunteering C . describe a voluntary experience D . tell people how to be a volunteer
    4. (4) If you join the City Parks Association, you needn't ____.
      A . plant flowers B . feed the birds C . pick up trash D . bring drinking water
  • 28. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。

        Long long ago, each kind of animals lived in their special village that was the same color as themselves. They believed the world's color was the same as their color, and no animal thought there would be any difference outside their village.

        But one day, a little bird came to the village of the brown elephants. He said that he saw some yellow cows in the cows' village and that all the things in that village were yellow. Of course no one believed him. So the bird asked them to go with him and visit the cows' village. When the elephants arrived, they could see that it was true. It was really a different world. Everything in that village was yellow. The yellow cows were also surprised to see the brown elephants. The two groups of animals got together and decided to go and find more colors.

        They took a trip through many other villages of different colors. When all the animals were together, it started to rain. The rain mixed the animals' colors up, leaving each one with the color they have today.

        This story tells us that not all the things are the same as we think. We should always be open­minded.

    1. (1) What color were all the things in the cows' village? (不超过5个词)
    2. (2) Which two groups of animals got together at first? (不超过5个词)
    3. (3) What can we learn from the story? (不超过10个词)
  • 34. 假如你是李华,上周六你参加了学校的环保俱乐部(Saving the Environment Club)组织的志愿者活动。其内容包括: 张贴海报、分发广告、打扫街道、打扫公园等。


    Dear Linda,


    Li Hua

