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新目标(Go for it)版2017-2018学年七年...

更新时间:2018-01-15 浏览次数:444 类型:期中考试
  • 6. Where is Tony's watch?
    Mom, I can't find my watch.<br />Look, Tony, it's on your quilt.<br />Mom, I can't find my watch.<br />Look, Tony, it's on your quilt.
    A . On the quilt. B . On the desk. C . On the map.
  • 7. What is on the chair?
    What's that on the chair, Bill? It's a map of China.<br />What's that on the chair, Bill? It's a map of China.
    A . A Chinese book. B . A photo. C . A map of China.
  • 8. Who are in the picture?
    It's a nice picture. Who are they, Bob?<br />They are my uncle and aunt.<br />It's a nice picture. Who are they, Bob?<br />They are my uncle and aunt.
    A . Bob's grandparents. B . Bob's uncle and aunt. C . Bob's sisters.
  • 9. What is Sissy's telephone number?
    Hi Vicky, what's your good friend Sissy's telephone number?<br />It's 278-5327.<br />Hi Vicky, what's your good friend Sissy's telephone number?<br />It's 278-5327.
    A . 278-3527. B . 278-5237. C . 278-5327.
  • 10. Where is Mary's ring?
    Mary, is this yellow ring yours?<br />No, it isn't. Mine is green, and it's on my box.<br />Mary, is this yellow ring yours?<br />No, it isn't. Mine is green, and it's on my box.
    A . In the box. B . On the box. C . Under the box.
  • 11. 选择最佳答案。 
    Morning, Lisa. I lost my English notebook.<br />Oh, Eric. What color is it?<br />It's black.<br />Anna found a notebook. I think it's yours.<br />But I don't know her.<br />Oh, she is my sister.<br />Where is she?<br />She is in Classroom 1A. And her jacket is purple.<br />Thanks. What's her phone number?<br />367-5899.<br />Morning, Lisa. I lost my English notebook.<br />Oh, Eric. What color is it?<br />It's black.<br />Anna found a notebook. I think it's yours.<br />But I don't know her.<br />Oh, she is my sister.<br />Where is she?<br />She is in Classroom 1A. And her jacket is purple.<br />Thanks. What's her phone number?<br />367-5899.
    1. (1) Eric lost a(n) ________.
      A . ID card B . telephone C . English notebook
    2. (2) Anna is Lisa's________.
      A . sister B . room C . aunt
    3. (3) Anna is in ________.
      A . Classroom 2E B . Classroom 3R C . Classroom 1A
    4. (4) Anna's jacket is________.
      A . black B . blue C . purple
    5. (5) Anna's phone number is ________.
      A . 367-9855 B . 367-5899 C . 367-8599
  • 12. 选择最佳答案。 
    Morning. I'm David Smith. Here is a photo of my classroom. Can you see two desks? They<br />are Lucy's and mine. Lucy's blue school bag is under her desk. Her English book is on<br />the chair, and her pencil is on the English book. My yellow school bag and my pencil box<br />are on my desk. My three pencils and two erasers are in my pencil box.<br />Morning. I'm David Smith. Here is a photo of my classroom. Can you see two desks? They<br />are Lucy's and mine. Lucy's blue school bag is under her desk. Her English book is on<br />the chair, and her pencil is on the English book. My yellow school bag and my pencil box<br />are on my desk. My three pencils and two erasers are in my pencil box.
    1. (1) Here is a photo of________.
      A . Lucy's room B . David's room C . David's classroom
    2. (2) Lucy's ________ is on the English book.
      A . pencil B . pencil box C . ring
    3. (3) David's schoolbag is________.
      A . green B . blue C . yellow
    4. (4) David's pencil box is ________.
      A . under his desk B . on his desk C . on his chair
    5. (5) David's ________ are in his pencil box.
      A . two pens and four erasers B . two pencils and three erasers C . three pencils and two erasers
  • 23. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。    Do you have a good friend? I have one. She's English and1name is Kate.We are in the same (相同的)2and my desk is next to hers.She is nice and I3her well.She always4me with my English and I always tell her how to say "quilt", "grandma", "radio" …in Chinese.She likes reading and she has so many5in her room.They are everywhere — on her bed, on the sofa and on her desk ...Some of them are6the computer.She7it's very important(重要的).Look! This is a8of Kate's family.9people(人)are in it:her parents.her sister, her brother and herself(她自己).Kate's mother Helen is our English10.She teaches well and she's good to us.We like her very much.
    A . my B . his C . her D . its
    A . class B . school C . library D . family
    A . know B . thank C . excuse D . find
    A . calls B . helps C . says D . loses
    A . pens B . notebooks C . books D . boxes
    A . in B . for C . at D . about
    A . thinks B . asks C . meets D . sees
    A . map B . photo C . dog D . card
    A . Five B . Six C . Seven D . Eight
    A . friend B . aunt C . teacher D . girl
  • 24. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hello, Ms. Green. Is it here?
    B: Is your name on it?
    A: No, it isn't.
    A: It's blue.
    A: No, it isn't.
    B: Is that one yours?
    A: Thank you, Ms. Green.
    A.What color is it?
    B.You' re welcome.
    C.Is it on the table?
    D.Is this one yours?
    E.Oh! Yes, it's mine.
    F.I can't find my notebook.
    G.It's my English notebook.
  • 25. 阅读理解A
        I'm Linda.I can't find my keys.I lost them this morning.There is a Lost and Found box in our classroom.My keys may (可能)be in the box.
        Oh, there are many things in the box.This is a pencil box.What color is it? It's yellow.That is a white eraser.And what's that? It is a watch.A picture of a CD is on it.It's Sara's.Wow! I find my keys.One is to my classroom,and the other (另一个)is to my house.That green cup is Jack's.This baseball is his,too.I will(将)ask him to take his things.Three rulers, two pencils and two nice pens are also in the box.Whose are they? I don't know.
    1. (1) The pencil box in the Lost and Found box is green.
    2. (2) Sara's CD is in the Lost and Found box.
    3. (3) Linda finds her keys in the Lost and Found box.
    4. (4) Jack lost a cup and a baseball.
    5. (5) There are three nice pens in the Lost and Found box.
  • 26. 阅读理解B
    Paul:Good morning, Alan.
    Alan:Good morning, Paul.Look at that boy.I never(从未)saw him before.
    Paul:The boy in the blue jacket?
    Alan:No. The boy is in red.He is playing baseball.
    Paul:Oh, he is a new student in my class.His name is Mike Smith.
    Alan:He plays well!
    Paul:Yes, he is on the baseball team(队). His father is good at it, too.
    Alan:Is his father a baseball player(运动员)?
    Paul:No, he is a doctor.
    Alan:What about his mother?
    Paul:His mother is an English teacher in our school. She is nice.
    Alan:When did they come to Shanghai'?
    Paul:Last month. They will live here for a year and then go to Beijing.
    Alan:You know a lot about Mike.
    Paul:Yes. We' re good friends.
    1. (1) What is Mike doing?
      A . He is running. B . He is swimming. C . He is playing baseball. D . He is playing basketball.
    2. (2) Who works in the school?
      A . Mike's uncle. B . Mike's brother. C . Mike's mother. D . Mike's father.
    3. (3) Mike is in ________ now.
      A . Beijing B . Shanghai C . Guangzhou D . Shenzhen
    4. (4) Mike and Paul are________.
      A . brothers B . cousins C . on the same team D . in the same class
    5. (5) 下列哪项陈述是正确的?
      A . There are four people in Mike's family. B . Alan meets Mike for the first time. C . Paul and Alan are classmates. D . Mike is in a blue jacket.
  • 27. 阅读理解C
        Mr. Smith works in a big city. Mrs. Smith teaches English in a small town(镇). Bill is their son.He is with his mother.
        It's a sunny Monday morning. Mrs. Smith writes a letter(信) to Mr. Smith.She says,"Bill, take the letter to the post office (邮局)and your father will get it on Friday."
        After a very long time,Bill comes back home.
        "Why do you come back so late? Did you play basketball with your friends?" asks Mrs. Smith.
        "No, Morn," answers Bill, "I went to the post office in South Street."
        "Why did you go there? There is one near our house."
        "But the one in South Street is near Dad.He can get the letter earlier(更早地)."
    1. (1) Mrs. Smith lives with her________.
      A . son B . parents C . brother D . grandparents
    2. (2) Mrs. Smith thinks Mr. Smith will get the letter on________.
      A . Monday B . Tuesday C . Friday D . Saturday
    3. (3) Bill comes  back ,home  late  because________.
      A . he lost his way B . he walked slowly C . he played with his friends D . he went to a far post office
    4. (4) What do the words "the one" refer to(指的是)?
      A . The letter.    B . The friend. C . The post office. D . The basketball sch001.
    5. (5) 下列哪项陈述是正确的?
      A . Bill is a clever boy. B . Mr. Smith is a teacher. C . Mr. Smith can get the letter earlier, D . South Street is far from Bill's house.
  • 28. A)根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。
    1. (1) Alice and Amy are my uncle's(女儿).
    2. (2) Three (词典)are in the bookcase.
    3. (3) He must (来到)here at 4:00 this afternoon.
    4. (4) The (帽子)in this shop(商店)are very nice.
    5. (5) Some (磁带)are in the box.
  • 29. B)根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一个。
    lost,    parent,    they,    room,    library
    1. (1) Jack's think Jack is a good son.
    2. (2) Wow! Your is very tidy, Linda.
    3. (3) Books are everywhere in our school
    4. (4) I my cup this morning and Mike found it in the classroom.
    5. (5) —What are the names of these girls?

      names are Jenny and Jessie.

  • 30. A)根据汉语意思完成英语句子或对话,每空词(含缩略形式)。
    1. (1) 桌子上的两串钥匙是他的。

      The on the table are his

    2. (2) 多谢你的钢笔。


    3. (3) 我的飞机模型在书柜里。

      My in the bookcase.

    4. (4) —他叫什么名字?



    5. (5) —你的光盘在哪里?


      your CDs?

      on the table.

  • 31. B)根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。
    1. (1) Gary is my cousin.    (改为一般疑问句)

      cousin ?

    2. (2) That is her watch.    (改为复数形式)


    3. (3) They are my grandparents(对划线部分提问)

      are they?

    4. (4) These are Jim's photos.    (改为同义句)


    5. (5) —Are those your brothers?(补全否定答语)


  • 32.     假如你是李琳,下周你校英语角要开展"我和我的家庭"主题演讲活动,请你根据下面的要点提示写一篇英语短文,为演讲做准备。





    参考词汇:年级grade 爱love

        Hello,boys and girls.                                

        That's all.Thank you!

