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冀教版(三年级起点)小学英语六年级上册Unit 4 Chri...

更新时间:2017-12-07 浏览次数:281 类型:单元试卷
  • 12. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。
    1. (1) What day is it?
      A . It's Sunday. B . It's Monday. C . It's Saturday.
    2. (2) What's the date(日期)today?
      A . It's December 25th. B . It's January 1st. C . It's June 1st.
    3. (3) What did Sam do yesterday?
      A . He bought some food. B . He danced. C . He walked to the park.
    4. (4) What is Sam doing now?
      A . He is shopping. B . He is dancing.  C . He is walking to the park.
    5. (5) How does Sam feel?
      A . He feels happy. B . He feels excited. C . He feels tired.
  • 13. 根据首字母和图片提示填空。

    1. (1) On a h, we don't go to school.
    2. (2) He likes to sing a s.
    3. (3) Today is Friday. T is Saturday.
    4. (4) Let's p up the Christmas tree.
    5. (5) My sister is l. She likes gifts very much.
  • 14. 为图片选择正确的描述。





    A. We are getting ready for Christmas.

    B. We bought gifts for our family and friends.

    C. He always says "Ho, ho, ho". He is a merry man.

    D. I'm going to send a card with snowmen on it to my good friend.

    E. I invite my friend to my house.

  • 25. 为以下句子选择正确的答语。

    ⑴When is the Spring Festival?

    ⑵Who is Santa?

    ⑶Would you like some dumplings?

    ⑷Are you going to buy something for your family?

    ⑸This gift is for you.

    A. Yes, I am.

    B. It's in January or February.

    C. No, thanks.

    D. Thank you.

    E. He is a happy man in red clothes.

  • 31. 选择正确的单词补全短文。

    bring   give   grandma   then   grandpa

    The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. I like it. I am very happy. My and are going to come to my house. They are going to gifts for me. And I'm going to them gifts. we will eat moon cakes together. We will be happy.

  • 32. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        One day, long long ago, a little baby was born(出生). His name was Jesus(耶稣). Jesus was a special baby. Many people said he was the son of God(上帝). When he was born, a new star was in the sky. Three wise men saw the star. They followed the star to Jesus. They brought the baby special gifts. When the baby grew into a man, he was a great teacher. He taught people to love God and to love each other. Jesus's birthday,December 25th, is Christmas Day. We give gifts to our friends and family at Christmas. We put stars on our Christmas trees, too.

    1. (1) Many people said God was Jesus's father.
    2. (2) Jesus was a special boy.
    3. (3) Jesus was a teacher. He taught English.
    4. (4) Jesus taught people to love each other.
    5. (5) Jesus's birthday is November 25th.
  • 33.     圣诞节之前,孩子们都会给圣诞老人写一封信,把自己在圣诞节中想要的礼物写出来,希望圣诞老人能满足自己的愿望。请你也写一写吧。

    Dear Santa,

        I'm waiting for your gifts.



